Thread from the dead.
So, I just watched this movie and it\'s as scary today as ever. Apparently, many scientists contend that the warming is correlated with the amount of CO2 in the air, which thanks to people, is going up up up off the chart.
But we have the technology now to stop that and let things go back to a normal cycle. Warmer climates mean more draught for draught-prone area, more and bigger storms due to warmer ocean waters and ice cap melting which can kill species and continue to sink coastal areas.
So clips said there\'s nothing we can do, but if we agree with Al Gore and his merrry band of scientists and professors that CO2 is the problem, there
is stuff we can do, especially while we wait for guys like Ford and GM to get their heads out of the sand and make competitive cars.
Look: Most of the stuff will lower your energy bills anyway, so it\'s worth looking just for that.
Individuals can make the effort while we wait for bigger changes like wider use of solar power and stuff.
Anyway, I recommend the movie even if you don\'t like Al Gore. It\'s fascinating to watch, even if you choose to dismiss all or part of it for whatever reason. Plus, there was a clip from the Futurama/Simpsons people in there, which I didn\'t expect.