Well, actually.. that \'March\' thing is pretty peculiar. Still, after the manufacturing/shipping drought for the GameCube (which limited sales in early 2002) people started buying the system more. Why? I honestly don\'t know. Personally, I think the Xbox had far better games overall in Q1. It has more games out.. but does this matter? Not really. If somebody wants the Xbox just for Halo and DOA3.. he\'s not going to give a damn about 40~ games. Most of them will be rentals.
As for NPD.. conflicting reports. One week they report big GCN game sales, the week after.. Xbox is on top.
All in all, with all of the conflicting reports on sales and the like.. the Xbox is not on top of the GameCube. I can\'t say that the GCN is on top of the Xbox either, since we don\'t know. Alright? All I know is, GCN was outselling Xbox weekly in March.. and GCN games such as SSBM and Sonic Adventure 2 ranked higher than most Xbox fare that month.
BTW.. you\'re calling me naive? You\'re not even leaving a slight chance for GameCube to be on top based on the Reuters reports or not.. right? That\'s naive. As I said before, GCN was outselling the Xbox during a game drought, long before the system-selling/hard-to-keep-in-stock Resident Evil hit the shelves to boost GameCube sales again.
IMO, it\'s anyone\'s game.. and articles like this seem to enforce the possibility that GCN is #2 in America behind PS2 now. They\'re on the road to outselling Xbox 4-to-1 in Europe, too.. nevermind the domination in Japan..