Originally posted by Coredweller
I\'m sure that most of you have heard that BAR Honda has been excluded from the next two F1 events (Barcelona & Monaco) as a penalty for supposedly cheating at the San Marino GP by using fuel as ballast. The explanation of what they supposedly did wrong, and why the FIA sees it as cheating is so complex, I don\'t have the energy to repeat it all here. Just click this link to learn more: http://www.planet-f1.com/news/story_19401.shtml
There are so many angles to this story, it\'s really hard to follow sometimes. On the whole it seems to me that Bernie Ecclestone and Max Mosley are shooting themselves in the foot by handing out such a heavy penalty to one team, when the other teams could very well be doing the same thing or worse. The bizarre system they have for reviewing and approving technical advances is so hard to fathom, it suggests to me how easy it would be for Ferarri to squeeze in all sorts of advantageous technology that was supposedly "approved" but in fact never really made public or reviewed by anyone.
Furthermore, Jenson Button just broke up with Louise Griffiths. Poor guy.
It fucking sucks, that\'s all I can say. They should be punishing BAR, not the drivers, and certainly not the fans.
If anything, they should have let them race, but not let BAR keep what ever points they score, while letting Button and Sato keep hold of theirs.
After all, decisions like this are taken without the approval of the drivers. These sorts of shady dealings are always decided upon by the highest people within the team. Drivers don\'t even have a say in what race strategy they adopt. They are told when to push, when to back off, and when to pit, they have no say in the matter whatsoever.
You think how much bollocks Ferrari have getting away with over the last 7-8 years and then decide what should be done.
F1 teams are supposed to be treated equally by the FIA regardless of where they are on the grid, but yet again, it looks like some teams are just a bit more equal than others..
PS. It\'s not really all Bernie Ecclestones fault, he just runs F1, it\'s all down to that fucktard Max Mosely and his FIA arse-bandits. Bernie Ecclestone has to go with what ever rules these tits make up, and that includes fuel tank issues.