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Author Topic: Rallisport Challenge on XBOX  (Read 4731 times)

Offline Bozco
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Rallisport Challenge on XBOX
« Reply #90 on: June 09, 2002, 09:00:47 AM »
You always say that xbox is 2 years newer and you should expect more. Well, Halo looks and plays two years better than MOH on PS2.

Halo may play slightly better but your taking it way to far.

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Rallisport Challenge on XBOX
« Reply #91 on: June 09, 2002, 09:14:07 AM »
I\'ve always liked MoH on the PSX, but this is the 4th version in the game\'s library and it\'s getting a little old.  That isn\'t my big complaint about it, it has some neat levels, but I do think overall, Halo is a better game.

If people won\'t concede that Halo is better graphically, I personally think the framerate in Halo is FAR more stable then it is in MoH, then you have to admit that it\'s split screen co-op mode is magnificent.  Sure, it\'s an old feature done before and the game is not updated in its story to handle the co-op properly, but it\'s definitely enjoyable in almost every way.  I had a friend come over repeatedely for days to play it co-op until we beat all the difficulties.

I also personally think the textures and lighting in Halo are far superior and if you set up the two games running side by side, I\'m sure everyone here would agree, unless of course they dig way too deep to want to see something that is barely noticeable to a typical person, but stands out because people feel the need to point fingers.  Kind of like how when the PS2 came out, it was ridiculed for it\'s jaggies and washed out textures.

MoH:F just didn\'t have the grip on me that the original had or even what underground had, but that\'s expected after the 4th sequel dealing with the same time period.  Halo may be repetetive, and the only level I can think of where it sticks out like that in a glaring fashion was in the library, but I still had great fun playing it.  For every repetetive section in Halo, there were at least two neat ideas worth exploring whether they be new guns, vehicles, sticky grenades or whatever that just game the game a load of fun to go through.

I don\'t think many people will agree with me on that, but it\'s just my opinion.  I just think Halo is the better game graphically and it\'s just more fun.  Like Watchdog though, I give MoH the win for sound, the sound is amazing.  I own the soundtrack. :)
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Offline Bossieman
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Rallisport Challenge on XBOX
« Reply #92 on: June 09, 2002, 09:22:11 AM »
I haven´t played any of the games, but   I bet both are great.
But I do know that so far x-box doesnt look 2 years newer or "superior" PS2 or GC.

If I took a screenshot from a PSX game and compared it to a PS2/GC or x-box screenshot, I could easily say what screenshot came from the PSX.

I cant see any difference between PS2/GC/ or x-box games.
When I see new screenshots today I honestly doesnt know if they are PS2/GC or x-box. So the x-box can´t bee superior yet, or?

I dont think there ever will be a situation were you could say - Thats a xbox game!! and bee totally sure. The differences are to small to make any big differences.

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Rallisport Challenge on XBOX
« Reply #93 on: June 09, 2002, 09:28:40 AM »
I\'m not taking it far at all.  Halo has great texture quailty, and its engine is so much more sophisticated, so much more flexible.  It\'s not a stretch at all.  Just look at the warthog jump video and try something like that in MOH.

There\'s no multi in MOH.  No Co-op.  No vehicles.  Nothing that adds anything to the genre at all.  It\'s not a bad game, but it\'s just another FPS, better than average maybe, but that\'s about it.  It\'s essencially another MOH game, which isn\'t a bad thing, but it\'s what it is.

If Halo 2 comes out with the same engine, the same gameplay, the same everything, I\'ll be the first to be dissappointed.  I wouldn\'t buy it, despite how much I loved the first one.  A sequel has to offer something else or it\'s mediocre at best.  And when there are a dozen or so FPSs released every month for various platforms, using the same old ideas isn\'t groundbreaking stuff.

If they would have added muli (either split or internet) and everything else we\'ve come to expect from a FPS, then it would be commendable.  But MOH:F is as stripped down as FPSs come, and that doesn\'t impress me, I\'m sorry.
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Rallisport Challenge on XBOX
« Reply #94 on: June 09, 2002, 09:43:39 AM »
watch is right, i said before im completely jaded towards any MOH title, regardless of console

if its gonna be ported to xbox, than i\'ll buy it
it better not be like spyhunter tho, or you will hear about it repeatedly

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Rallisport Challenge on XBOX
« Reply #95 on: June 09, 2002, 05:52:53 PM »
And who said mm and I couldn\'t get along?

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