There was the MSX. Which, isn\'t really a game console (more of a PC then a console). It was successful pretty much everywhere but the US. And MS involvement, the firmware in the systems. While the system itself, was manufactured by a ton of companies, including Japanese companies (example...Philips, Yamaha, and Sony
Anyways, the reason why 3DO failed, $700 for this system. Even then, thats expensive. Not to mention, not a whole lot of support to justify that absorbed price. Atari Jaguar. Part timing (its been how long since Atari released a successful console?), part price ($400?), company mishandling (ownership of Atari has changed hands over and over, and eventually, lead to its fate) and lack of developer support again doomed this system.
Xbox, doesn\'t appear to have these problems. Tons of support, and even the price ($300) is somewhat reasonable (afterall, the PS2 is...$300 [before the expected price drop, but in the mean time, $300]).