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Author Topic: Videogames.com reviews possibly rigged.  (Read 3070 times)

Offline fastson
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« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2001, 03:20:34 PM »

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I agree with ddaryl!

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Videogames.com reviews possibly rigged.
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2001, 03:55:57 PM »
I can see what you\'re saying, ddaryl.  

What are you trying to achieve, Tshirts?  Why can\'t you understand that games can get good reviews, whether you like them or not?

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« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2001, 04:10:15 PM »
Well sony got busted for the fake reviews they used on their movies so now they are doing to with their games.

nAW I don\'t believe the TMB review is set  up. Twisted metal is a fun series especially with 4 players and with better graphics, better vehicles, and weapons there is noway it could not be a awesome game.  But I have to go buy first then I will give my review but I expect it to be a good game.
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« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2001, 06:10:06 PM »
Well consider this....

I posted the same post in 3 forums(2 Sega forums, and 1 Sony). In the Sony forum( http://cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.asp?board=161&topic=938498 ) almost everyone said I was full of BS and they are not definitely rigged, and in the Sega forums ( http://www.gamerweb.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/012582.html and http://cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.asp?board=149&topic=938488 ) everybody\'s opinion was in direct contrast to what the other forum was saying. The ppl at the Sega forum (almost everyone: some fanboys, some not) strongly believes Videogames.com are pro-Sony. Why is that? If this site was without a doubt evidently unbiased, why are there still a vast number of individuals questioning their integrity? Maybe you are not seeing what the Sega fans, and the unbiased gamers have been seeing all along. Think about it guys.

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« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2001, 06:21:30 PM »
You are every bit the meathead I originally took you to be. Your like the pussy kid, in a big confrontation

Not really T-shirts makes his points very clear, it\'s obvious he spends time on his posts to make sure he covers all ground. So there is need for me to write a whole paragraph on why I agree, I have better things to do. I like T-shirts cause this man just says it like it is.

I consider myself a smart consumer, I only buy the best for my money\'s worth. My girlfriend wasted her money on PS2, I know it, she knows it. Don\'t get me wrong I had wished that the psx2 was going to be all that sony said it was, considering i was a fan of the PS1, which I loved, but PS2 to me is like choosing between cable modem and a T3 connection for the same price.

you ddarryl since you took the time to insult me, are just a weak mislead consumer, trying to justify your purchase, in order to self-delude yourself into believing that PS2 is worth the money. Man I have been smart shopping for high tech stuff for years now and I know when I see a quailty product and one that has been rushed.  There is as much truth to this, as what you have said to me. Take that how you will.

are both you Ogodlydork and T****s going to tell me that this is a conspiracy ?????

No i\'m not.

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« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2001, 06:24:45 PM »
Because non Sony / PS2 fans just can\'t handle the truth and that is the PS2 will have more then its share of kick ass games. That is why its leading the way and has the largest following.

People hate the Big Dog and root for the underdog, thats why Sega freaks, Nintendo Zealots and XBox fanlads come up with these lame conspiracy theories


PS2 fans consider videogames.com the toughest widely repected reviewer of videogames when it comes to PS2 titles. For the longest time they we\'re rating games well under what PS2 fans thought they deserved.

When Gamepot or videogames.com gives a high score on a PS2 game its because it is that good

98% of the people who now have TM"B and or NBA Street are raving about these games unlike you who gave it an very undeserved albeit your opinion 7.2

( I will say this TShirts, you have away of saying weird ****, but you don\'t seem to get bent out of shape when we call your bluff, thats a commendable trait.)

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« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2001, 07:10:55 PM »
Well sony got busted for the fake reviews they used on their movies so now they are doing to with their games.

Where did you hear this?  Anyway you can find me a link?

Offline Docwiz
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« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2001, 12:20:45 AM »
Originally posted by tHe GaMe

Well I\'m sticking up for Sega/Sony/Nintendo the Japanese trio.

If Odgodly and those other b*tches can b*tch about Sony then I can b*tch about Crashsoft.

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« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2001, 02:49:38 AM »
Tshirts, in case you missed this, then here is the one line that almost completely destroys your argument.
Originally posted by Ryu
One man\'s crap is another man\'s treasure.

No elaboration is needed. The person who wrote that might of been a huge TM fan.

But in my personal opinion, I don\'t think VG.com\'s review system is rigged, I just think it\'s pretty ****ed up. How on earth did Zelda:MM get an 8.4? How did Grandia 2 get a 7.9? how did Metal Gear Solid get a 8.5? How did Mario Kart 64 get 6.4? How did Shenmue get 7.9? How did FFIX get 8.7? I doubt their rigged, I just think they\'re all slighty high on magic mushrooms sometimes which leads to these crazy reviews.

But if TW:B got 9.6 from IGN then I can\'t say anything about the VG.com review because the IGN sites don\'t give games higher scores just because of their hype. I trust them, so I can\'t complain about TM:B getting a 9.5 from VG.com.

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« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2001, 03:01:07 AM »
You know what\'s even funnier, is how T****s here rates TM:B low because of lack of innovation (even though the immense interactive battlefields , greatly improved physics, and animation represents a big part of next gen innovation)

-  Immense interactive battlefields(arenas, levels, etc):  Crazy Taxi

-  Improved physics:  Wave Race 64

-  animation:  LOL come again?

Twisted Metal Black has received high scores from EVERY SINGLE REVIEWER ON THE WEB as well as magazines etc...


DO either of you realize how insane, and just downright dellusional you 2 sound.. [/b]

No not really.  Considering I have played the game, I don\'t think it should stand along such greats as Soul Caliber, Chrono Cross, Zelda:OoT, and/or get a "higher grade from their scale" than a Tony Hawk, and Mario 64.  Consider this, their criteria is to rate games according to the "like" games on the platforms.  If that is the case, Tony Hawk and Mario 64 should of both gotten perfect scores considering they are great titles and there are no other games like them on their respective consoles.

Also, like Xbox said, Sony got caught for rigging their movie scores.  It is not a far fetch idea they could do the same for their game scores.

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« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2001, 03:27:35 AM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
Also, like Xbox said, Sony got caught for rigging their movie scores.  It is not a far fetch idea they could do the same for their game scores.
Care to provide a link to that statement? As far as I remember it was two \'creative\' marketing guys at Paramount who \'invented\' a guy at a newpaper somewhere. The paper was real, the guy was not (and they got 1 month off without pay). However, that it not like this situation at all. You can go to videogames.com etc. and read the real review. Plus in the other case, they caught on to it because that guy said nice things about movies that totally sucked according to the majority of reviewers. That, too, is not the case here where everyone is raving about the game. So in this case I think you can shove the conspiracy theory up your ***. :)
(thanks Chizzy!)

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« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2001, 03:44:39 AM »
Ahem. Why on earth would a person just directly compare something like Zelda : Oot and TM:B just like that? They\'re from different genres altogether, and at least in my opinion, those games can\'t be compared.

Ask me for my fave game and I can\'t pick just one, because I\'ve got my favourites spread across half a dozen different genres. Maybe TM:B just is worth a near perfect ten, as a car combat game. I\'d probably score Zelda : OoT in the low nineties, and wipE\'out" 2097 well above it, because I enjoyed the latter game more.

And you\'ll have to be a real dimwit to nitpick about other people\'s opinions... yes, you might want everyone to think like you do, but opinions are one of the things you just have to accept in this world.

And no game should receive a perfect score (a finnish, well, originally swedish game mag scored Mario 64 100/100, which I found ridiculous). There is no perfect game. A perfect game would be one that everyone would enjoy, and nobody would complain about. Just show me one. I doubt there\'ll ever be one. There are, though, great games that will find their rightful fans. TM:B being one of these, apparently. Scores mean ****.
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« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2001, 05:32:21 PM »
Lots of things to reply to here... lets get the ball rolling.

Originally posted by Jumpman:
Tshirts, in case you missed this, then here is the one line that almost completely destroys your argument.

Heh, most intelligent people noticed that and agreed with it in one way or another, but it was somehow ignored by the topic starter.  I find it strange how those making an arguement hear only what they want to hear, or what they can argue against.

Originally posted by Tshirts:
Maybe you are not seeing what the Sega fans, and the unbiased gamers have been seeing all along. Think about it guys.

Biased?  You compare opinions with opinions and then proceed to call us biased?  You started this topic to knock videogames.com\'s OPINIONS on Sony titles and then come into a Sony forum and proceed to call us biased?  That\'s pretty sad.  I suppose those games, Metal Gear Solid, FFIX, and many others, just don\'t figure into your perspective.  Again, I feel this is just something that you want to see in order to prove your own views.  All because you ignore the points doesn\'t mean we will.  So far, as everyone as said in this thread, every company has had their fair share of crap review from videogames.com, but I find it funny that you immediately single them out for pro-Sony views when they give a high score to one title.  Maybe they actually think *gasp* the game is good?

- Immense interactive battlefields(arenas, levels, etc): Crazy Taxi

I don\'t remember Crazy Taxi ever having the ability for me to literally change the face of the enviornment while I\'m playing and make the level an all new experience.  Let\'s also not forget which one is multiplayer...

- Improved physics: Wave Race 64

That\'s intelligent.  I don\'t know if we were playing the same Wave Race 64 or not, but I don\'t remember being able to turn on a dime and kill my friend with a missle shot in that one.  Oh well, maybe you remember things differently then I do when you play games.

- animation: LOL come again?

Yah man, the TM:B animations suck.  To hell with the fact that practically every part on the car moves in real time with the press of a button, or the fact that it displays damage at varying levels, or even the fact that some cars literally tranform to unleash specials.  I guess the Taxi\'s and Waverunners in Crazy Taxi and Wave Race 64 all did that as well.  :rolleyes: However, I\'d think the better comparison would be to the only other vehicular combat game that is out on the market now for next generation systems, and that is Vigilante 8 for the Dreamcast and I don\'t think any of the V8 cars held a candle to what TM:B pulls off with ease.


That\'s right.  Sh|t man, only these high profile, highly respected 500,000 hits + a day sites have posted high mark reviews.  I guess those smaller sites are a little slow, a little understaffed, and a little pissed off about working for peanuts.  Damn, but when they get up to speed and start bashing one of the greatest PS2 games of this year, you be sure to come in here and post lots of obscure links and references none of us have ever heard of.

No not really. Considering I have played the game, I don\'t think it should stand along such greats as Soul Caliber, Chrono Cross, Zelda:OoT, and/or get a "higher grade from their scale" than a Tony Hawk, and Mario 64. Consider this, their criteria is to rate games according to the "like" games on the platforms. If that is the case, Tony Hawk and Mario 64 should of both gotten perfect scores considering they are great titles and there are no other games like them on their respective consoles.

Again, you\'re comparing reviews for totally different games in totally different genres.  Posting a comparitive review between Madden2k1 for the PC and Madden2k1 for the PS2 is one thing, but don\'t do it for Twisted Metal Black and Ocarina of Time.  Any sane Nintendo fan will tell you that the two are incredibly different and comparing one to the other is just downplaying each respective title.  I wouldn\'t have to say the above if you had just listened to what people have been telling you in this thread all along, but you really do have a tendency to ignore the good arguments against your claims.

Also, like Xbox said, Sony got caught for rigging their movie scores. It is not a far fetch idea they could do the same for their game scores.

I\'m not on Sony\'s "payroll."  I don\'t get paid when I put my reviews for games up in here.  All i do is post my honest opinions of great games or poor games.  TM:B is a great title in my opinion and if you think it is terrible, that\'s your opinion, but just know that nearly everyone who has played this game has loved it in one way or another.  Oh well, I admire your fight to have your opinion heard, but opinions are like assholes; everyone has one, and everyone thinks everyone elses stinks.
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« Reply #28 on: June 21, 2001, 07:01:11 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
PS2 fans consider videogames.com the toughest widely repected reviewer of videogames when it comes to PS2 titles. For the longest time they we\'re rating games well under what PS2 fans thought they deserved.

When Gamepot or videogames.com gives a high score on a PS2 game its because it is that good

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« Reply #29 on: June 21, 2001, 07:19:38 PM »

I applaud you. Great response. I couldn\'t have said it better myself. :)

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