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Author Topic: Videogames.com reviews possibly rigged.  (Read 3072 times)

Offline Tshirts
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Videogames.com reviews possibly rigged.
« on: June 20, 2001, 03:45:04 AM »
Whenever an important game comes along that has the ability to repeal a system success such as Twisted Metal: Black, GT2, FF8, Shenmue, etc.  It seems like the scores are usually swayed in Sony\'s favor regardless of the stature of the game.  I mean, for Twisted Metal: Black, this is their first franchise since the launch, and all the hoopla around the PS2 has died out and careened to the other next generation consoles.  Plus with the release of GT3 coming up, Sony really needs to ride the momentum of this game going into the crucial fall period because there will be no other franchise of this caliber from now till then.  This game is VERY important!  It is as important as FF8(released on the DC launch day to combat the system single handedly), GT2(the success of this game was eminent because the PSX was stagnant for 6 months of quality software and it was during the crucial Christmas season), Shenmue(released at the PS2 launch and was one of the most hyped, and crucial Sega software at the time).  Shenmue ended up with a lower than expected score, and both FF8 and GT2 walked away with stella scores.  All three games got undeserving reviews.  GT2 was "admittedly" a flawed title, FF8 was consider by many "the worse in the series", and Shenmue, although a stale game, did not deserved a score of 7.0(later they admitted they were wrong and re-reviewed the game).  Although I have seen many hyped PSX and PS2 products getting low scores from Gamespot, it is the games that have the ability to turn the tides of the console war, the most crucial games, that are getting the advantages in Sony\'s favor.  I smell something fishy!


Consider this, the game(Twisted Metal: Black) recieving a 9.5 firmly places it in the elite group of stellar titles like:

Chrono Cross, Soul Calibur, and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Paper Mario, etc.

All great, innovative softwares that brought some new gameplay, and extended it\'s respective genre to new heights.

Twisted Metal: Black is nothing more than a rehash with updated graphics and I strongly believe it does not deserve the kind of accolades VG is currently giving it.  Even great, innovational  games like Super Mario 64, Tony Hawk, Jet Grind Radio, Eternal Arcadia, etc failed to infiltrate this elite group.  How can an uninspiring, hash over title happen to do what some of the most awespiring, invigorating ones failed to?

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Videogames.com reviews possibly rigged.
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2001, 04:05:18 AM »
thgats another interesting point...hmm...ever thought its the individual reviewers opinion on the game?  i really doubt that this \'consipracy\' would be true, nor could i tbe proven.  Personally, i think most reviewers of PS2 games have been harsh up until now, probably due to the fact that, while its good, not AS good as they thought, judging it more harshly.  Finally comes along a game that is just plain FUN to play, and they could keep coming back to time and time again, probably more so than those other games you mentioned, something that has great party play value, replay value, multiplayer, with a slightly \'weak\' and not so innovative single player, and it gets a high score *SHOCK HORROR*  how can this be.

This games reviewer disagrees with your opinions Tshirts, then thats tough luck

but you did make some good points  :) sorry if i sound like a jerk  :) but i believe its not true

Offline CygnusXI
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« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2001, 04:18:59 AM »
Unfortunately most games coming out for consoles nowadays are so-called "re-hashes".

That said, it doesn\'t really mean squat when reviewing a game. Reviews are based on Graphics, Gameplay, Sound, innovation, playability, and some other aspects.

From what many reviewers are saying TMB excels at all of the criteria... I won\'t go through all of the plusses of the game and how well the game is put together and played, you can just read any of a number of reviews on the web already that point that out.

My point is this. TMB, from the sounds of the available reviews, DESERVES the score. Just read other reviews.

[Note: I actually think Videogames.com is somewhat anti-Sony....eh?? To each their own I guess]
FFXI Trebcyggy, Unicorn
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2001, 04:21:19 AM »
I truly doubt the reviews are "rigged" and I doubt there is a giant conspiracy goin\' on with Sony and web-based "publications". But, you do make valid points.

The problem with any site or magazine is it is based off one persons review. I agree, that it amazes me TMB got better ratings then Jet Grind Radio, Super Mario 64, Shenmue and other games (original, classic titles). But, it is one reviewers opinion. It doesn\'t actually mean the game is better. I\'m positive you know and realize this, so I won\'t preach that point any further.

Your post was a nice read and conspiracy theory, but failed to prove anything beyond a few examples, that could be very well passed off as personal reviewer opinion.

Offline tHe GaMe
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« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2001, 04:44:24 AM »
Originally posted by Tshirts
Whenever an important game comes along that has the ability to repeal a system success such as Twisted Metal: Black, GT2, FF8, Shenmue, etc.  It seems like the scores are usually swayed in Sony\'s favor regardless of the stature of the game.  I mean, for Twisted Metal: Black, this is their first franchise since the launch, and all the hoopla around the PS2 has died out and careened to the other next generation consoles.  Plus with the release of GT3 coming up, Sony really needs to ride the momentum of this game going into the crucial fall period because there will be no other franchise of this caliber from now till then.  This game is VERY important!  It is as important as FF8(released on the DC launch day to combat the system single handedly), GT2(the success of this game was eminent because the PSX was stagnant for 6 months of quality software and it was during the crucial Christmas season), Shenmue(released at the PS2 launch and was one of the most hyped, and crucial Sega software at the time).  Shenmue ended up with a lower than expected score, and both FF8 and GT2 walked away with stella scores.  All three games got undeserving reviews.  GT2 was "admittedly" a flawed title, FF8 was consider by many "the worse in the series", and Shenmue, although a stale game, did not deserved a score of 7.0(later they admitted they were wrong and re-reviewed the game).  Although I have seen many hyped PSX and PS2 products getting low scores from Gamespot, it is the games that have the ability to turn the tides of the console war, the most crucial games, that are getting the advantages in Sony\'s favor.  I smell something fishy!


Consider this, the game(Twisted Metal: Black) recieving a 9.5 firmly places it in the elite group of stellar titles like:

Chrono Cross, Soul Calibur, and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Paper Mario, etc.

All great, innovative softwares that brought some new gameplay, and extended it\'s respective genre to new heights.

Twisted Metal: Black is nothing more than a rehash with updated graphics and I strongly believe it does not deserve the kind of accolades VG is currently giving it.  Even great, innovational  games like Super Mario 64, Tony Hawk, Jet Grind Radio, Eternal Arcadia, etc failed to infiltrate this elite group.  How can an uninspiring, hash over title happen to do what some of the most awespiring, invigorating ones failed to?

Are u from Microsoft :rolleyes:
Proud Owner of the Playstation 2, futrue Owner of Nintendo\'s Gamecube.

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Microosft were do you wanna crash today?

Offline Living-In-Clip

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« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2001, 04:59:05 AM »
Originally posted by tHe GaMe

Are u from Microsoft :rolleyes:

I see nothing in his post that points to Microsoft. Infact, he mentions mostly Sega. Why are you so quick to think he is employeed by MS or an Xbox fanboy?

While, I don\'t exactly agree with his conspiracy theory, I think asking if he was from MS was rather silly.

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« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2001, 05:14:20 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

I see nothing in his post that points to Microsoft. Infact, he mentions mostly Sega. Why are you so quick to think he is employeed by MS or an Xbox fanboy?

While, I don\'t exactly agree with his conspiracy theory, I think asking if he was from MS was rather silly.

Well I\'m sticking up for Sega/Sony/Nintendo the Japanese trio.

If Odgodly and those other b*tches can b*tch about Sony then I can b*tch about Crashsoft.
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Microosft were do you wanna crash today?

Offline Falcon4
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« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2001, 09:18:16 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

I see nothing in his post that points to Microsoft. Infact, he mentions mostly Sega. Why are you so quick to think he is employeed by MS or an Xbox fanboy?

because he is a sony fanboy, and is afraid of microsoft.

anyways, MANY  different websites gave TM:B great ratings. so i would think that the game is good.

im picking it up any minute now, they just have to call me:D
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2001, 10:41:38 AM »
If Ogodly and those other b*tches can b*tch about Sony then I can b*tch about Crashsoft.

Yeah but we actually have a reason to, with strong soild facts to back it up. As T-shirts said "Sony did not deliver"

Offline Heretic
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« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2001, 12:14:53 PM »
In case anyone missed it, the T in Tshirts stands for Troll

one of the many he\'s worn, I\'m sure


ITO FF8 and GT2 overrated + Shemnue underrated IMO= Dead DC up "T"shirts ass

Comparing reviews for games of different genres to try and make a feeble case...

Typical Troll Tactic- so old it predates the PS2 launch

Being well behaved doesn\'t hide the specious reasoning consistent with most trollers. Tshirt would love it if we were to provide more examples of his nonsense because the mission, when ever possible, is to argue and spew propaganda. Anything to keep our minds off the idea PS2 is kicking ass now and every month until xbox launches.

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« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2001, 01:21:20 PM »
Why are review scores compared for different genres in your post?  How can you compare the score for Shenmue to TM:B?  It is possible that these same sites, the ones who play the games in their Beta states and overhype it for the readers, are the ones who believe that the games truly are great.  Sometimes these hyped up games truly do deliver on their hyped up points and sometimes they just don\'t.  I recall Bouncer being equally as hyped up by many publications only to slam face first into hard-nosed reviews.  I don\'t see how Bouncer was any less important as a software title as Twisted Metal Black is supposedly.

On another note, just about every publication has given high marks to TM:B, not just gamespot.  Plus, when it comes to reviews, you have to respect one simple fact that is known to all who work in the industry and it\'s words to live by if you ever land a job at these publications:

One man\'s crap is another man\'s treasure.
Don\'t you ever touch my cape.

Offline Black Samurai
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« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2001, 01:26:57 PM »
Originally posted by Ryu
One man\'s crap is another man\'s treasure.

Exactly, Some of my favorite games got crap reviews in the mags and from online editors.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2001, 01:58:27 PM »
Exactly, Some of my favorite games got crap reviews in the mags and from online editors

True, it\'s all a matter of taste.

Offline ddaryl
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« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2001, 02:39:35 PM »

I cannot believe anyone here can actually read this crap without pissing there pants in hysterical laughter

I smell something fishy

talk about paranoid Sony hating dellusions

and Ogodlything, Sometimes I respect what you say, but I\'ll say this. You are every bit the meathead I originally took you to be.  Your like the pussy kid, in  a big confrontation, standing behind the bully  looking over his shoulder and shouting  "Yeah, you better watch it or ..."

Twisted Metal Black has received high scores from EVERY SINGLE REVIEWER ON THE WEB as well as magazines etc...

are both you Ogodlydork and T****s going to tell me that this is a conspiracy ?????

DO either of you realize how insane, and just downright dellusional you 2 sound..

I don\'t see how anyone here can even treat this thread seriously


You know what\'s even funnier, is how T****s here rates TM:B low because of lack of innovation (even though the immense interactive battlefields , greatly improved physics, and animation represents a big part of next gen innovation) Yet so many people out there are screaming for old styled gameplay and 2d games.

No game needs to be innovative to receive big scores, and a game can be very innovastive and still suck ass.

this is just way to funny

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« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2001, 03:00:48 PM »
Twisted Metal Black has received high scores from EVERY SINGLE REVIEWER ON THE WEB as well as magazines etc...

are both you Ogodlydork and T****s going to tell me that this is a conspiracy ?????

:laughing: :laughing:

C\'mon ddaryl, don\'t you know Sony payed BIG bucks so TM:B can receive great reviews? :rolleyes: :laughing:

The day I will respect shirtman\'s opinion is the day the N64 generates 100mpps in real-time.

- dm
- the trick is to keep breathing.


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