Originally posted by TSina
I suppose guns kill people as well and not just stupid people with a gun. I can tell you are young. Smarten up. Those people were already to damn stupid to live anyway, it wasnt the green.
No. Guns don\'t kill people. People kill people. But if there were any guns, would there still be people killing each other with them?
If there was no weed, would any of the "stupid" people be doing the same thing?
Those "damn stupid" people are the ones that smoke MJ and waste most of their money on it. So by claiming that they are the ones that are "damn stupid to live anyways" you are basically throwing out most of the pot heads who smoke it. Look at Vivi, he thinks smoking weed is cool and it doesn\'t hurt you because he\'s never seen it hurt you. Is he stupid because of it? No, but he is blinded by the fad.
The whole idea of having Mj, smoking Mj, "getting high" is what causes the problems. It\'s that idea that encourages people to kill each other for it, to steal to buy some more and to lie in order to obtain more of it.
I think it is hypocritical to allow alcohol and cigarretes. But first off, cigarretes don\'t slow down your nerves and impare your judgement, and if people are too stupid to know that it might cause desease that is their own business. Alcohol is just as bad as MJ. But it took it some time in order for it to become "part" of people. Bringing in yet another substance that impares judgemnt would be alot worse than it already is with alcohol. Alcohol it might take some time to feel anything depending on what you are drinking. Weed just takes 1-3 puffs and if it doesn\'t it\'s considered bad weed. Like dro that only takes what? 1 hit?
And like I\'ve said before. Buying the stuff only helps out the ones dealing it. Which causes even more problems and only kills the ones who are being sold harder drugs from the same dealer that sells you the weed. So if you take all that into account, when you buy weed, you are basically helping some other poor fool with a heroin addiction slip away from his life.
You say legalize it and it would solve the problem. After it becomes legalized, like alcohol, people(us humans) will once again have that craving for something that is banned. What could happen? Cocain the next "weed".