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Author Topic: "Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread  (Read 4752 times)

Offline Deadly Hamster
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2004, 02:29:12 PM »
No, I do not think so. But you may be right.
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2004, 04:29:36 PM »
Originally posted by TSina
Thats the problem and the difference. No one is saying to make drug users or anyone under the influence unaccountable for their actions at all.

Thing is with your argument right now is this. That can already happen while these drugs are still illegal. Legal or illegal, that scenario can still happen.

Or you could jus ban the gun instead since we all know banning weapons solves our murder problem, plus people dont kill people, guns do!!!!!

Doesn\'t matter. If drugs were to be legal, the problem would only grow worse.

Gun\'s don\'t kill people, but a pot head might. There are people that commit crimes who are either angry, scared etc...crazy you know things like that. But when a pot head kills himself/somebody else it\'s alot worse. Why? B/c if the person was under the influence, chances are they wouln\'t have commited the crime in the first place.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2004, 04:35:29 PM »
According to whom? Not many people are violent while high on pot. If you have smoked it at all, you might know that. Pot doesnt make you do things like that like other drugs do. All it does is make you either sleepy, slap happy, or hungry.

Even the government doesn\'t use that weak assed angle against pot.

BTW...ever notice how it\'s usually alcohol that makes people violent more often than not?

They don\'t call it liquid courage just out of the blue.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2004, 04:42:12 PM by TSina »
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2004, 04:46:24 PM »
It doesn\'t make anybody more violent. It impares their judgement and that is enough for somebody to commit a crime.

What\'s stupid is that people keep trying to compare alcohol with marijuana.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2004, 05:09:09 PM »
just as stupid as
Gun\'s don\'t kill people, but a pot head might. There are people that commit crimes who are either angry, scared etc...crazy you know things like that. But when a pot head kills himself/somebody else it\'s alot worse. Why? B/c if the person was under the influence, chances are they wouln\'t have commited the crime in the first place.

Your making a VERY large generalization about something I am assuming you havent even tried.

PS, if you dont think alcohol makes people violent than you must not drink either or haven\'t seen many drunk people. They anger rather quickly.

It\'s just as stupid to compare weed to the rest of the illegal drugs simply b/c they are illegal.

There is a difference between anger and impared judgement just so you know.

Kinda like when a bartender refuses to give a drunk anymore drinks b/c they are. They usually tend to get angry. Once they get kicked out of the bar, it is their impared judgement that make them think they can drive a car without incident.

When people truely know right from wrong, there isn\'t much out there that will make them think it\'s ok to commit crimes unless they are already screwed in the head to begin with.
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Offline SirMystiq

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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2004, 06:57:05 PM »
You know what you win. Weed should be legal. That way more kids can drop out of high school in order to get high with their friends. And why not make every other drug legal. It\'s stupid to ban something that everybody is using, EVERYONE does weed and weed is cool. If they\'ve never smoked weed (Due to being witness of events that are associated with weed, it\'s sell and it\'s growth) shouln\'t have a say in this. So make everything legal, specially because everybody does it. If everybody does it it must be right, regardless if we need yet another judgment imparing substance, alcohol is not enough we need more.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2004, 07:00:39 PM by SirMystiq »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2004, 07:31:16 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
You know what you win. Weed should be legal. That way more kids can drop out of high school in order to get high with their friends. And why not make every other drug legal. It\'s stupid to ban something that everybody is using, EVERYONE does weed and weed is cool. If they\'ve never smoked weed (Due to being witness of events that are associated with weed, it\'s sell and it\'s growth) shouln\'t have a say in this. So make everything legal, specially because everybody does it. If everybody does it it must be right, regardless if we need yet another judgment imparing substance, alcohol is not enough we need more.

It should be.

If they were going to drop out, they would have anyway. That would be a weak will not weed.

Every other should be. If people want to do things, let them. If they want to do illegal things while under the influence, let them pay for it as well.

Not everyone, but more people than you think. Probably even your nana..lol

What events have you witnessed that were associated with weed? I have got to know this. Your right though, you really shouldn\'t be involved in the discussion if you haven\'t tried it. You still don\'t know how they felt or what was going on in their heads.

If many people do it, it must not be as bad as it\'s opposition say it is. Many prominent people in this world toke up on the weekend.

Needing more or not isn\'t the issue. If people want to do it, they should have the right to.  It\'s that simple. Just like alcohol which impairs people more than anything besides huffing, pcp, and meth is a choice we have at a certain age. Certain responsibilities come with that too. It can be the same for everything. Problem is that since everything has been illegal for so long, people are just use to saying everything is so bad, and some of it really is, but most people can make a rational choice on their own.

I still want to see a violent stoner.

What about fast food? It is far more deadly. Why not tighter regulations on what is served to you????? Juvenile diabetes is higher than ever partially due to our current society and fast everything type of life.

This could go own for days about these things.

Did you also forget about how much weed actually helps people..legally that is....
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2004, 08:03:14 PM »
So what you are saying is that if people want to do drugs and other illegal substances, they should be allowed?

For what purpose?

Are you saying that it\'s ok for people to get high of their minds then commit a crime...and pay for it? Wouln\'t be easier if they just didn\'t get high of their minds and didn\'t commit the crime?

If you can count hobbos, drop outs, gang members, murders, rapers and thieves "many people" then you\'re right. You might say "You stupid uncool person, you\'re making a big assumption and" Nope. That\'s what happened to every weed head I know. My friends? They all smoke weed. That\'s why they are all the last ranked in our class. That\'s why one of them get\'s high every morning b/c of his problems at home instead of doing something about it. That\'s why he steals from his mom to buy the weed. That\'s why one of their brothers is in juvi right now for stabbing somebody over a pound of cocaine and his dad is dead after overdosing on heroin. What\'s ironic is that he is too starting to snort cocain. But who cares right? That was his "right" to do what he wanted to do with his life?

You might say "Well that\'s just stupid people that..." BS If it wasn\'t for the weed, would they still have fought OVER the weed. If it wasn\'t for the heroin, would he still have OVERDOSED on the heroin. What kind of responsabilities come from getting stoned, high or snorting some coke? "Hmm, I\'m a father of 3, I have a good job and a wife, I think I earned this addicting heroin" or "Hmm my parents really think that I\'m going to school, ohh well, the weed will ease my pain, it feels so good" The truth is most people aren\'t rational enough to make a choice. If a heroin addict is going to "decide" to be a heroin addict, it\'s not that he made the decision, his addiction made him. Weed, it\'s not addictive? Maybe not. Do people try harder things b/c of it? Yep. First weed, then dro, then some stuff that tastes like "jolly ranchers" and then cocaine. Don\'t believe me? Try asking high school, middle school and even elementary school kids.

You want to see a violent stoner? Hmm a murder that occured because of a guy who wanted money to buy some drugs. Hmm a kid who shot another kid while camly sitting in his bed smoking a joint and playing with his daddy\'s gun. What are you going to say? "It never happned, those kid\'s are just stupid for..." Yeah, those kids were stupid enough to try drugs in the first place. Have cases like that happened, I\'m pretty sure, would crack heads admit it, not if they got paid(except if its weed)

What people are being helped? The ones with glaucoma(sp) and all those other illnesses. If so, you\'re right. I don\'t have a problem with them doing weed if it\'s for their own benefit. But, what do you suffer from? What about the other 16 year old weed heads? Nothing. You are just going through the "this feels so good and I\'m going to do it because I\'ve heard that it isn\'t bad and you can\'t tell me what to do because..." Sort of like sex. It feels good when you do it, that is, until you catch HIV.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2004, 08:05:14 PM by SirMystiq »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #68 on: May 06, 2004, 10:49:27 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
So what you are saying is that if people want to do drugs and other illegal substances, they should be allowed?

Yes, that is exactly what Im saying. We give people the right to kill themselves with drinking and smoking cigs.

For what purpose?

For whatever purpose they feel the need to do w hat ever they feel the need to do. Recreation.

Are you saying that it\'s ok for people to get high of their minds then commit a crime...and pay for it? Wouln\'t be easier if they just didn\'t get high of their minds and didn\'t commit the crime?

No Im saying that if someone is high out of their mind and they commit a crime, they must pay for it period. I see the point you are attempting to make and it just doesn\'t float with me. If someone really wants to commit a crime, it\'s going to happen anyway. Weed is not a drug that makes you want to commit a crime to get money for more weed. The minority of weed smokers that do is really against the odds. You would probably know that if you\'ve ever tried what you speak so strongly against. While certain things have CHEMICAL properties that are addicting, it has never been proven that canibus possess\' any of them unlike crack or nicotine. Addiction to weed is purely mental. Which could truely be said about anything.

If you can count hobbos, drop outs, gang members, murders, rapers and thieves "many people" then you\'re right. You might say "You stupid uncool person, you\'re making a big assumption and" Nope. That\'s what happened to every weed head I know. My friends? They all smoke weed. That\'s why they are all the last ranked in our class. That\'s why one of them get\'s high every morning b/c of his problems at home instead of doing something about it. That\'s why he steals from his mom to buy the weed. That\'s why one of their brothers is in juvi right now for stabbing somebody over a pound of cocaine and his dad is dead after overdosing on heroin. What\'s ironic is that he is too starting to snort cocain. But who cares right? That was his "right" to do what he wanted to do with his life?

Problem is bums, drop outs, gang members, murderers, *rappers*, and thieves aren\'t the only ones doing it. Our first president GREW weed. I\'m sure many others did as then too. Not to mention some of our more current ones. Lawyers, doctors, cops, thugs, ho\'s, brainiacs, talk show hosts, factory workers, firefighters, marketing reps..etc..etc..etc all smoke. This isn\'t heroin or crack we are talking about here(even though we should all have a legal choice in that too.) Studies show that in the Netherlands, despite a more liberal approach than other countries\', the proportion of youth using cannabis is not higher. In fact, it is in the middle of the pack.

I wouldn\'t say you are supid, not for not doing it, but for your perpetuation that all who smoke think we are cool because of it. Leave the anti-drug commercial rhetoric out of this. I would say that you are stupid to take such a stand about something you know nothing about first hand. If thats what happend to your "friends" then they are weak willed for falling into that type of pear pressure. No one should do anything unless they want to and this is what I\'m getting at. ALL of the info about what ever illicit drug should be available and THEN we all make a choice as to what we would and wouldn\'t do. Part of people trying things is the taboo associated with them. All of your "friends that are ranked last in their class isn\'t because of weed, it is because they are plain stupid or lack motivation. I smoked all through HS and college and STILL had the moxi to continue. It\'s called will, you should explain that to them sometime. Studies indicate that problem young pot users are also problem alcohol users, manifesting other "risk-taking" behaviour. These are therefore symptoms of other underlying problems rather than causes.

He steals from his mom because he lacks character. Im willing to bet he stole from her before when it came to something he felt he really wanted. His brother stabbing someone over a lb. of cocaine? What else was behind this. Did the other guy try to steal it from him? Did he try to steal it from the guy who got stab? Thats alot of money to play around with. If cocaine was legal, that probably would have never happend. His dad is dead after a OD on heroin b/c he was stupid and thought he could handle more than  he actually could. A problem that will never go away whether it\'s legal or not. Speaking of H addicts...do you know why most dont go get the methadone treatments they need? In fear of being arrested. Not sure about treatments for other junkies, but I do know for a fact the law enforment monitors these places and selectivly arrests H addicts that go for treatment. My cousin was a target of this in the past and is currently serving time. You try to get help and get arrested, it\'s bullshit.

Now your "friend" has started to snort coke. Judging by everything else, drugs are the least of his worries. He is screwed in his head for reasons that drugs only temporarily make him feel better about. Which goes back to one of my feelings. It all starts with the parents. Dig deeper into his personal life and I bet you will find this isnt simply about doing drugs. That became a by-product of what he already turned into. But yes, it should be his right to do so legally if he so choose\'s. Look, he is doing it anyway, so being illegal has nothing to do with it.

You might say "Well that\'s just stupid people that..." BS If it wasn\'t for the weed, would they still have fought OVER the weed. If it wasn\'t for the heroin, would he still have OVERDOSED on the heroin. What kind of responsabilities come from getting stoned, high or snorting some coke? "Hmm, I\'m a father of 3, I have a good job and a wife, I think I earned this addicting heroin" or "Hmm my parents really think that I\'m going to school, ohh well, the weed will ease my pain, it feels so good" The truth is most people aren\'t rational enough to make a choice. If a heroin addict is going to "decide" to be a heroin addict, it\'s not that he made the decision, his addiction made him. Weed, it\'s not addictive? Maybe not. Do people try harder things b/c of it? Yep. First weed, then dro, then some stuff that tastes like "jolly ranchers" and then cocaine. Don\'t believe me? Try asking high school, middle school and even elementary school kids.

I did say that and would say it again. No that would mean that they are stupid enough to fight over something petty, no matter what it is. No, pops, might have OD\'d on something else or perhaps shot himself in the head if he purposely OD\'d.

The same responsibilities that come with not getting high or drunk. Everyone is responsible for themselves whether under the influence or not. Studies indicate that the vast majority of canibus smokers never progress to other drugs. While it is true that most users of hard drugs have also used canibus before these other drugs.... other factors, mainly psychosocial, would better explain progression to other drugs.

Thats where you are right and wrong. No one necessarily chooses to become an addict, but they all know full well that it COULD happen. They proceed to get high anyway.

Weed is weed..dont say weed, then dro. It\'s like cube steak and a new york strip. Its still beef, still steak. I dont believe you as I would ask a middle or elementry school kid that as they shouldnt even be thinking about it. Im not saying legal and free reign. It could be like alcohol..legal at 21..or 23..25..etc..etc..

You want to see a violent stoner? Hmm a murder that occured because of a guy who wanted money to buy some drugs. Hmm a kid who shot another kid while camly sitting in his bed smoking a joint and playing with his daddy\'s gun. What are you going to say? "It never happned, those kid\'s are just stupid for..." Yeah, those kids were stupid enough to try drugs in the first place. Have cases like that happened, I\'m pretty sure, would crack heads admit it, not if they got paid(except if its weed)

When and where was this. Certainly isolated as the media would jump on any chance to display someone killing someone else over a hit on the blunt. Some weight had to be involved, then its about a principle and money. It wasn\'t the weed that made his dumb ass play with a loaded pistol. Yes, they were stupid. Just like I would be stupid if I continued to smoke knowing that my job could be on the line.

What people are being helped? The ones with glaucoma(sp) and all those other illnesses. If so, you\'re right. I don\'t have a problem with them doing weed if it\'s for their own benefit. But, what do you suffer from? What about the other 16 year old weed heads? Nothing. You are just going through the "this feels so good and I\'m going to do it because I\'ve heard that it isn\'t bad and you can\'t tell me what to do because..." Sort of like sex. It feels good when you do it, that is, until you catch HIV.

Illicit drug use has possible reprecussions just like driving a car, drinking, smoking, having sex, playing football, boxing..etc..etc.. All damn dangerous and possibly life threatening.
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #69 on: May 07, 2004, 12:22:15 AM »
Two wrongs don\'t make a right.

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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #70 on: May 07, 2004, 01:12:18 AM »
Care to explain that more? Your statement is rather vague.
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #71 on: May 07, 2004, 04:18:03 AM »
Originally posted by TSina

Our first president GREW weed.

Wrong - he grew hemp along with Thomas Jefferson, not the same as "weed".  Hemp has many uses, but getting high from it is not one of them.  

"The hemp plant, on the other hand, is harvested solely for its seed and stalk, not its low-THC flowers. THC values in marijuana run about 15-20%, while THC values in industrial hemp are usually standardized at 0.3%.\'


It was a viable crop back then and this completely false argument is commonly used by legalized drug advocates to make there case.  Tsina please stop spouting your opinions as fact - if you are going to use examples to back up your opinion please use references, otherwise you have no credibility.
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #72 on: May 07, 2004, 02:00:23 PM »
Mr king of splitting hairs....

To my knowledge, one would have to grow a mary jane plant to grow hemp no? Whther someone harvests the hemp or the flowered buds are two different things, but the plant is indeed the same no?

Besides, is that the only thing for you to pick out and argue about?
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #73 on: May 07, 2004, 02:37:29 PM »
I know many kids who have dropped out of high school, not all of them do drugs.

And it is their personality that makes them want to leave school, not drugs.
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
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"Under God" turned Personal Freedoms thread
« Reply #74 on: May 07, 2004, 03:49:34 PM »
Originally posted by TSina
Mr king of splitting hairs....

To my knowledge, one would have to grow a mary jane plant to grow hemp no? Whther someone harvests the hemp or the flowered buds are two different things, but the plant is indeed the same no?

Besides, is that the only thing for you to pick out and argue about?

I wouldn\'t know about that pothead.  In any case it spells it out clearly enough - hemp is used for many other things besides smoking.  Once again I take your opinions at face value since there is nothing to substantiate them. :rolleyes:
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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