Originally posted by Tyrant
^man that hurts (but i kinda see yer point of view).
not all muslims are what is portrayed by most media, not all of us are brainwashed fanatics and hypocritical zealots.
No offense Tyrant... you seem like a very level headed guy and I suppose irl if we were on the same battlefield I would trust you - its just Islam (of late) has been bringing out every nutter in the religion. Not to say other religions don\'t have there share of fruitloops.
I always think of where Christianity was when it was 1200 or so years old - in the Dark Age. Islam is roughly 1200 years old and I suppose everything has a cycle and maybe Islam is going through its Dark Age as well. Who knows... this the exact reason I am very wary of organized religion in general.
I know that may shock some of you considering my conservative stance on most issues, but I do think religion is the cause of most of the problems in the world today.