Originally posted by GigaShadow
Whoa! the Bible predicted Tsina and I would argue in this forum! Amazing can you please post a link? :rolleyes:
How do you think I was able to predict the current situation of U.S. in Iraq?
It wasn\'t of my own insight, but from what the Bible says.
Rumsfeld said that he doubts anyone predicted that they would be in the situation they are in today.
The Bible predicted it, and I told everyone what has and will happen. (in the war in Iraq)
Originally posted by Luke Clowd you still never answered my question.
You talk alot of shit about "whats going to happen next".
when I ask you what your talking about all you say is "You will see".
You do realize that just makes it look even more like you have no idea what your talking about right?
I know, I know, your gonna post something after me with a whole lotta words that really don\'t say much except for "I\'m smart and I know whats going on"
You guy\'s wanna know the truth?
well... None of us really have ANY clue as to whats really going on. Think about what you hear on the news, or read in the newspaper and then realize that there is probably sooooo much stuff being kept from us that we can ramble and ramble and ramble on and if someone were to come in here and read this shit and ACTUALLY KNOW what\'s going on they would laugh and say we have no clue what were talking about... It\'s still good fun though.
Clowd... As much as you THINK you know what\'s going on, you don\'t. But that holds true to everybody.
Give me something other than "I\'ll kick all your asses"
"you will see"
Maybe then I\'ll take you a little more seriously... Then again maybe not.
Man, nevermind... I don\'t even care anymore.
Too much coffee this morning.[/i]
Luke your answer is that I have found that all this was in the Bible and I simply stated it to you.