Everything in your post can be disputed by one person or another both for or against and it doesn\'t matter to me either way. The fact of it being a gateway drug makes absolutely no difference to me. I\'ve been around weed plenty of times in my life, enough to know exactly what it smells like even hours and hours after someone has lit up, but I have never had the need to use it and I don\'t question others for using it either. That\'s a personal need that some people have that they feel needs to be filled and that\'s their choice. Whether or not they do crack or anything else because they did weed is inconsequential to me.
However, I have one very serious problem with your post and I\'ll quote it as it reaffirms exactly what I thought you meant beforehand in your earlier post...
But yes, it isnt directly responsible for one recorded death so far. Not many things in this life can share that, both legal or illegal.
The problem with people who are for the drug is that they treat it in the same vein as crack, cocaine, heroine, pcp, and all the other hard drugs out there simply because it is illegal and the same goes for the people who are against the drug primarily to dissolve any negative connotation it has, but when it comes to arguing for it, it is compared to legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco (which of course includes cigars) and each one is stated as having killed millions of people, millions more then marijuana according to you, and for that reason alone, we should stop being hipocritical and either ban it all, or at least give marijuana the same shot tobacco and alcohol have been given all these years. But the fact still remains that the contents of marijuana, over a long period of time, just like cigars, cigarettes and alcohol, can perpetually mess you up and cause death no matter how filtered they are.
There\'s no "safe" alcohol other then rubbing alcohol and that\'s never to be ingested.
There\'s no "safe" smoke other then visible oxygen (which isn\'t visible to the naked eye).
There\'s no "safe" marijuana other then to simply abstain from it altogether.
And saying how you can filter marijuana in a bong doesn\'t get you off the hook either as it still contains plenty of carcinogens that kill tons of people every damn day. Because most people smoke cigarettes AND smoke marijuana at the same time in their lives certainly doesn\'t dismiss the negative effects marijuana is having on your body whether you realize it or not.
You, just as an example, light up pretty damn often and are only letting up, according to you, because of time constraints. Vivi, by his own admittance, is giving up because his parents busted him with it. Would he continue if he didn\'t get busted? Would you if you had more time? No one can say for sure. There\'s no way to know what a person will be doing from one day to the next, but in my own experience, the one that actually counts far more then any survey or scientific study to me, is that I\'ve seen people piss away a ton of cash for their habit. I\'ve seen people so high, they fell into the street and were nearly killed by a passing car. I\'ve seen people so high, they drive like maniacs on the road and end up in a bodybag the next morning. I\'ve seen drunk people start fights, act like total jackasses, then never make it home the next day because they drove into a tree that same night. I\'ve seen firsthand what cancer can do to you if you keep up your habits over a long period of time. I\'ve also seen what fast food can do to people who choose to eat it day in and day out without exercising and collapse at the age of 40 with a pullmonary disorder.
I\'ve seen all of this, but what I find most insulting is that you can tell me, and everyone else on this forum, that marijuana doesn\'t kill you. If you believe that, then you and Vivi are truly meant for each other and you two can light up simply in spite of me, but I refuse to believe that people willingly breathe in cannibis smoke, knowing there are very harmful chemicals in them, and then tell themselves that their cigarette habit or their drinking habit is killing them -- and not their weed.