Originally posted by Ashford
Why is Tshirts an idiot just cause he didn\'t like the game? Why is he a fanboy, an XBox fanboy, no less, just cause he\'s not happy with Sony and PS2? Just cause 3 top gaming sites gave the game high marks, Tshirts has to follow suit? Whatever happened to personal opinions?
cause his opinion is based of a personal hate not intelligence.
If your disspaointed with Sony and the PS2 then only an idiot would come to a PS2 based message board to state that.
I\'ve never gone to an Xbox or a Nintendo website to tell them they suck, and they don\'t know what there talking about. I
Its called respect and allowing people to like what they like and discuss what they like between themselves
Its just rude and aggravating that the immence amount of web based ibociles think forums are a right of passage to slam, spew garbage, and irritate those who like something they do not
A forum designed for fans of something should be for fans not people who in there need for attention and over zealous opinion
The only reson this debate forum was created is to house the small amounts of these imbociles that can\'t respect that this is a PS2 fan site and find it threatening that we don\'t share thier views.
and since this is a debate forum if our opinion counts as much as the next guys. Obviously they don\'t respect our opinion so why the F uck should we respect them
Oh and its way more than 3 top websited giving TMB a good review, I;ve seen two scores of 8.5 out of a dozen websites and magazines the rest are 9.0 or higher. I\'ve yet to hear anyone of 3 different PS2 forums say they are dissapointed in the game.
On top of this T-Shirts came into this forum and instantly started posting anti PS2 stuff. Its way to obvious his opinion is clouded by some hate for the system and SOny. We see this hate every single day from a few different people and they insist on sharing it with us. SO pardon us if we continually tell a few non PS2 fans that there opinions are garbage and have 0 merit which they do.