Whenever an important game comes along that has the ability to repeal a system success such as Twisted Metal: Black, GT2, FF8, Shenmue, etc. It seems like the scores are usually swayed in Sony\'s favor regardless of the stature of the game. I mean, for Twisted Metal: Black, this is their first franchise since the launch, and all the hoopla around the PS2 has died out and careened to the other next generation consoles. Plus with the release of GT3 coming up, Sony really needs to ride the momentum of this game going into the crucial fall period because there will be no other franchise of this caliber from now till then. This game is VERY important! It is as important as FF8(released on the DC launch day to combat the system single handedly), GT2(the success of this game was eminent because the PSX was stagnant for 6 months of quality software and it was during the crucial Christmas season), Shenmue(released at the PS2 launch and was one of the most hyped, and crucial Sega software at the time). Shenmue ended up with a lower than expected score, and both FF8 and GT2 walked away with stella scores. All three games got undeserving reviews. GT2 was "admittedly" a flawed title, FF8 was consider by many "the worse in the series", and Shenmue, although a stale game, did not deserved a score of 7.0(later they admitted they were wrong and re-reviewed the game). Although I have seen many hyped PSX and PS2 products getting low scores from Gamespot, it is the games that have the ability to turn the tides of the console war, the most crucial games, that are getting the advantages in Sony\'s favor. I smell something fishy!
Consider this, the game(Twisted Metal: Black) recieving a 9.5 firmly places it in the elite group of stellar titles like:
Chrono Cross, Soul Calibur, and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Paper Mario, etc.
All great, innovative softwares that brought some new gameplay, and extended it\'s respective genre to new heights.
Twisted Metal: Black is nothing more than a rehash with updated graphics and I strongly believe it does not deserve the kind of accolades VG is currently giving it. Even great, innovational games like Super Mario 64, Tony Hawk, Jet Grind Radio, Eternal Arcadia, etc failed to infiltrate this elite group. How can an uninspiring, hash over title happen to do what some of the most awespiring, invigorating ones failed to?