Ogodlything, your asking for way too much.
Let\'s take a second to remember the Sega GameGear and how it drained batteries. Overall, it was
FAR superior in technology than the GB. But, it could only last 6-8 hours on SIX AA batteries. This was mainly because the backlit screen is such a power comsumer. I honestly don\'t think you truly understand how fast they will drain batteries.
Now, the GBA only need two AA batteries and it can last 10-15 hours. That\'s twice as long as the GameGear could last and the system itself is more powerful. With a backlit screen then I doubt it could last any more than half that number.
3D processors would eat batteries quickly too, perhaps more quickly then a backlit screen. And if a handheld were to be true 3D then it would need a much bigger screen than the one on GBA. Also, oth of this features would sky rocket the price of it.
Now ask yourself this-is it really that difficult to get under a good light in the right angle? I don\'t think so. A worm light could also easily fix the dark screen problem too and only at an extra 10$.
The lighting isn\'t that big of a deal and being 3D would drain batteries, you would need a much bigger screen, and both of these factors would raise the price. A 3D handheld with a backlit screen wouldn\'t be very easy to create while being consumer friendly. I doubt anyone besides Nintendo could pull it off successfully.
Nintendo has almost optimised their machine perfectly. The only thing they could of done better is have an option to turn on and off a backlit screen. So when you plug it into a power outlet then it wouldn\'t drain batteries and you could play perfectly. But hey, no machine can and provably never will be perfect. And again, the lighting isn\'t that big of an issue.
One thing that could cure the lighting problem is being able to play your GBA on a TV. Since the GBA has a connectivity with the GameCube then maybe it could happen. It would be a great idea though.
My only complaint about the GBA is the colour of them. I hate all of them, they look ridiculous. I wish Nintendo could of usen the GBA colours they had a Spaceworld. They were sweet. Take a look.