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Author Topic: Xbox interview...proves my point  (Read 3224 times)

Offline EThugg
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2001, 06:25:14 PM »
Originally posted by shingoku
No one cares about Xbox here = Fact (confirmed through reliable sources)

Actually, fanboys and poor people who went with PS2 already don\'t care. Real gamers care about Xbox=fact.  Am I saying that if you don\'t care about XB, your not a real gamer? Yes, I am. Or poor. Take your pick.
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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2001, 07:46:20 AM »
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
i dont count as a real gamer?  ive been a videogame \'head\' ever since my commodore 64.  because i dont wish to purchase an X-Box, does that mean im not a real videogamer?  because as it happens, none, NOT ONE of the exclusive games on X-Box interest me at all...hence why i will not purchase one unless it shows that its games are awesome

There is a differance between not wanting to purchase one and not caring. A lot of people don\'t want to buy an Xbox but realize that it is a competitor to the Xbox. Others, like shingoku, don\'t want to admit that there are competitors to the Xbox and accept the PS2 as the end all be all of gaming.

I own a PS2 and a DC but that is not going to stop me from getting a GC and potentially an Xbox. I basically love to play video games and I don\'t care what system it is on. Be it the Mellenium Edition Atari or the Craptastic Console 2000, if it has good games I\'m gonna get it.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2001, 08:51:06 AM »
You don\'t prove a damn thing, Nplayer.  Kojima was telling the truth.  GeForce3 SDK\'s are a little more powerful than the PS2 (about twice as powerful).  He was just confirming what Xbox fans already knew: 50% of an Xbox is just slightly more powerful than the PS2.  However, the good thing for us Xbox fans is that the Xbox won\'t have a GeForce3 under the hood, but a chip twice as powerful as the GeForce3.  So if the GF3 is twice as powerful as a PS2 and the XGPU is a step above the GF3 then the final Xboxes should be 3 times more powerful than the PS2.  :p  You know, I thought that maybe Kojima was talking about the actual Xboxes but then I came to my senses and realized that he couldn\'t have been because no one has final Xbox hardware.   THAT\'S RIGHT, NPLAYER, NO ONE HAS FINAL XDK\'S SINCE THEY HAVE JUST RECENTLY STARTED MASS PRODUCTION.  I suggest that before you pull stuff from your ass that you think about it (if possible) and see if it can pass as remotely believable!

You don\'t think Kojima would have opinions about something he doesn\'t have.  For example:  What if I said, "Final Fantasy X will suck because I didn\'t like IX!"  Well, being the astute gamers you are, you would reply to me by saying, "How can you say that, you\'ve never played FFX!"  And I would feel dejected and leave.  So I doubt that Kojima would make opinions about something he has no knowledge of.  He\'s just a producer.  That\'s like asking Spielberg about the technology used in Jurrassic Park 3.  He might have SOME idea of it, but you\'d do better by talking to the lead technology engineer.  

So if I were a fanboy I would say, "Kojima admits that PS2 is much weaker than the Xbox!"  Why?  Well, because he admitted that Alpha2 XDK\'s were more powerul than a PS2.  Common sense would tell you that the XGPU is twice as powerful as a GF3 so it\'s right to conclude that Xbox is three times more powerful than PS2.  Logic and commonsense folks.  Oh, and another thing, here\'s an earlier quote by the same Mr. Hideo Kojima:


I can\'t tell you what specific enhancements will be made. As for the Xbox, I think its expressive power is considerable, perhaps greater than the PS2\'s.


Main Entry: 1con·sid·er·able
Pronunciation: -\'si-d&r(-&)-b&l, -\'si-dr&-b&l
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1619
1 : worth consideration : SIGNIFICANT
2 : large in extent or degree
- con·sid·er·ably /-blE/ adverb

In other words, Kojima said that Xbox was more powerful to a large extent or SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful than PS2.  So, you can do one of two things, NPlayer:  Either admit that Kojima was contradicting himself or admit that Kojima was saying that the Xbox is much more powerful than the PS2.  Niether choice may be desirable to you, but those are the only two that exist.  The lesson to be learned from this?  Don\'t put too much stock into quotes.
When all is said and done...the PS2 will be remembered as the console with the best games in Fall 2001.

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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2001, 02:26:49 PM »
Originally posted by Gohan

There is a differance between not wanting to purchase one and not caring.

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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2001, 08:54:31 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg


Yeah but how many of us arent real gamers?

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Xbox interview...proves my point
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2001, 01:38:07 PM »
Originally posted by Unicron!

Yeah but how many of us arent real gamers?

Anyone who dissmisses a console this far before its even out isnt a real gamer IMO. I wasn\'t even slightly critical of PS2 (or any other system) until I had it in my hands.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'


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