Originally posted by kirath
Thanks Bossieman for you words of concern, it must be nice living a country that does not do a damn thing for anyone.. Do you realize what America does for other countries..?? Do you realize that we would have mourned this if it happend to anyone else... You people disgust me.. Im glad that some european countries are there for the US, but this whole thing has showed me how some of you really are... Look at this pic and tell me its okay, tell me you would just brush this off..
Im serious, you people need to learn what strife is like... You suffer and tell me not to be angry, not to want revenge.. But I am not as priveldge as you to live in some neutral country, I am not as ingorant as you as to think life is so simple and so happy.. That if you forget then it will all be okay...
I didn´t mean to make anyone angry with my statemeant.
I feel really sad for everyone that has died in NY, I really do.
Its terrible it really is but I may have some other values than you have.
I can see other terrible things like this: Today 12/11/2001 have over 45 000 people died of starvation and lack of water in this world, how cares for them? Yesterday the same thing and guess abot tomorrow.
We are way to selfish to care about them. thay are just some people that lives in Africa, how cares?
I feel sorry for this world, that the civilisation that we have build up is so fragile.
And I know that US will strike back, but does anyone think it will bring back the dead or stop terrorism?
Evil breeds evil.
And once again I am really sorry that I have made anyone angry.