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My comprehension goes beyond yours.
Originally posted by Samwise Which part didn\'t you understand? Hell, English isn\'t my primary language and I could figure it out.
Originally posted by SwifDi I understood it, however after seeping through a million gramatical errors.
Originally posted by Samwise Not everyone can write perfectly, perhaps because of dyslexia etc., hence the reason it\'s not polite to make fun of such errors.
Originally posted by SwifDi Hence the reason they should not post at forums in which the only medium of communication is through reading one\'s text, and if you can\'t type no one can comprehend or even if they could, the wouldn\'t care less about what teh retard has to say.
Originally posted by Titan She understood the risks and her rank states that she can be used for anything. And yes, our government uses its soldiers, thats what they are there for. They go in, die, become prisoners and get paraded to the world in a dramatic rescue.
Originally posted by GigaShadow Who is she to judge the danger of the rescue operation? She was confined to a bed and barely coherrent enough to be aware of what was in her room let alone the whole hospital. The fact is the special forces guys who went in to get her risked their lives to retrieve her and while she has been grateful to them, she shouldn\'t criticize the military for the rumors and conflicting stories regarding her ordeal.