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Author Topic: Mentally sick dude get\'s executed  (Read 1154 times)

Offline SwifDi
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2004, 02:14:40 PM »
Originally posted by Green Meanie
I\'m just saying that to use the word \'free\' at this stage is utilising artistic licence, the job is far from done. Saddam is gone but it\'s total chaos in his wake as the power vortex gets slowly filled with terrorists while the west sits on their arses doing sweet f.a. about it.

That\'s crap, don\'t say the average American death there each day is "sitting on their arse".  What\'s sad is that there are guys out there risking their lives and in a very dangerous environment when you sit behind your computer drinking your glass of lemonade and reference their interaction as "sitting in their arses".

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2004, 05:40:49 PM »
Originally posted by Green Meanie
I\'m just saying that to use the word \'free\' at this stage is utilising artistic licence, the job is far from done. Saddam is gone but it\'s total chaos in his wake as the power vortex gets slowly filled with terrorists while the west sits on their arses doing sweet f.a. about it.

And to add to the current subject, Loons should not be killed for killing, obviously something beyond their control was influencing them and for that we shouldn\'t meet out the ultimate justice, just lock them up forever.

If anyone kills and they know what they\'re doing then they should be given the death penalty, that\'s the black and white part of capital punishment.

 damn i love topics about the war in iraq. i love debating with the "patriots" in here. but as much as i was against the war the west is not sitting on their ass..those soldiers are just being told what to do..what they have to do..now if you meant those politicians sittin on their ass and not doin nothing you\'re right! When i see rumsfield & crew gloating over when they caught saddam i just wanted to smack them! as if THEY did all the work!
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2004, 06:32:18 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
Shuddup you seem very shallow. You obviously have never lost anyone close to you too violence. And I don\'t care what you say. Anyone who has the ability to pick up and gun or knife and kill someone knows what they are doing.

Speaking from mental retardation experience obviously.

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2004, 06:59:52 AM »
Originally posted by mm
so your saying the iraq\'s were better off with saddaam in power?

I\'ve said it before, I\'ll say it again. If he wants to slaughter his people, more power to him. I could care less, its all the way over there.

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2004, 07:04:59 AM »
Originally posted by mm
indeed, in other countries he would get stoned, or have an arm cut off, or his family would be shot in public square


or in other counties the person might of receved enough support and treatment so that the murder didn\'t take place to begin with.

you can truely judge a culture not only by the way it treats its criminals, but by the way it treats the mental ill.
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2004, 07:09:08 AM »
Originally posted by ooseven
or in other counties the person might of receved enough support and treatment so that the murder didn\'t take place to begin with.

you can truely judge a culture not only by the way it treats its criminals, but by the way it treats the mental ill.

If you wanna kill you gone kill no matter how much support you get.

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2004, 08:27:49 AM »
Originally posted by ooseven
or in other counties the person might of receved enough support and treatment so that the murder didn\'t take place to begin with.

you can truely judge a culture not only by the way it treats its criminals, but by the way it treats the mental ill.

Now you\'re just spewing garbage.  If you want to generalize all the time with cultures, is the rest of UK as ignorant as you?

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2004, 07:13:51 PM »
The British Empire, for centuries, raped and pillaged practically the entire world. They were oppressive and imperialistic like no one before or since. The only reason they still aren\'t is because they were so overextended that they couldn\'t keep control of their empire. Now they are back not far from where they started and without a hope of ever  reclaiming the power they once had.

And not to single out Britain, this goes for all of Europe really. The only reason Europeans are so wishy-washy and sensitive now is because they no longer have the capacity to be the imperialist monsters they were for hundreds of years, thanks to those early 20th century rulers who wanted a jolly old war that ended up killing and destroying not quite enough to start another war a generation later that basically ended the continent\'s dominance. Now, after they almost blew themselves to hell too many times to do it again, the people there criticize America for an infinitely more benign form of expansion in the world than what they brought to the table in their heyday.
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