I heard this new in school at 7 A. M. and it makes me upset more! Oh!!!!!!!OH!!!!!!!!Oh!!!!!!
My summer was horrible, and school isn\'t any better. What else can be worst? 20,000 American lives had been lost! Two of the world biggest building collapsed.
I worked during the summer and I get a paid at a minimum wage. The work is a custodian things and I am just an aide but the real custodian doesn\'t do any work since she get paid 3x more than I do an hour, but she makes me do the rest, clean toilet, clean window, move furniture, vacumm and extracting dirt, clean lights, too many ****s a day and she yell at me whenever I didn\'t do something right. When her supervisor come over, she pretend to be working with us or doing something. She show the supervisor everything that was done on each classrooms. Guess what, there is a folder with a lists of what needed to be done on each room and she initial her names on everything that we did. I didn\'t know I was being use. I thought she was our boss but not until i decide to quit and work on a different school, I was shock to realize that the custodian of this school works like I do. There are too many things I realize like that she lies she only work for this school for the summer only. I realized she was actually been fired from a different school and removed to this school.
What else, when I work (there are two workers that worked with me too), she slack off and start bugging the contractors, electrician that are rebuilding the school. Taker her break in her janitor room and sleep in there, talk on the phone with her friends, listen to the radio.
One time, while I was working, I couldn\'t find any rags to clean the wall on this room, so I went out looking for her, I couldn\'t find her in the janitor room. So I went and look for her, much to my surprise, I looked through a portable classroom window and saw her playing on the computer. She was playing games. The light was out, the door was locked as if she didn\'t want anyone to know she was inside. I get so pissed and mad, so I knocked on the door to scare her. She probably think her boss is coming over or something because I heard some noise in there. She probably is turning off the computer or somehting. I stood against the door so even if she look through the window, she couldn\'t see me. After 30 second later, she open the door, shocked to see me or something and started yelling at me, "Did you know I was on the phone talking to my boss? Its really rude of you to knock on the door while I was on the phone!"
What a frickin liar, I saw her playing on the computer so I said, "Yeah right, I saw you on the computer." She gives a lame excuse that after she was on the phone, she start playing on the computer. She must think I am really really stupid but I am not stupid after realizing what kind of person she is. I had fall for her lies too much, this is going to end. This is child labor abuse and she could get arrested for it.
Till now, she still work (lazy to be honest) and still get paid when she order the sub to do the rest just like she did to everyone else every year! She been working for 17 years.
I didn\'t know after I quit and work on a different area. I don\'t know if any one going to believe me or her. I hate when adult think teens are the wrong, bad people and I fear that no one believe me. But now, I am thinking about talking to the old and new school principal that she work for. I want justice. If this doesn\'t end, I have to settle this in court. I am going to get a lawyer because I am tired. Too tired and upset. I have my rights, this is a free country.
LIke Metal Gear Solid 2 said, this is a country of liberty! I am going to fight and get justice back!