Fck it. Found this one. Off the net...
"In the City of Gold there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb, The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
Nostradamus 1654
Don\'t know whether to believe it or not.
But Nostradamus had foretold the second world war and the rise of Hitler.
But I\'m still shocked by this.
Now that I thought of it - the prediction is amazing in detail. And yes, nostradamus has made some serious mistakes. Remember, however, that these predictions are never accurate, and don\'t usually happen at the date they\'re been predicted to happen on.
Anyways, I\'m quite hard on to open for this matter. I see this was posted already on other thread - but we\'ll see what some of you think. At the point I\'m not willing to believe - I\'m just mesmerized of how accurate that is. Pure coinsidence? At the time, I think so.