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Author Topic: New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!  (Read 4377 times)

Offline Nplayer-2
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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2001, 12:15:47 AM »

why don\'t we go to beyond3d.com and tell them the PC is doomed and xbox is a generations ahead of the PC..because that is what you are saying.

come on i dare ya.

first of all the doom video is too dark, it\'s running on a MAC with higher specs than the xflop...and how many FPS did that demo run at?....this shows NOTHING...means NOTHING...

you people are hypocrites...when people call the xbox a PC you say(hell no dumb sony fanboy)...yet when nvida technology is shown on a PC(mac with way more ram, better cpu(better than P4)...better OS).....it\'s herald as the flagship proof for the xbox power..NOT

you are getting pathetic DR....
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

Offline Dr Yassam
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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2001, 01:56:44 AM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2
why don\'t we go to beyond3d.com and tell them the PC is doomed and xbox is a generations ahead of the PC..because that is what you are saying.
come on i dare ya.

Well since I\'ve been defending the PC for almost 10 years against all the idiots who claim that the NEXT console release marks the end of PC gaming, THAT\'S THE LAST THING I\'M SAYING!

Everytime a new conasole is release, it matches or surpases the BEST PCs available at the time, only to be overtaken again by the PC within a year. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT, therefore why do you feel the same wouldn\'t be true for the XBox?

The XBox is no different. It has been designed to obtain the maximum performance out of nVidia\'s NV2A in a way that current PC\'s are unable to do. Once AGP8x and Geforce4 are available, the PC will match/surpass the XBox for polygon pushing power.

Before then, the PC\'s memory advantage means it will be capable of more high res textures than the XBox. It\'s main memory advantage means it\'s capable of supporting larger game worlds than the XBox. And it\'s CPU advantage means it will be capable of greater physics and AI than the XBox.

So to summarise: The XBox (upon launch) will push more polygons than the PC. The PC (within about a year) will overtake the XBox in this area!

first of all the doom video is too dark, it\'s running on a MAC with higher specs than the xflop...and how many FPS did that demo run at?....this shows NOTHING...means NOTHING...

That G4 MAC was LESS powerful than JC\'s 1Ghz PC (as confirmed by JC himself). The Doom3/Pixar demos demonstrated the power of the NV20 (GeForce3) only, NOT the power of the host machine.

you people are hypocrites...when people call the xbox a PC you say(hell no dumb sony fanboy)...yet when nvida technology is shown on a PC(mac with way more ram, better cpu(better than P4)...better OS).....it\'s herald as the flagship proof for the xbox power..NOT

If Sony released a \'PC\' workstation using the EE and GS processors BEFORE the PS2 was released, wouldn\'t this go some way towards demonstrating the power of the PS2? The answer is it WOULD! Except for more memory in the WS, such a machine WOULD be representative of the kind of graphics to expect simply because the graphics technology is almost identical. AND would it mean the PS2 is a WS? NO - it would STILL be a console!

The SAME is true for nVidia\'s technology, and the next few game shows WILL prove my point Nplayer!

you are getting pathetic DR....

How sad! Try reading this thread again once ACTUAL XBox games have been demonstrated running on the NV20 and later the NV2A itself.

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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2001, 02:05:50 AM »
Although I won\'t be able to put the official psx2central stamp (due to my obviouis predicament), I\'d just like express my opinion of Nplayer2\'s statement being moronically stupid and totally insubstansiated. Id\'ve hoped even he\'d have the basic intelectual capacity to realise this, but apparently, he doesn\'t......


Though my feelings, are for the most part, in agreement with the good Dr Yassm, I\'d like to remind him that the NV20 is heavily optimised for exclusive on-the-board work. That is, nVidia has specificaally designed this peice of technology, with the intention of minising the use of the system\'s main bus (PC), thus minising the "bottleneck effect".

That said, its good to note that the NV20 video card has the internal bandwidth in the order of 7gigs/sec. The exact figure eludes me, but that\'s 1gig/sec more than the total bandwidth of the Xbox\'s UMA bus. Naturally, this would have great ramifications in terms of performance difference of the two, with the scale leaning towards the PC and Mac bound video card.

(To further complicate things, the first boards will have chips clocked at 200MHZ, 50MHZ slower than the XGPU)

Anyhooo..... it goes without saying that Physics and AI are relatively simple operations when set against the context of the sheer complexities of 3d graphics. The current standard memmory interface of 4x AGP will not be the catalist for a noticable "inferiority" in PC performance in this particular field.. Therefore, its irrelevant in with respect to the arguement.

Offline Dr Yassam
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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2001, 02:42:06 AM »
Thanks Avatarr.

Although Nvidia\'s technology probably marks the biggest step forward in PC graphics for years, it is still hampered by the PC\'s AGP bus, since vertex information is held in main memory and has to be streamed across the AGP bus to the GeForce (which carries out the required T&L operations).

Even with vertex compression, AGP4x is not good enough to max out GPU\'s like the NV2A, therefore once we reach AGP8x and beyond, the PC will have no problems feeding more powerful GPUs.

The onboard memory of the GeForce3 is for textures, hence it\'s greater bandwidth is relevent for texture based operations and higher resolutions, which we expect from the PC.

Hence upon launch of the XBox, the PC will outperform the console in every way except polygon performance, but shortly afterwards, it will be more powerful.

Anyway, games optimised for nVidia\'s new GPUs on the PC and the XBox are going to look AWESOME. I can\'t wait! :)

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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2001, 04:55:52 AM »
What is the big deal? I mean doom 3 looks good GF3 is awesome. Uhhh NV2A inside the xbox is slated to be a generation ahead of the gf3 uhh yes. So xbox will have great graphics. This has been said since day one when ms first announced the xbox. I mean what is the big buzz if this was to say xbox will have better graphics than ps2. Well all that has been said. I am not so excited about gf3 seeing how macs get it first and i am not a mac seeing how i know nothing about being a pimp. (Sorry for my attempt to make a lame joke:D
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Offline Nplayer-2
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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2001, 02:25:58 AM »
So to summarise: The XBox (upon launch) will push more polygons than the PC. The PC (within about a year) will overtake the XBox in this area!

year? really? where is your proof?.....i  guess the GCN wil destroy the PC in textures eh? with 12gb of bandwidth JUST for textures..it will take a year as well...maybe longer;)

That G4 MAC was LESS powerful than JC\'s 1Ghz PC (as confirmed by JC himself). The Doom3/Pixar demos demonstrated the power of the NV20 (GeForce3) only, NOT the power of the host machine.

so why are you useing the DOOM3 footage as PROOF of what the xbox will do? it don\'t have a G4(more powerfull than a P4) the xbox does not have 128MB of ram...and it don\'t run under MACOSX...WHY ARE YOU BRING UP DOOM3??????

PS:show me DOOM3 on that 1ghz please;)

If Sony released a \'PC\' workstation using the EE and GS processors BEFORE the PS2 was released, wouldn\'t this go some way towards demonstrating the power of the PS2?

if you are talking about the GDC where the PS2 technology was first show then yes..why? BECAUSE IT WAS >ONLY AND EXACTLY< THE REAL PS2 TECHNOLOGY(last time i check the xbox is not a mAC;))

The SAME is true for nVidia\'s technology, and the next few game shows WILL prove my point Nplayer!

unless they make MGS2 and GT3 look like a pile of ****...i won\'t be impressed.

How sad! Try reading this thread again once ACTUAL XBox games have been demonstrated running on the NV20 and later the NV2A itself.

don\'t use the MAC DOOM3 footage as proof of what xbox will do because it is NOT...

so again:

Doom3 on a mac means NOTHING when it comes to what xbox will do..xbox does not have a CPU more powerfull than intel\'s latest technological wonder(the P4)...it does not have 128MB of ram..nor does it run under MacosX....

again...how many fps did that demo run at?...
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

Offline Dr Yassam
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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2001, 04:31:58 AM »
Originally posted by Nplayer-2
again...how many fps did that demo run at?...

Why don\'t you tell us! Any framerate problems seen in the videos ALSO occurred when Jobs & Carmack were speaking. Hence it was not a problem with the demos themselves, their framerate seemed as good as the rest of the video!!!

With repect to the host machine, YOU still fail to understand that the graphics seen in those demos had NOTHING to do with the G4 itself! It was the power of the GeForce3(NV20) which made those demos possible!

Do you really believe those demos would look the same with a GeForce2 or even the original GeForce256? Of course not! And would you like to guess what made them possible! That\'s right, the NV20!!!! NOT THE G4, NOT THE P4, NOT 256Mb of MEMORY!

Very soon, we will be seeing NV20 based XBox game footage, so I hope you\'re ready to eat humble pie! :D

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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2001, 05:51:01 AM »
Presently having surplus "c-o-c-k-yness", I\'d just like to say that Np2 is very well accustommed to, as you say, "eating humble pie". ;) Who else but he would actually attempt refute nVidia\'s creativity and the XGPU\'s power?

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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2001, 11:33:49 AM »
Why don\'t you tell us! Any framerate problems seen in the videos ALSO occurred when Jobs & Carmack were speaking. Hence it was not a problem with the demos themselves, their framerate seemed as good as the rest of the video!!!

Where did you see these demos? TV or through a internet source?....either one is NOT satisfactory for seeing if the fram-rate is good or bad....until i see proof(something you lack) of what the fram-rate was, i can only assume it was not good...that is fair enough.

With repect to the host machine, YOU still fail to understand that the graphics seen in those demos had NOTHING to do with the G4 itself! It was the power of the GeForce3(NV20) which made those demos possible!

so according to YOU(dr yassam) the mighty geforce3(god bless it\'s soul)  acts as  a CPU,RAM and yes of coarse GPU?...oh mighty nvidia, how have they done it?....:rolleyes:

lets get serious...the mac(G4,128MB OF RAM, MACOSX) had everything to do with that demo as much as the geforce3 did....

if you are right please please find me a credible and reliable source that supports your wild claim...

Do you really believe those demos would look the same with a GeForce2 or even the original GeForce256? Of course not! And would you like to guess what made them possible! That\'s right, the NV20!!!! NOT THE G4, NOT THE P4, NOT 256Mb of MEMORY!

lol..it\'s funny because THAT DEMO WAS BUILT ON THE GEFORCE2 TECHNOLOGY.....(you really belive that PC games will support the latest card?...HA).....

look at geforce2ultra vs geforce3 numbers....geforce3 has to scratch and crawl like a coward to even show some kind of a (big jump) you would want us to belive it delivers...does that sound like the (next generatation)?? does that sound like the hercules(no not the company) card which would crush all competition with-out breaking a sweat?...nope..:D

just one more fact:

DOOM3 footage is pretty much geforce2 technology taken to it\'s limit...and it\'s not that impressive(pitch black dark never looked better eh?..i will admit it looks better than the 16million different shades of brown and red ID so do love:D)

Very soon, we will be seeing NV20 based XBox game footage, so I hope you\'re ready to eat humble pie! :D

i thought doom3 was proof?..,my work is done:D

unless MGS2 and GT3 look like crap which no dog would pull or PUSH out of it\'s body...i will not be impressed with the xbox....it will take episode1 CG for me to admit defeat.....but that would never happen:D
. I\'ve said it before and I\'ll say it again, in terms of ingenuity, exclusivity, and console competition, X-Box brings nothing to the table except a fat wad of cash and some rehashed PC components wrapped with a DC controller and a plastic black box.----RYU

\"With Windows 95, we were standing on the edge of a cliff. With Windows 98, we took a big step forward.\" -- Bill Gates

Offline Dr Yassam
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New DOOM Engine movie on GeForce3 here!!!!
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2001, 03:29:31 AM »
To quote Avatarr: "I\'d just like express my opinion of Nplayer2\'s statement being moronically stupid and totally insubstansiated. Id\'ve hoped even he\'d have the basic intelectual capacity to realise this, but apparently, he doesn\'t......"

That says everything about your last post also!

unless MGS2 and GT3 look like crap which no dog would pull or PUSH out of it\'s body...i will not be impressed with the xbox....it will take episode1 CG for me to admit defeat.....but that would never happen:D

Naturally, since to admit defeat would require muturity and intellect, two attributes I associate with adult behaviour, hence two attributes you obviously lack! Shame!


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