These are the same civilians who have allowed their country to harbour a known terrorist.
They are the same people that would gladly take the place of any terrorist killed or captured by the US. I would feel NO sympathy if any of them got killed. Its obvious they want
us to die, why differentiate.
I love how people sit and say, "I hope no more people die, here. That would be tragic!" Yup, it sure would. That\'s a great statement from someone who
cares about human life.
You know what?
They don\'t.
They gladly die for causes they believe to be "holy" and "just". Its a different thing when you go to war to defend your country, and when you strap a bomb on your back and run into a crowded market.
Understandably, there are people over there who don\'t want to be involved, they just wanna live their lives. However, I sh_t you not, people, I will NEVER cry in my corn flakes if a few die in US raids or attacks.
We are facing a situation similiar in every respect to what faced us in WW2 with the Japanese; people of all ages being trained to do nothing but kill Americans. Every single person was expected to be a weapon of the Empire of Japan. Do you think the government of Afghanistan, or Pakistan is any less fanatical??
DARE you ask us to spare the lives of their innocent, when you see women and children crying for their daddies and husbands to come home?? When you see
THEIR innocents cheering at the misery these piece of sh i t m_therfu_kers have inflicted on people trying to live their lives, what do you think, "How innocent and nice, these people obviously deserve to live their lives in peace"?
Make no mistake;
Every single person cheering and flashing "V"\'s at a camera is a potential threat to American safety and freedom!!! There are NO age barriers here, people. They show their willingness to follow through with these attacks, and support their government with every chuckle and smile at the death their "armies" have caused.
I am in a foaming RAGE right now!! I see nothing but red!!!
I don\'t care if it takes 3 months or 300 years... I want stone-cold, blinding, unflinching, hellacious, painful revenge.