Alright - we\'ll go over this once more and I\'ll leave out any insults this time, due to the fact I\'m \'bout to start my vacation and in a rather happy mood.
I personally
think that anyone who listens to KoRn and considers it
good music is ignorant.
I feel that KoRn is talentless and only caters to the
young, depressed teens who have a lot of angst due to hormones .
Usually, selling millions of records, comes hand in hand with a talented artist. Its not my argument, its a point.
Spudz\'s comment about selling millions of records mean the band is talented is wrong. Was the Spice Girls talented? No. It\'s the same way with movie\'s, just because a movie makes a lot of money, does not mean the movie is good and has any actual point or reason for existing. I point towards \'Armageddon\' and \'Titantic\', both was huge blockbusters, but by all accounts was extremely terrible films. You cannot say sales mean talent. That is your argument. If that is the case, we would not have any undiscovered bands and the music industry would be in tip-top shape.
The argument or "point" as you call it, is wrong. It\'s that simple. Talent does not equal sales. Sales does not equal talent. As much as I would like that to be true, it simply is not true and if you believe it is, you\'re not only naive, but you are grasping for straws.
Marketing goes a long way. KoRn had a gimmick. It was rap-rock, loud rap-rock, it had a singer who looked cool and played the bagpipes. It had teen angst lyrics. The marketing was great and it done a great job. The same way that \'The New Kids on the Block had a gimmick. A gimmick and marketing does not mean there is talent.
I suppose you want to tell me Limp Bizkit has talent (though I would give you Wes is talented - thus he left the band) ? Or maybe Spice Girls?
If it was as easy as marketing every band would be able to make it and let me tell you only the minority do make it.
For succesful marketing, you also need a gimmick. A lot of bands lack a gimmick. Modest Mouse? Lacks a gimmick, great band though. KoRn had the gimmick and it has been marketed. It\'s life span is also short , thus one reason for less and less album sells. Only the diehard fans will continue to buy and I say within another five years, almost no one will care about the band.