I\'m still lost on how "talented" and KoRn can be in the same sentence..
They can be in the same sentance because of a little thing called opinion.
I didnt bother reading this entire thread, but if im wrong someone tell me. So far ive seen L-I-C and Spudz arguing over something that there is no argument.
Spudz beleives Korn is talented, L-I-C doesnt. Its eachother opinion and you can argue over someones opinion. It\'s what they think. They may be wrong, but that doesnt change the fact that it\'s their opinion.
L-I-C, you have to learn to respect other people opinions whether you agree with them or not. But I gotta agree with spudz when he said you always seem to be in a bad mood. I barely ever see a post where you have something positive to say.
I, myself beleive that korn is talented. Although I dont listen to their music, they are a very well known band that as sold millions of cd\'s. Whether you like their music or not, which I dont, I know that they do have talent because of what they have accomplished. If they had no talent than I dont beleive they would be where they are right now in their career. If they had no talent which you beleive, they would probally be a garage band with no money.
Please someone correct me if something happend in the about page or so that I didnt read.