I was getting worried, no one has insulting Nintendo like this is a long time.
With the old outdated cartridge system, so developers had less space to work in...with blurry, pathetic textures.
Those games were all made by 3rd parties. Rare\'s and Nintendo\'s games actually took advantage of the hardware, barely any of them had blurry textures or fog.
In fact, let\'s end the whole fog argument right now. Listen up Ryu and datadamage(forgot your name, sue me) because you two were complaining about it in another topic.
None of Nintendo\'s or Rare\'s game had annoying fog. NONE. I played them all so I should know.
Mario 64 had none.
Zelda:OOT and MM and none.
Mario Kart had none.
Wave Race had 1 level with fog)Drake Lake), and it wasn\'t so it could hide pop-up because th backrounds were plain.
Goldeneye had 1 level with fog(Jungle).
Perfect Dark had none.
Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie has none.
Blast Corps had none.
Jet Force Gemeni had none.
Conker, the best looking game of last generation, had none.
Star Fox had none.
Diddy Kong Racing had none.
Donkey Kong64 had some in one level but the game still looked great.
1080 had none.
The fog argument is officially dead.
Next time one of you idiots complains about the fact that a lot of N64 games had fog, blame it on the imcompetent third parties like Acclaim. Was Turok 1 the only game that had a lot of fog???...
With hardly any thirdparty support.
Didn\'t need any.
With kiddy games..not cartoony, cute, fun-styled games, for everyone, like on the the SNES, but embarassing childish piles of nonsense.
Name these games.
The adventure games? (A la Broken Sword style)
PSX didn\'t have them either smart ass.
But I should have realised things were going wrong when I saw the design. A pink/purple lunchbox anyone??
Who cares what it ****ing looks like? As long as it has good games then I\'m happy.
The black and silver GameCube looks awesome and last time I checked Nintendo is planning to use those colours at launch.
And the games....tsk, tsk. I know it\'s early days, but its looking pretty bleak. Luigis Mansion looks, well, cack. There doesn\'t seem to be much to do except catch ghosts with your hoover. Nice graphics, though.
Do you really think the whole concept of the game will be to just catch ghosts?
Miyamoto, the lead programmer, the most respected and talented game developer in the world, is fully behind this project. And he\'s not an idiot. He\'s not going to release a game like that. Plus, the game has supposedly been in development for 18 months. Could this be the potential Super Mario 64 2? Maybe, but why don\'t you ****ing wait till some reviews come in before you judge it. Sheeeesh.
And what about two greatest games on the N64 , Zelda and Mario? Where are their innotive sequels??
Both of them are coming out next year. Can\'t wait that long? Ha. You\'ve been waiting a lot longer for some good games to start appearing on PS2 so I think you can have a little patience.
Where are the adult games?
Too Human(can\'t wait for this one)
Eternal Darkness
Rogue Leader
NBA Street
SSX Tricky
Madden 2002(hey 3rd party support this time!)
ect ect I can and could go on but you get the point.
Actually, the games that can be enjoyed by adults out-number the supposed kiddy games.
Kiddy argument for GameCube=dead.
Why are loads of games that are going to X-Box and PS2 not reaching gamecube?
Why are loads of games that are going to GameCube not reaching PS2 and Xbox? BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN EXCLUSIVE HITS.
Where is the massive thirdparty support the SNES had?
1. There is a lot of 3rd party support for GameCube so far.
2. Nintendo\'s 1st and 2nd party games are enough.
3. Their franchises are too hard to compete with.
No fighting games except Super Smash Bros?
Namco is onboard, so NGC should get a Tekken 4 or SC 2 port. But fighting games will be absent on NGC probably. But that\'s why peolpe own more than 1 system.
Why is the next Metroid game so dissappointing?
Have you played it or seen it in motion? NO. And neither has anyone else. I suggest all of you save your negative and biased opinions on this game until you see it for yourselves. \'Nuff said about Metroid.
C\'mone Nintendo, please!
My post should hopefully knock some sense into you.