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Author Topic: Take a Look in the Mirror...  (Read 3194 times)

Offline Skyrider666
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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #75 on: November 30, 2003, 04:30:08 PM »
Originally posted by CHIZZY
nope.. that\'s pretty much fact,


(goes and listens to Black Sabbath and My Bloody Valentine...at the same time.)

Are you serious?So you think they have no talent at all and the only reason they sold cd\'s was cause they had a gimmick?

I expected more from a musician. :(

Black Sabbath kick ass but they only sold cd\'s cause of there Black Rock Gimmick. :rolleyes:
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Offline Jumpman

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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #76 on: November 30, 2003, 04:42:45 PM »
It\'s impossible to argue with idiots.

They\'re like immune to logic and reasoning and continue to fire BS from their mouths disregarding the fact that they are completely wrong all of the time.

All of those times in console debating it just drove me mad to try to comprehend why they continued posting after I would drive them into a seemingly unescapable hole. But their idiotic non-sene would just peek through the crack everytime. Eventually I just had to stop.
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

Offline cloud345
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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #77 on: November 30, 2003, 05:04:29 PM »
I\'m still lost on how "talented" and KoRn can be in the same sentence..

They can be in the same sentance because of a little thing called opinion.

I didnt bother reading this entire thread, but if im wrong someone tell me. So far ive seen L-I-C and Spudz arguing over something that there is no argument.

Spudz beleives Korn is talented, L-I-C doesnt. Its eachother opinion and you can argue over someones opinion. It\'s what they think. They may be wrong, but that doesnt change the fact that it\'s their opinion.

L-I-C, you have to learn to respect other people opinions whether you agree with them or not. But I gotta agree with spudz when he said you always seem to be in a bad mood. I barely ever see a post where you have something positive to say.

I, myself beleive that korn is talented. Although I dont listen to their music, they are a very well known band that as sold millions of cd\'s. Whether you like their music or not, which I dont, I know that they do have talent because of what they have accomplished. If they had no talent than I dont beleive they would be where they are right now in their career. If they had no talent which you beleive, they would probally be a garage band with no money.  

Please someone correct me if something happend in the about page or so that I didnt read.
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Offline Jumpman

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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #78 on: November 30, 2003, 08:25:08 PM »
They can be in the same sentance because of a little thing called opinion.

Just because he thinks Korn is talented, doesn\'t make it a reality.



Now are they not talented because I said so? No...because they suck.
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #79 on: December 01, 2003, 03:20:40 AM »
Thank God someone has a brain.

Jumpman = smart.

Spudz  = Dumb.

I post positive stuff and I post negative stuff. No sense in sugarcoating it.

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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #80 on: December 01, 2003, 04:44:54 PM »
Jesus Christ LIC-

Apparently you cannot get this through your god damn ****ing baked head.

Now read these ****ing words slowly to yourself, okay? With some practice, maybe you can realise that their is a world outside of your little room.

Jon Davis is a talented musician. You may not like his music, or the bands music. But he IS talented.

Do not deny something, just because you dont like the revolving circumstances.

In other ways: Dont hate the player, because you hate the game.
Think for yourself. Question authority.

Offline Skyrider666
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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #81 on: December 01, 2003, 05:06:52 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Thank God someone has a brain.

Jumpman = smart.

Spudz  = Dumb.

I post positive stuff and I post negative stuff. No sense in sugarcoating it.


Spudz: opinionated

LIC: ignorant

P.S. nice argument, they have no talent because they suck. :(
« Last Edit: December 01, 2003, 05:08:53 PM by Skyrider666 »
I see a red door and I want it painted black...

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Take a Look in the Mirror...
« Reply #82 on: December 01, 2003, 05:23:50 PM »

Dumb people continue to post.
Closing thread.



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