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Author Topic: God Damn thread closing hippies  (Read 7209 times)

Offline TSina
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God Damn thread closing hippies
« Reply #180 on: April 29, 2004, 09:00:36 AM »
Originally posted by §ôµÏG®ïñD
TSina, why are you stopping if it doesn\'t do anything?  Your job isn\'t 24/7.

What\'s your opinion on the fact they partially legalized pot, but not every other drug. Then said it dropped usage rates on other drugs?  Imo, of course that would have happened. Make pot legal, easy to get and cheaper. (which most likely happened)
The use of other drugs will drop. Make all drugs legal, cheaper and easy to get. THEN make a result.

Spot checks. I cant afford to test positive and lose my job. It just isnt that important to me. If I had nothing to lose, I would still smoke the little I do, but for now, nuh uhh. :D

I like the fact that many states have accepted the medical benefits for some. I dislike the fact that some cops within those states that have are still assholes and arrest the person anyway for possession only for the case to be thrown out in court. Basically inconveniencing them just because they can.

They wont make it fully legal because there is more money in it for them to be illegal. Plus it will cut jobs and make the "war on drugs" look even more useless than it already does.
Women don\'t need watches. There is a clock on the stove.


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