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Author Topic: Sega said "DOA3 could be done on ps2"?!?!?!?!  (Read 2113 times)

Offline Ashford
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Sega said "DOA3 could be done on ps2"?!?!?!?!
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2002, 10:43:57 AM »
If anyone can do it, its definitely Sega.

And Capcom...

Just witness their efforts on the Saturn.
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Offline rastalant
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Sega said "DOA3 could be done on ps2"?!?!?!?!
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2002, 04:01:57 PM »
Originally posted by Krakn3Dfx

Bah, DOA3 is crap.  It\'s pretty like a butterfly, I\'ll give you that, it\'s very nice, but the gameplay is very limited and there\'s no real "mastery" in the gameplay, it\'s all "mash mash mash".  And it\'s very likely that it could in fact be done on the PS2, although the textures probably wouldn\'t be as elaborate as the XBox due to the limited amount of memory Sony chose to use in the PS2.  I think we will eventually see DOA3 on the PS2, just as we saw DOA2 on the PS2.  There\'s money to be made by it, so why would they not do it?  They released it as an XBox "killer app", and that\'s over now, so they may as well port it to the PS2 now.

Okay since doa3 could be ported to ps2 almost exactly as you would say.  Name one ps2 game that looks as good as doa3?  As for the doa3 I think its xbox only.  Why?  The producers of team ninja stated in an intereview if he couldn\'t get doa3 exact on ps2 or gamecube he wouldn\'t port.  The game was made for xbox as well so both console would have a really hard time porting it.
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Sega said "DOA3 could be done on ps2"?!?!?!?!
« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2002, 04:33:40 PM »
Originally posted by rastalant
Okay since doa3 could be ported to ps2 almost exactly as you would say.  Name one ps2 game that looks as good as doa3?

Name one game that has been released on the PS2 within the last 2 months that only shows up to 3 characters on screen at once...

VF4 will be the game to compare with DOA3.  No other game on the PS2 right now would be fair to compare because the last great looking 3d Fighting games were released a whole year ago -- TTT and DOA2:HC.  Just wait a couple months for VF4 then you can compare all you want.

As for the doa3 I think its xbox only.  Why?  The producers of team ninja stated in an intereview if he couldn\'t get doa3 exact on ps2 or gamecube he wouldn\'t port.

He also said that he maxed the PS2 out with DOA2:HC.  And he said that DOA2 was a Dreamcast exclusive.  And he said DOA3 would blow all other 3D fighting games away.  Team Ninja is not a credible source. (Which is very sad considering they are the developers).

The game was made for xbox as well so both console would have a really hard time porting it.

Which is why they would have to completely redo it to take advantage of the PS2 or NGC.  The point of this thread isn\'t, "will Tecmo make DOA3 on the PS2?"  It\'s "Can DOA3 be done on the PS2?"  The only answer I can give to that is wait and see.
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Offline Paul
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Sega said "DOA3 could be done on ps2"?!?!?!?!
« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2002, 05:55:32 PM »
Get real people, tecmo is deep in Bill gates paycheck. Bill want exclusive badly and give them an unresistable deal even if it means losing money for MS.

Tecmo probably has some kinda "guaranteed" deal whereby they\'ll make this $XXX dollars regardless whether their next few games sell or not as long as it looks good and they continue to become the front-end for MS hype machine.

It\'s a win-win situation for both MS and Tecmo.

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