Xbox hardware does outclass any console of this generation--just look at almost any port or any game that is on all three systems. Fact of the matter is that they are comparable because they are the same price. I don\'t compare xbox to GC because GC is $100.
The market has deemed that xbox, GC (if you subtract the dvd abilities) and PS2 are on par, competing products to the consumer. That makes them comparable.
But beyond that mm and I aren\'t debating console specs, we\'re debating "great game" criteria and that is where the double standard is.
no, I don\'t think so. Correct me if I\'m wrong, but this debate between you and mm did start by us discussing the
blur issue of Rallisport - so in that sense, you guys were argueing graphics (blur) and double standards as in finding the blur "horrendous" in Xbox games, but being excused in PS2 games - did you not?
You guys have a double standard and that\'s a fact. This game would not get this kind of treatment if it were a PS2. And no, mm, you don\'t do this to all consoles. I haven\'t ever heard you bring up any PS2 game for it\'s graphical problems. It\'s a double standard, and that\'s it.
You quoted this just a tad bit further up. Obviously you are on about graphics, so may I ask you again,
why is it wrong for us, to expect more from Xbox games in a graphical sense - as it is clearly the upper hardware following your logic?Or do you want us to look at every Xbox game and say like in this example:
"mmh, Rallisport has blur, but PS2 games have much more and it\'s everywhere, so therefore Rallisport looks good even with blur because it still has less than any racer on PS2". Of course, obviously leaving out the fact that the Xbox game
should look better as it is, following your logic, clearly the "superiour" hardware.
Funny, you and almost every Xbox owner out there wants
us to believe how "superiour" the Xbox hardware is, but as soon as it comes that someone points out graphical issues in a game - you guys insist on us comparing them to PS2 games, thus putting them on the same level again.
Make up your mind - either keep believing that Xbox is "superiour" and let us have those higher expectations - or we decide to believe that they\'re equal in terms of hardware and then we can compare them under the same circumstances.
So much for "double standards" isn\'t it, Watchdog?