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Author Topic: PS2 #1, but who will be #2?  (Read 5220 times)

Offline QuDDus
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2001, 06:17:09 AM »
Originally posted by ViVi

1) MGSX is not official
2) Wait, wasn\'t Silent Hill 2 a "toss up"?
3) Bruce Lee: Quest of Dragon?... what is with you and this game?

For the last time MGSX is coming to XboX. And Silent hill 2 was shown on Xbox at e3. And Bruce Lee is a new action game being developed on Xbox. I think any game with bruce lee is gonna rock. He is the greatest fighter ever born.
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Offline SuupaBuu
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2001, 06:48:05 AM »
See, X-Box Games like Project Ego, Project Gotham, Malice, can turn out not to be great at all.  I can start naming random names from PS2 and say those are going to be great. Like Air Blade, Dragon Rage, City Crisis, ect.

But I dont know about PS2 being #1. X-Box hasnt come out yet, and it will probably have alot of great games comming out.

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2001, 07:17:13 AM »
My prediction?

Bush starts a war.

PS2 0%
GC 0%
XB 0%

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2001, 08:11:30 AM »
Originally posted by XBOX
He is the greatest fighter ever born.

Thats arguable.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2001, 08:14:37 AM »
Originally posted by SuupaBuu
See, X-Box Games like Project Ego, Project Gotham, Malice, can turn out not to be great at all.  I can start naming random names from PS2 and say those are going to be great. Like Air Blade, Dragon Rage, City Crisis, ect.

But I dont know about PS2 being #1. X-Box hasnt come out yet, and it will probably have alot of great games comming out.

Those PS2 games can turn out to be ****e too.

Offline Halberto
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2001, 08:36:09 AM »
Originally posted by XBOX
For the last time MGSX is coming to XboX.

Really?... Okay, give me proof that is straight from Hideo\'s mouth that isn\'t a speculation and is a clear fact.

Originally posted by XBOX
And Silent hill 2 was shown on Xbox at e3.

I know that, but you said that only MGS2 and GT3 are given AAA titles. But when you started naming XBOX titles you said SH2, which you called a "toss up." What makes XBOX turn it into from a "toss up" to a given?

Originally posted by XBOX
And Bruce Lee is a new action game being developed on Xbox. I think any game with bruce lee is gonna rock. He is the greatest fighter ever born.

geez, man we haven\'t even seen any gameplay!

Offline QuDDus
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2001, 08:56:15 AM »
Originally posted by ViVi

Really?... Okay, give me proof that is straight from Hideo\'s mouth that isn\'t a speculation and is a clear fact.


I know that, but you said that only MGS2 and GT3 are given AAA titles. But when you started naming XBOX titles you said SH2, which you called a "toss up." What makes XBOX turn it into from a "toss up" to a given?

geez, man we haven\'t even seen any gameplay!

Quite frankly it was confirmed to being made on Xbox a long time ago. And I don\'t feel like looking up the link. And second this is getting real old. And I am tired of debating over this because it will get you nowhere. It is all  based on what ppl think. And you don\'t get anywhere debating what ppl think. Until we  all actually know how this  console thing is going to come out we can\'t say. I am finished with these thread and debate.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2001, 09:01:30 AM »
Originally posted by ViVi

Really?... Okay, give me proof that is straight from Hideo\'s mouth that isn\'t a speculation and is a clear fact.

While I guess there\'s no proof, MS stated (they would know too) that MGSX is \'beyond\' MGS2. That rules out MGS1. That leaves a better MGS2 or MGS3. Kojima has also talked about how XB is to develop for. He would only know if he\'s done it. You have to use logic here... do you really think he\'s developing MGS2 and MGS3 at the same time? Not very likely. That leaves MGSX\'s only possibility; a enhanced MGS2. Use your brain...

Originally posted by ViVi
I know that, but you said that only MGS2 and GT3 are given AAA titles. But when you started naming XBOX titles you said SH2, which you called a "toss up." What makes XBOX turn it into from a "toss up" to a given?

SH2/X is a AAA game. It isn\'t a system seller by name though, it needs good marketing. With good marketing, it has the potental to be a system seller.

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2001, 10:14:07 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I think this is like every other thread. People trying to predict which console will take number 2 and 3 while assuming PS2 will take number 1. Then an Xbox fan will come in and say that Xbox has a chance for number 1. From there, we will get into the debate about how "kiddy" Nintendo is, while we all forget that we can\'t predict the future and its just games. Enjoy \'em.

Thats just my opinion on who would be number one though...

preach it livin!!!!!!

i dont know how many times i have come into these newbie threads and debated for hours. i dont know how many times ive gone into tHe GaMe \'s threads and told him to stop making stupid thread names such as
"now that the ps2 has a lock on the console industry, whats next for them"
or, "now that sony has held back microsoft, what will microsoft do?"

i think i should go and find out how many of these threads have been made.

wait, isnt the guy who started this thread named "the game", oh great, we got cousins..
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

Offline Halberto
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2001, 11:40:25 AM »
Originally posted by Krimson

While I guess there\'s no proof, MS stated (they would know too) that MGSX is \'beyond\' MGS2. That rules out MGS1. That leaves a better MGS2 or MGS3. Kojima has also talked about how XB is to develop for. He would only know if he\'s done it. You have to use logic here... do you really think he\'s developing MGS2 and MGS3 at the same time? Not very likely. That leaves MGSX\'s only possibility; a enhanced MGS2. Use your brain...

Hahahahahah! :laughing:

Use my brain?! You didn\'t give me proof! Wheres the link?

Offline JediMaster
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2001, 11:51:25 AM »
I hate it when fanboys make these topics.

alright most of you guys should agree with me that PS2 will remain as the best console!

I think this has been posted by Nplayr before.....

come on compare GC and XBOX games to PS2
PS2 has the best games on any console!

You forgot the IMO.

PS: Notice that the uninformed don\'t know how to write sentences with capital letters at the beginning and leaving out some of the periods.

Here is just some of the games
FFX, MGS2, Silent Hill2, Devil May Cry, Virtua Fighter4, Maximo, Jax and Dexter, Gran Turismo3 and i could go on but this post is long enough as it is.
These games will make PS2 victorious.

The FF series has been losing its touch, I don\'t care for the MGS series, even though all my friends were all hyped about it, I\'ve never played or seen DMC so I can\'t really comment on it, Virtua Fighter 4 could still be a multiplatform game(if I\'m wrong tell me), never heard of Maximo, J&D seems to be all about doing the graphical side with the 10 mpps and it doesn\'t intrest me, GT3 looks good but.... It only has 6 cars on the track so they sacrifice the gameply of having 8 cars to getting the graphics pushed out of it. Yes I know GT3 has always had 6 cars but I personally like 8 or more.

Now for the GC list of games:
Rogue Leader, Super Smash Brothers, Wave Race, Kameo. Eternal Darkness, Mario Kart, Too Human, Metriod Prime, Luigi\'s Mansion, Pikmin, Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, and more. Those are just some of the exclusives that GC is getting. Also, Enix has openly said in the past that they\'re not happy with the design of the Playstation 2. Seemingly, it looks like they\'ll be coming home to Nintendo even if Yamauchi did refuse Square.

That was in part of an article where 2 different sources  which were both "highly reliable", said that Dragon Warrior is comming home to Nintendo, the GBA, and GameCube.

I see the race as PS2 most of the way, and then in the Q3 of 2002, GameCube takes the lead and beats the PS2 by a very close margin of about 5%. But thats just me:D
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2001, 02:20:06 PM »
And FYI: XBOx HAS Silent hill 2,MGSX,PROJECT ego,Bruce Lee:quest of dragon,Panzier dragon,Project Gotham, Doa3,Munch, and Malice just to name a few games.

Dude some of thosegames cant promise you that they\'ll be great. Yeah, Doa3,silenthill2,mgsx are great games ,but what about the rest. many people havent heard of them and well the PS2 library like FFX, Devil May Cry, Maximo, all coming out a little before XBOX and after all have been played at game shows like E3 and they all proved they have the #@*! to make the PS2 the king ofsystems.

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2001, 02:27:09 PM »
The thing I\'m worried about is the console games getting patches because of MS. I thought for about 5 minutes about how MS can just screw everything in the console industry up... I just hope that Sony, Nintendo, and Sega can kick MS out of the industry and tell them to go home and stop trying to take our money. No offense XBox fans.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2001, 02:47:58 PM »
Originally posted by JediMaster
The thing I\'m worried about is the console games getting patches because of MS. I thought for about 5 minutes about how MS can just screw everything in the console industry up... I just hope that Sony, Nintendo, and Sega can kick MS out of the industry and tell them to go home and stop trying to take our money. No offense XBox fans.

This can happen anytime you have a HD . Sony will have a HD.

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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PS2 #1, but who will be #2?
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2001, 03:03:47 PM »
The thing I\'m worried about is the console games getting patches because of MS. I thought for about 5 minutes about how MS can just screw everything in the console industry up

Dear sir: what is your IQ 10?? ok maybe 20

LOL, yeah I can see you have been following the game industry lately. Patches???where do you come up with this stuff, there will be no patches for the XBOX it\'s a console not a PC (I bet you will make debate on this), get that through your head.

... I just hope that Sony, Nintendo, and Sega can kick MS out of the industry and tell them to go home and stop trying to take our money

"slaps himself in the head"  You just can get any smarter can you Einstein. This is one of the most idiotic posts I HAVE EVER SEEN, at least nplayer had some intelligence going for him. Oh yeah Sony isn\'t in this to take our money, they want to give us the best games, so that it can improve our life style, and make life more enjoyable. Just look at the way ps2 was made, look at it\'s first year line up of games, SONY really had people\'s interest in mind. Now you wish that sega could kick MS out of the game industry when infect they are very strongly supporting XBOX. Just look at SEGA\'s US president, of all consoles he is really passionate about XBOX, just watch him speak in person you can see.

You know what\'s really funny, I remember when PS1 was coming out people were like, "what is SONY doing, they have no business in consoles, "go home sony" etc....

. No offense XBox fans.

LOL, none taken their boy genius.


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