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Offline Gollum
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #90 on: September 11, 2001, 03:14:22 PM »
I herd that their were 3 buldings that fell down.  sorry i cant conferm this.  I pray for everyone in New York and in america.  I live in new zealand and am whatchng disturbing footage on cnn and abc.  I hope that all buildings are evacuated around that area and i hope no more fall down.

ps. all of new zealand is grieving for the usa.  i promise.

pps. please dont start a war over this.  if you are an american i can understand your rage but you might not realise that their are more than a few countries that will be involved in this.  This has already effected the whole world and doesnt need to get out of control.  If it does go to a war, im telling you now it will be the downfall for the world, your country, arab countries, my country, every country will be broken.
I hope your government and p. bush realises this.

thanx for you time.
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Offline rastalant
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #91 on: September 11, 2001, 03:19:09 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco

The guy that bombed the WTC in 93 was a man under osami bin laden so yes it is probably the same set of people as before, I think its horse**** that osami bin laden is still able to walk on this earth because he hides behind those middle east countrys, thats plain bull****

I agree osami bin needs to be taken out since he doesn\'t think nothing of killing inncent people so why should he live?
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Offline fastson
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #92 on: September 11, 2001, 03:23:40 PM »
Originally posted by raslant

I agree osami bin needs to be taken out since he doesn\'t think nothing of killing inncent people.

bin Laden must get cought!
Or else.. In a few years I fear something like this.. But amied at another country..

Like they said on TV..

This is a sort of attack to make the americans angry.. To get to respond with violence..

You see its a very dangerous circle..
Terrorists bomb NY
USA responds, kills civilians
Terrorits respond by bombing some other western country..

and so on..

Its got to stop!!
All countries must join together against TERRORISM.. and have them cought..

I hope all Americans and Bush sees this..
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline QuDDus
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #93 on: September 11, 2001, 03:34:20 PM »
Originally posted by fastson

bin Laden must get cought!
Or else.. In a few years I fear something like this.. But amied at another country..

Like they said on TV..

This is a sort of attack to make the americans angry.. To get to respond with violence..

You see its a very dangerous circle..
Terrorists bomb NY
USA responds, kills civilians
Terrorits respond by bombing some other western country..

and so on..

Its got to stop!!
All countries must join together against TERRORISM.. and have them cought..

I hope all Americans and Bush sees this..

hey fastson what country u stay in? And  they are feading live footage of bush rite to your country?  What time zone do you guys go bye? I would think it has to be very late there?
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #94 on: September 11, 2001, 03:36:35 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

hey fastson what country u stay in? And are they are feading live footage of bush rite to your country? Wow  what time do you guys go bye? I would think it has to be very early there?

Im from Sweden.. And yes, theyve showed live all day.. On 3 channles..
Its 02:44AM here..

They showed the president just now.. I only heard ½ of his speach cuz of a spider.. (I had to get it.. Hate spiders!)
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline QuDDus
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #95 on: September 11, 2001, 03:45:33 PM »
Originally posted by fastson

Im from Sweden.. And yes, theyve showed live all day.. On 3 channles..
Its 02:44AM here..

They showed the president just now.. I only heard ½ of his speach cuz of a spider.. (I had to get it.. Hate spiders!)

Wow thanks it only 8:50pm standard time.  I was pleased with what bush said. But cool man so your a night person I see?
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #96 on: September 11, 2001, 03:59:09 PM »
This is so ****ed up!!!! Some people just have no heart. I\'ve been watching this on tv for the last 2 hours. I never thought that there were people out their that were this evil.

All we can do now is pray for the families that were involved in this. Think of all the kids at home that havent got parents any more.
I\'m thousands of miles away here in New Zealand and it has effected me. I hope the people responsible are brought to justice
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #97 on: September 11, 2001, 04:13:18 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

Wow thanks it only 8:50pm standard time.  I was pleased with what bush said. But cool man so your a night person I see?

Yeah.. I like to stayup..;)

And I cant sleep now anyways..
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline Toxical
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #98 on: September 11, 2001, 04:15:13 PM »
Who are we going to prosecute with deadly force? The civilians in Afghanistan?
Are we going to carpet-bomb them into submission? Why does the media  show Palestinians dancing in the street, … is the army going to bomb them too? Someone will surely benefit from this picture.

What is the obvious thing for the media to do? Blame someone, well for fu@ks sake,
Lets Blame our own goddamn motherFu@king politics for this incident.

Are we all fu@king blind? Do these mother fu@king terrorists decide one day to kill people out of the blue? Obviously  someone rubbed them for 20 years and 1 day too many.  If you guys think killing some mother fu@king azzhole terrorist is going to save us from this bull$hit, in the future, well THINK AGAIN,
There are thousands being trained to take their place.

Fu@k war, fu@k politics, and Fu@k the media.

I’m sorry for my rant, at this point I don’t give a fu@k.

Offline know-it-all-wanna-be
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #99 on: September 11, 2001, 04:26:22 PM »
I heard this new in school at 7 A. M. and it makes me upset more!  Oh!!!!!!!OH!!!!!!!!Oh!!!!!!

My summer was horrible, and school isn\'t any better.  What else can be worst?  20,000 American lives had been lost!  Two of the world biggest building collapsed.

I worked during the summer and I get a paid at a minimum wage.  The work is a custodian things and I am just an aide but the real custodian doesn\'t do any work since she get paid 3x more than I do an hour, but she makes me do the rest, clean toilet, clean window, move furniture, vacumm and extracting dirt, clean lights, too many ****s a day and she yell at me whenever I didn\'t do something right.  When her supervisor come over, she pretend to be working with us or doing something.  She show the supervisor everything that was done on each classrooms.  Guess what, there is a folder with a lists of what needed to be done on each room and she initial her names on everything that we did.  I didn\'t know I was being use.  I thought she was our boss but not until i decide to quit and work on a different school, I was shock to realize that the custodian of this school works like I do.  There are too many things I realize like that she lies she only work for this school for the summer only.  I realized she was actually been fired from a different school and removed to this school.

What else, when I work (there are two workers that worked with me too), she slack off and start bugging the contractors, electrician that are rebuilding the school.  Taker her break in her janitor room and sleep in there, talk on the phone with her friends, listen to the radio.

One time, while I was working, I couldn\'t find any rags to clean the wall on this room, so I went out looking for her, I couldn\'t find her in the janitor room.  So I went and look for her, much to my surprise, I looked through a portable classroom window and saw her playing on the computer.  She was playing games.  The light was out, the door was locked as if she didn\'t want anyone to know she was inside.  I get so pissed and mad, so I knocked on the door to scare her.  She probably think her boss is coming over or something because I heard some noise in there.  She probably is turning off the computer or somehting.  I stood against the door so even if she look through the window, she couldn\'t see me.  After 30 second later, she open the door, shocked to see me or something and started yelling at me, "Did you know I was on the phone talking to my boss?  Its really rude of you to knock on the door while I was on the phone!"
What a frickin liar, I saw her playing on the computer so I said, "Yeah right, I saw you on the computer."  She gives a lame excuse that after she was on the phone, she start playing on the computer.  She must think I am really really stupid but I am not stupid after realizing what kind of person she is.  I had fall for her lies too much, this is going to end.  This is child labor abuse and she could get arrested for it.

Till now, she still work (lazy to be honest) and still get paid when she order the sub to do the rest just like she did to everyone else every year!  She been working for 17 years.

I didn\'t know after I quit and work on a different area.  I don\'t know if any one going to believe me or her.  I hate when adult think teens are the wrong, bad people and I fear that no one believe me.  But now, I am thinking about talking to the old and new school principal that she work for.  I want justice.  If this doesn\'t end, I have to settle this in court.  I am going to get a lawyer because I am tired.  Too tired and upset.  I have my rights, this is a free country.
LIke Metal Gear Solid 2 said, this is a country of liberty!  I am going to fight and get justice back!
playstation 2 rules.  Nintendo Starcube Dolphin drools.  Hehehahahheheheh...

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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #100 on: September 11, 2001, 04:57:39 PM »
i am sorry but some of you people are pissing me off !!  i am tired of people wanting to kill iinnocent people and the stupid palestiniens ! its very sad what happened today , i watched it live in shock  !  but we can not retaliate on someone we don\'t know who is his ! and we can\'t just guess coz we will end up killing innocent people and then we would be no better then them ! they are happy in the streets you know why ?  coz they hate USA ! you know why ? coz UsA and Canada killed , beat and all women and children !  we were responsible for their suffering ! its like if soldiers of Allys ( during world war 2) learned about people dying in berlin . you think they would be sad ? i don\'t think so ?? and what about hiroshima ? so much suffering ......  those terrorist are at war ... and they know what to expect .... but now we need to punish the criminals and not the innocent and at the same time ignore they people that are happy ...   coz when they were suffering ..... we ingored then and laughted .....

lets just pray for the souls ....
There are no winners in a war , everyone loses . The only battle to be fought for the sake of the future is in our hearts -  Jean-Paul

Offline Lavan
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #101 on: September 11, 2001, 05:19:50 PM »
Originally posted by Toxical

Lets Blame our own goddamn motherFu@king politics for this incident.

Are we all fu@king blind? Do these mother fu@king terrorists decide one day to kill people out of the blue? Obviously  someone rubbed them for 20 years and 1 day too many.  If you guys think killing some mother fu@king azzhole terrorist is going to save us from this bull$hit, in the future, well THINK AGAIN,
There are thousands being trained to take their place.


It\'s amazing to see all these people being interviewed and saying stuff like "Oh my god, why did they do this?", "They\'re evil, why us, they hate America". But no one wants to know why - do people honestly think that those in the middle-east that dislike the US do it just because they hate Seinfeld and Friends?

CNN showed that footage of a small group of Palestinian retards \'celebrating\' - the rest of the Palestinians were starving, looking for water, perhaps haven\'t seen their families for months because of Israeli blockades. People in New York are afraid and asking themselves \'why does this have to happen to us?\' - but that\'s just an isolated incident, equally as innocent people in Palestine wonder the same thing every day.

Do you ever notice, every time some Hamas idiot sets of a bomb in Israel that kills, say, 2 Israeli\'s, you hear of the tradgedy of the 2 killings, but only in the small print at the end of the articles do you see that 100 palestinian civilians were killed in retribution. I remember the last bombing that didn\'t even kill anyone, and that fat f@ck Ariel Sharon bombed a palestinian police station killing numerous police officers just because they \'believed\' Hamas terrorists were there - they weren\'t. And perhaps the Palestinans could fight back, but there\'s the US holding Israel\'s hand every step of the way - when Saddam wants to invade Kuwait it\'s wrong and heinous, when the same thing happens to the Palestinians it\'s okay. Of course, you don\'t see that view on CNN.

That\'s just one example, and I\'m not blaming just the US - it\'s the entire Western World - sure I think the US and it\'s allies should be a peace-keeper, but there\'s a limit to where they should stick their noses.

The scariest thing about this whole incident is that these terrorists did it the hard way. The CIA has an operating budget of 26 billion dollars (acording to CNN) and they had no idea this was going to happen. It would have been much easier for these bastards to sneak in some plutonium, assemble a nuclear bomb, park it infront of the world trade centre and kill a few MILLION people with one push of the button. That\'s terrifying, and killing a bunch of Afghani civilians or nuking Palestine off the map isn\'t going to stop those other nutcases from doing the same thing again - no matter what Dubbayah says.

God bless the souls of those innocents that died to day, and I hope we all pray for those still trapped in the rubble. But I hope Dubbayah\'s \'justice\' involves targeting these terrorist groups DIRECTLY (and killing them), rather than blanket bombing some civilians and thereby inciting even more hatred.

This is just a horrible f ucking day.
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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #102 on: September 11, 2001, 05:20:54 PM »
Originally posted by square_marker
Do you guys realize that this is the first time the contional US has be attacked!  It doesnt matter who did it, we must take action right away.

Someone will pay for this

Don\'t kid yourself...today has not been the 1st time we have been attacked continentally:
-w1ngman     The Bruised Banana\'s Website

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« Reply #103 on: September 11, 2001, 05:24:58 PM »
The appropriate response is to find out who did it, meanwhile garnering the support of our allies, Russia, China, and the moderate Arab States. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Israel are countries that are likely to be supportive.

At ANY rate, the terrorists, their organization, and the COUNTRY supporting them are going to PAY...

People of other countries need to understand that if they support a government that supports terrorism, they are themselves guilty as well.

Those German citizens who were adults during the holocaust will tell you they STILL live with the guilt of what they supported, and they vow.. NEVER AGAIN.

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Planes Crash into the World Trade Center NY
« Reply #104 on: September 11, 2001, 05:34:18 PM »
i\'ve been watching it all day its actuall y the first news that i\'ve watched in a long time i heard that they have a suspect but hes in hiding in afganistan and who knows if theyll ever find him.  I hope that if they do find him and he declares ww3 that that US and Canada and all the other countries bomb the hell out of all those gay countries that were happy that this day finally came

I\'m just glad that no one i know lives in or around NY or DC

To bad for those who have family in those areas
Holy Crip He\'s a Crapple!

Dont eat cheese before noon.


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