Rast, T-Shirts and even Jumpman will you three please quit this sh!t ?!? Once again, a perfect thread has been ruined just because someone acts immature and then someone joins in and someone else feels the must defend themselves. Now, Jumpman I know you are smart enough and mature enough to ignore Rast\'s and T-shirts very immature comments. When I say "immature comments" I am reffering to the personal attacks they take against you. I am not speaking of the dumb comments like, "i hope it doesn\'t go to GC".
I don\'t usually do this, but Rast I don\'t know what your problem is. Why are you always trying to start flame wars in threads? You have been here long enough to know that is not how the board goes. All you are doing is helping threads be closed for no reason, except for the fact you can\'t act mature.
And why the hell do you abuse the ( :thepimp: ) smiley?
T-Shirts the same applies to you.
If you guys don\'t like Jumpman, that is fine. However, there is no reason for you to keep doin\' this and ruining threads. Is this thread called "Lets debate Jumpman!" ? No, it isn\'t. The last I checked it was about Soul Calibur 2 for the GC.
Come on guys, take this crap into PM\'s from now on or just ignore each other. Quit having threads closed because you can\'t act mature.
(P.S, don\'t take this as a flame. It isn\'t. I have nothing personally against any of you. I am annoyed by how these fights keep coming up and it is resulting in decent threads being closed!)