Lucas Arts, Konami, Sega, Acclaim, THQ, EA Sports, Capcom, Kemco, Midway, BAM Entertainment, Ubi Soft, Saffire, Climax, and Fox Interactive have already given release dates for specific Gamecube projects (many of which will be available by Christmas). The list by no means shows every third party in development, however, as there\'s a notable absence from such reknowned companies as Titus. *snicker*
Back on topic, the third parties are there. Maybe not all of them, but Nintendo doesn\'t need all of them. Why? (Say it with me!) First and second parties! (Yay! *clapclapclap*) That\'s right, on top of all those other companies (some of the top third parties in the world, like it or not) comes even more [great] games. Many more.
Overall, the third-party situation is looking up, and even if it doesn\'t meet someone\'s standards, the overall gaming library surely will.