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Author Topic: A look at the GC\'s launch line-up  (Read 3563 times)

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2001, 10:38:20 AM »
First of all, i have defintely changed , well a litle

A little is the key part. You may not be a huge fanboy like you used to be but your still a complete moron.

thought about getting gc but not sure

Don\'t lie to me, *****. Your probably to poor to afford one anyways.

believe i been at http://www.nchamber.com at they changed me

Let me guess: They insulted the **** out of you too? :laughing: I\'m looking in one topic there right now and it would appear that your not to liked there.

2nd you call me a fanboy, hahahahaha your a fanboy your self

I\'m a gamer, try be one sometime. I\'m able to enjoy all systems, unlike you. I own PSX, DC, Genesis, used to own a Saturn, N64, and plan on getting NGC and eventually PS2.

and you deserved to be raped by a million homos, then hung haahahahah

Haha, what a clever comeback! :rolleyes:

cya around buddy!!!!

I OWN YOU. You are my toy and when ever I feel like playing with you and brutilizing you then I will.

This was fun. I hope we can do this again sometime. I haven\'t had a moron to play around with for ages. Please stay here and keep me amused. :)

Offline SLIMSHADY739
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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2001, 10:52:08 AM »
You always seem to make me laugh, ok well im not a %100 percent fanboy, i enjoy playing dc, and my n64 , but im always gonna like my ps2 the best, im looking for more gamecube games to decide if its good enough, your probally an idiot and dont believe me but i dont care. I hope consoledome comes back up i wanna go back thier and show everyone how much i changed, and im gonna prove external 12 wrong he dident believe me that crazy taxi was comin to ps2. And you think im your toy, hahaah im your worst nightmare you thought you got rid of me , but i\'ll never go away until  you  die and your soul roughts away and gets eaten by little rats like external 12 and the other cdmembers! ahahahhaahah!!!!!
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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2001, 11:03:06 AM »
You always seem to make me laugh

Cry, complain, shiver, are the more appropriate words to use in that sentence.

i enjoy playing dc, and my n64 , but im always gonna like my ps2 the best

Don\'t pull this crp on me.

im looking for more gamecube games to decide if its good enough

A true gamer would see them already but your just a common fanboy.

your probally an idiot and dont believe me but i dont care.

Probally? Point taken, you have no intelligence.

I hope consoledome comes back up i wanna go back thier and show everyone how much i changed

What ever. They\'re smart enough to know that your still idiot. They don\'t even need to hear from you to know that. :laughing:

and im gonna prove external 12 wrong he dident believe me that crazy taxi was comin to ps2.

You didn\'t prove him wrong, Sony did you dumb ****nut(ah, I love using that word, I forgot about it for awhile).

And you think im your toy, hahaah im your worst nightmare you thought you got rid of me , but i\'ll never go away until you die and your soul roughts away and gets eaten by little rats like external 12 and the other cdmembers! ahahahhaahah!!!!!

Oooh I\'m scared. :laughing: You must have no social life if you still remember External 12 because that was ages ago. Your a pest alright, but your MY pest. And I\'ll squash you when ever I want. You may come back, but that\'s because I want you to. :)

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2001, 11:10:54 AM »
I still remember  external 12, cuz the idiot  emailed me a couples times callin me some stupid names. Actually bobs thinks ive changed so does  wingzero, Well i\'ll make a topic to  annoy you later, im goin to see pearl harbor , well have fun being infested by maggots, you giant sack of crap, and you think you can squash me, then you have anotheir thing coming, see you in hell jackass
Only a fool trust his life to a weapon! Strength is nothing, Stealth is everything!

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2001, 11:56:24 AM »
I still remember external 12, cuz the idiot emailed me a couples times callin me some stupid names.

See if I give a flying ****.

Actually bobs thinks ive changed so does wingzero

Can you not read? I said your not as much of a fanboy anymore but your still a complete moron. Rearrage these letters to find the word I\'m looking for: R-E-T-A-D-R. This should take him awhile. :laughing:

Well i\'ll make a topic to annoy you later

No, YOU\'LL make a topic to attempt to annoy me later. Bob isn\'t that immature and Wing Zero isn\'t even here anymore you gimp.

im goin to see pearl harbor

:laughing: What a girl! :laughing:

well have fun being infested by maggots, you giant sack of crap

Wow! When did you get so good at insulting? :rolleyes:

and you think you can squash me, then you have anotheir thing coming, see you in hell jackass

HA! Just try it fool. I am your god. I own you. Remember that next time when you make another senseless post.

Offline Samwise
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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2001, 12:11:12 PM »
Congratulations, another fine thread went down the drain... but for some unknown reasons I\'m feeling generous today so I\'ll give this thread one more chance.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline 182Ways
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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2001, 12:25:04 PM »
Eternal Darkness
Rogue Squadron 2
Resident Evil 0
Smash Bros. 2

I won\'t be getting a Gamecube until after the end of 2001, though.  Too many PS2 games will be draining away my holiday season cash.

SLIMSHADY739, Jumpman:  Real nice little conversation you guys are having.  Your complete lack of maturity and spelling/grammar skills is amusing.

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2001, 12:42:35 PM »
And so another decent thread manages to crash and burn thanks to the exploits of Jumpman.

N-E-Ways. The line-up is nice but it could be better. The only games I am going to get for launch are Smash Brothers and Star Fox. I\'ll probably get Madden(Its a tradition always get a new football game with a new console). I hope they add a REAL Mario game to the list so I can get that also.

BTW, Does anyone know when the Xbox launch lineup is going to be announced? They won\'t even let us pre-order the Xbox at Funcoland. What kinda crap is that?
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2001, 12:43:08 PM »
Originally posted by 182Ways

SLIMSHADY739, Jumpman:  Real nice little conversation you guys are having.  Your complete lack of maturity and spelling/grammar skills is amusing.

Find one spelling mistake besides when I wrote "rearraged" when it should be rearranged. Go ahead, try. And who cares if I spelt something wrong or didn\'t use proper grammar. This isn\'t school so I\'m not trying to sound smart and use big words unlike some here(my grammar was just fine for a message board btw). Also, I find this fun. If you think that\'s immature then great but don\'t spoil it for me since I like doing this to other people.

What\'s your problem today?

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2001, 01:16:40 PM »
Im sry for  "Jumpmans" lack of respect, hes an idiot, well any way , sry and dont shut this thread because of our actions, which i say he started dont believe me go look.
Only a fool trust his life to a weapon! Strength is nothing, Stealth is everything!

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2001, 01:24:04 PM »
Originally posted by SLIMSHADY739
Im sry for  "Jumpmans" lack of respect, hes an idiot, well any way , sry and dont shut this thread because of our actions, which i say he started dont believe me go look.

He started it...LOL! You want lack of maturity 182Ways, there you go.

I see your giving up, pathetic, but also typical.

Anyways, is anyone here besides me interested in Pikmin?

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2001, 01:33:30 PM »
no i think were a little "Matured" for pikimin, anyone but me really want more of metroid prime!
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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2001, 02:21:01 PM »
Coincedentally, you two seem to be on at the same time, in both occasions. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I think that launch is pretty impressive. I\'m interested in:

- Pikmin
- Star Wars: Rogue Leader
- Batman: Dark Tomorrow
- Eternal Darkness
- Luigi\'s Mansion
- Waverace: Blue Storm

I\'ll only be buying maybe two games at launch, however. One multiplayer game and one single-player game. This means, I might get Waverace: Blue Storm and either Pikmin or Eternal Darkness. Although, if Batman turns out to be good, that could be an option for a third game.
August 26th, 2002.

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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2001, 02:42:29 PM »
there is no suitable fighting game for launcha and all the otehr games don\'t really interest me, to me its a **** line-up
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Do you believe in a god that tells you lies?
Or do you believe in me??

Offline rastalant
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A look at the GC\'s launch line-up
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2001, 03:00:57 PM »
Originally posted by Metal_Gear_Ray
there is no suitable fighting game for launcha and all the otehr games don\'t really interest me, to me its a **** line-up

I know I must have a fighting game(on a console) or at   launch.  Just look at DC-soul caiblur, Ps2-TTT, Xbox-DOA3, and gamecube well...........  Don\'t give me no smash bros 2 crap I want a REAL fighting game.  So nintendo needs to get a huge fighter thats was a huge problem for n64.
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