So name a few important people (lawyers, doctors, presidents, leaders etc) that smoke weed. Please keep it short because I\'m sure that there are many :sarcasm:
While you speak from your opinion, I speak from my observations. I\'ve seen it and for you to put quotation marks around "friends" is a very insipid. You don\'t believe me then fine don\'t. I can\'t take the blindfold off you.
Truth is when a pot smoker tries to make a stand for their addiction it pretty much invalidates itself altogether. You said it yourself, MJ is mentally addicting. But you insist on comparing drugs, something that affects judgement, to other "addictions" I\'m pretty sure you are talking about "watching TV" or "Eating junk food" How can you compare that? You fail to recognize one thing, MJ is illegal. You try to back it up with the usual "Alcohol is worst" rhetoric but the truth is that...too bad. Get over it. It is just as bad as alcohol and it\'s just a bitch that MJ is illegal.
So now tell me, why should it be legalized? Is it going to contribute to society in any way? No. Has it contributed to the development of our society in anyway? No. Will the taboo against marijuana ever fade? No. Alcohol has already proven that humans can\'t handle "recreation" Why do we need yet another form of "recreation"?
I\'m pretty much all up for personal freedoms. But I also know that not everybody can make a wise choice. Not everybody is gifted with the power to make wise decisions on their own. A person might try heroin, they know they can become addicted, they do it, become addicted then die? And you can\'t tell me that people like that live happy fulfilling lives. Show me a case where some drug addict wished he had never tried drugs or alcohol? Decisions to ruining your life shouln\'t be available. That doesn\'t contribute to society or that persons life. You might say that it\'s their "choice" to become addicted to a certain drug but for what reason? But what about those addictions that are cured on a person, what is always the response? A happy one.
Nope. My friends are ranked low because they always skip to go smoke out. One of them even spent his SAT money in order to buy weed. Contrary to your statement, they actually are very smart when they aren\'t out getting high. And they know it, but do you know what keeps them out of school? Weed.
I know that their problems lie way deeper than just the drugs but you know what is also faulty in your logic. That drugs was the answer. You speak of "will" and "character" something that they don\'t have. And they don\'t. You know why? Because they have relied on drugs in order to evade the facts. The are ruining their lives and worst of all they know this. Drug addicts know this. Alcohol addicts know this. Alcohol is alot less addicting than any other type of drug, but I\'m sure there are "studies that indicate" the contrary.