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Author Topic: ..  (Read 11567 times)

Offline Toxical
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« Reply #120 on: September 12, 2001, 07:21:30 AM »
Originally posted by kirath

I have people I work with gone, I have customers that no longer exist...  I have friends calling crying at the chaos and destruction..  So all of you fools ranting on about politics, stick it up your a$$ your apearantly don\'t have a heart and you are now all worthless to me..  So don\'t bother repsonding, because I will never talk to anyone like you again...  Worthless A$$holes

I\'m sorry you feel this way, i guess they just bomb us for no reason. No politics involved.

Offline Bossieman
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« Reply #121 on: September 12, 2001, 07:37:35 AM »
The world we live in is a consequence of our actions.

I know that the human civilisation will never reach peace and understanding. We are way to selfish to reach that goal.
What happened in NY is just another proof of this and US will keep the tradition alive. we are the only animals on this planet that knows what revenge is.

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« Reply #122 on: September 12, 2001, 07:59:39 AM »
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« Reply #123 on: September 12, 2001, 08:05:54 AM »
www.doodmonkeyradio.com 24/7 dnb and underground hiphop
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Offline Toxical
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« Reply #124 on: September 12, 2001, 08:24:24 AM »
Originally posted by kirath
Who moved this thread!!!!!  F U CK you and  F U CK this forum...
Your users requested you make this stick there so that everyone could see..  But you let some stoopid Spanish thread stay in the main forum...

you disgust me even more now..  I am leaving this forum..  It was fun untill you all started to suck..

I am sick of listening to you little kids talk **** and ***** about it when people talk back...  And to the mods  F U C K you!!!!!

You\'ll be back.

Offline Bossieman
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« Reply #125 on: September 12, 2001, 08:26:20 AM »
Originally posted by kirath

Thanks Bossieman for you words of concern, it must be nice living a country that does not do a damn thing for anyone..  Do you realize what America does for other countries..??  Do you realize that we would have  mourned this if it happend to anyone else...  You people disgust me..  Im glad that some european countries are there for the US, but this whole thing has showed me how some of you really are...  Look at this pic and tell me its okay, tell me you would just brush this off..

Im serious, you people need to learn what strife is like...  You suffer and tell me not to be angry, not to want revenge..  But I am not as priveldge as you to live in some neutral country, I am not as ingorant as you as to think life is so simple and so happy..  That if you forget then it will all be okay...

I didn´t mean to make anyone angry with my statemeant.
I feel really sad for everyone that has died in NY, I really do.
Its terrible it really is but I may have some other values than you have.
I can see other terrible things like this: Today 12/11/2001 have over  45 000 people died of starvation and lack of water in this world, how cares for them? Yesterday the same thing and guess abot tomorrow.

We are way to selfish to care about them. thay are just some people that lives in Africa, how cares?

I feel sorry for this world, that the civilisation that we have build up is so fragile.
And I know that US will strike back, but does anyone think it will bring back the dead or stop terrorism?
Evil breeds evil.

And once again I am really sorry that I have made anyone angry.

Offline Toxical
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« Reply #126 on: September 12, 2001, 08:31:21 AM »
Originally posted by Bossieman

I didn´t mean to make anyone angry with my statemeant.
I feel really sad for everyone that has died in NY, I really do.
Its terrible it really is but I may have some other values than you have.
I can see other terrible things like this: Today 12/11/2001 have over  45 000 people died of starvation and lack of water in this world, how cares for them? Yesterday the same thing and guess abot tomorrow.

We are way to selfish to care about them. thay are just some people that lives in Africa, how cares?

I feel sorry for this world, that the civilisation that we have build up is so fragile.
And I know that US will strike back, but does anyone think it will bring back the dead or stop terrorism?
Evil breeds evil.

And once again I am really sorry that I have made anyone angry.

Since we live in democratic countries, we are entitled to free speech no? Bossie you can have your say, i will have mine, and kirath can have his, and if kirath does not like it he can ignore our opinions. does kirath hold a monopoly on hurt today?

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« Reply #127 on: September 12, 2001, 08:45:19 AM »
Originally posted by kirath
Who moved this thread!!!!!  F U CK you and  F U CK this forum...
Your users requested you make this stick there so that everyone could see..  But you let some stoopid Spanish thread stay in the main forum...


Hey!!! that stoopid spanish thread is about videogames.
I just wanna know!.

Offline EmperorRob
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« Reply #128 on: September 12, 2001, 08:56:32 AM »
The people who did this must be stopped and must also suffer the consequences for their actions.  This is not evil, it is justice for those victimized and protection for everyone else in this world they might threaten.
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Offline THE EYE
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« Reply #129 on: September 12, 2001, 08:57:46 AM »
If "somebody" would act like "somebody" in here wanted him to act... then we are all doomed !!!
Think of it and - to say this for the last time I hope - CALM DOWN !!!

To move the topic today and not yesterday was absolute right ! I stand strong behind this decision and the moderators of this forum.

We all must get to "normal level" right now !
If you can´t do so, you perhaps have to - and I mean what I say - seek medical attention, because it might be, that you are under a very deep, life-threatening shock !!!
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Offline Samwise
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« Reply #130 on: September 12, 2001, 09:04:37 AM »
Yeah, it seems some people (no names mentioned...) are taking this too far. It\'s a very tragic event, but there\'s a world apart from being sad/angered/etc. and being just plain hysterical. I suggest seeking advice from a professional, because it seems like serious emotional problems (not joking either).
(thanks Chizzy!)

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« Reply #131 on: September 12, 2001, 10:47:19 AM »
Originally posted by kirath

Thanks Bossieman for you words of concern, it must be nice living a country that does not do a damn thing for anyone..  
I\'d like to point out this story:


NATO members are working on the language for their statement regarding the attack.  The statement should set the stage for another statement declaring this an Article V attack on a NATO member, providing the ability of other nations to retaliate as if they had been attacked.

If and when we determine who will pay the price for this massacre, we will probably receive assistance from a variety of European nations.  So we\'re in this pressure cooker together, let\'s get along.  To everyone from Europe:  Thanks for your support, we look forward to working with you.  :)
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Offline THE EYE
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« Reply #132 on: September 12, 2001, 11:35:54 AM »
We will stay side by side !
I will quote one of our German Ministers, who said this morning:
"Today, we are all Americans..."
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Offline Lavan
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« Reply #133 on: September 12, 2001, 11:44:46 AM »
Originally posted by kirath
Thanks THE EyE I appreciate your comments..  For LAvan though he is an ignorant b itch...  But hey we all have the right to our own opinions, well as long as your alive..  I guess those 20 thousand dead got their rights taken away..  But I guess that just don\'t matter to him...  

I\'m still not exactly sure what I said to incite such anger towards me - was it because I took issue with QuDDus blaming ALL Arabs (including American Arabs & Muslims) for the attack, or was it because I said that the US shouldn\'t just go and bomb Afghanistan because they\'ll just be killing innocents, or was it because I talked about the plight of innocent Palestinians who have to live through hell like this EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES (but of course CNN don\'t show that side of the do they?), or was it because I said "But I hope Dubbayah\'s \'justice\' involves targeting these terrorist groups DIRECTLY (and killing them), rather than blanket bombing some civilians and thereby inciting even more hatred."

All I did was look at both sides of the equation without bias, if that makes me an ignorant b itch then I am proud to be one.

Don\'t worry, you\'ll get your revenge I\'m sure that some patsy will be blamed or maybe Afghanistan or Palestine will be bombed - innocent men, women and children will die (just like they did in New York and Washington yesterday) - but CNN won\'t show that killing. That will just be a news story from a far away land - those people won\'t be \'real\' to us - and everyone will be happy with their revenge....while more hatred will be incited.

This is your ignorant b itch, signing off.
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« Reply #134 on: September 12, 2001, 12:15:14 PM »
Thanks Lavan for your thoughts...
Feelings are going up and down right now and that´s why some ppl just react on your words.
I´m sure that nobody in this forum will call you a b... again and if someone does, please stay cool...
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