Mostly motorcycle accidents.
1) Hit a patch of diesel tipping into a roundabout and got thrown off, landed on my neck on the kerb. Smashed my collarbone but for some reason my neck didn\'t break.
2) The accident I\'m most proud of! I was at a roundabout on the bike waiting to pull out when the coach behind me decides he\'s gonna pull out first. He drove up my right side and then bloody turned left. The coach hit the back of the bike and dragged me off and down the road, when he straightened up the rear wheel got closer and closer. I was pinned between the bike and the coach so I pulled my body out of the way, he got my legs though, it hurt. All I remember seeing before the crush moment was UW 10595kg and then the back wheel go over. To anyone who rides bikes, wear expensive armour, it saved my legs.