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Author Topic: Nintendo Revolution Specs have been leaked  (Read 2721 times)

Offline ddaryl
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Nintendo Revolution Specs have been leaked
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2005, 08:32:15 AM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon

Anyway, they said exactly what i predicted, and that was that the console would be really easy to program for allowing them to tap its full power, thus keeping it relatively in the race with sony and MS.

Easy to program for is not going to close the gap between Revolution abd XBox 360 / PS3.

Obviously Nintendo realizes it will not be able to compete against MS and Sony head to head, so they tweaked there strategy.
Revolution will sport the usual Nintendo franchises as well as gameboy connectivity. I\'m sure both the Revolution and games will cost alot less then PS3 or Xbox 360.  

This is Nintendo\'s new strategy. Cheaper hardware will require less initial capital, and they will be profitting sooner from it.


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