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Author Topic: So does Sony have it all wrapped up?  (Read 1702 times)

Offline JC-21
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« on: September 23, 2001, 10:10:41 PM »
I mean nintendo\'s launch in Japan is not to great. PS2 sales are still strong as ever. I know people in Japan they said there are GC\'s all over the place on teh shelves and used ones already. Plus you know Isaw that one thread and someone sayign GC launch games blow away PS2 ones right now. I must say I have seen GC in person and Luigi\'s mansion and Wave Race could be done on PS2 with no problem. Wave Race only good thing about it is the water everthing else is kinda bleh.... Luigi the textures are really not that much better than N64 even IGN has said this the lighting is good and all but the PS2 could do it. RS2 I\'ve seen footage on elec. playground and for all the stuff they say it is doing it\'s not a leap over the PS2\'s best games like GT3,MGS2,DMC,FFX,ect... The X-box games with the exception of DOA3 arent\' anything over PS2.  Yet I hear some on here saying otherwise. Maybe they are senseitive to a little jaggie but the average person won\'t see much difference.

Square is rumored for a few x-box games but still it\'s key franchise FF the single player FF\'s anyway are staying PS2 only for now. Plus with price drop rumors all over some going as to say it will drop to $199 I think PS2 will be #1 sales wise this gen again. And look 3rd parties keep on announcing games for it and so forth so it\'s garunted to stay for the long run evne if it some how doesn\'t end up #1.

Also with the economy going way down because of teh WTC attacks retailers have already expected way less sales for X-Mas and that means less GC and X-Boxs being sold and it\'ll take even longer for them to catch up to PS2.

Offline IronFist
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2001, 10:21:19 PM »
IMO, the PS2 will own this Christmas.  but after that, I really don\'t know.  This Christmas all of the Xboxes and NGCs will sell out.  Because the supply will be so little, that leaves PS2 and it\'s brilliant games to grab most of the market.  Jak and Daxter is being released at a perfect time.  It will definately get tons of sales from parents who couldn\'t get their kids a NGC.  With the price drop that is almost garanteed to happen, the PS2 will sell even better.

I really don\'t see how the Xbox or NGC will ever catch up.
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Offline JC-21
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2001, 10:28:11 PM »
Yeah I don\'t mean to bash on GC or X-Box here as I\'m getting them anyway. But for real people like this jumpman guy are getting retarded. I mean saying shat like GC launch games look better than any PS2 games:laughing:  I mean really he must have not played or seent he games running on a standard TV. I mean the DC\'s best games even rivals most of GC\'s stuff like luigi,WR,SSB,ect.. RS2 doesn\'t even look like a big a leap over PS2 stuff like some were making. Of course it\'s first gen but SC on DC was first gen and it\'s graphics didn\'t get ten fold better.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2001, 11:07:24 PM »
Originally posted by JC-21
Yeah I don\'t mean to bash on GC or X-Box here as I\'m getting them anyway. But for real people like this jumpman guy are getting retarded. I mean saying shat like GC launch games look better than any PS2 games:laughing:  I mean really he must have not played or seent he games running on a standard TV. I mean the DC\'s best games even rivals most of GC\'s stuff like luigi,WR,SSB,ect.. RS2 doesn\'t even look like a big a leap over PS2 stuff like some were making. Of course it\'s first gen but SC on DC was first gen and it\'s graphics didn\'t get ten fold better.

Don\'t be so immature as to bring Jumpman into this and he hasn\'t even posted in this thread, sheesh.

Personally, from what I have seen of Lugi\'s Mansion, nothing on the PS2 compares to it. That  is just my opinion. Same with RS2.

The GC launch wasn\'t spectacular, I\'ll give you that. I doubt the American launch will be much better, but with Nintendo securing the RE series and their own franchises coming out next year, they should be able to get a ton of sales in alittle bit of time.

Will they match the PS2 userbase? Probably not this year or next, but if they keep everything goin\' smooth for the next two years, I think you could see the matching it. Sort of like the 16-bit days when Sega and Nintendo was \'toe to toe\' for the number one spot...

Offline Bossieman
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2001, 12:32:23 AM »
Good luck MS and Nintendo, they will need it, luck and lots of it.

Offline BizioEE

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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2001, 01:18:15 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

Personally, from what I have seen of Lugi\'s Mansion, nothing on the PS2 compares to it. That  is just my opinion. Same with RS2.

I watched Luigi\'s Mansion on my TV(Game Network) and I was not impressed...I also watched J&D and I think it\'s technically superior all in all...and I watched other games on PS2 which impressed me a lot more than Luigi...for example Ico,MGS2,FFX,Devil May Cry...I mean...we should look at a game and consider every aspect of it,technically......the details,textures,lighting but most of all the action,the movements,the animations,draw distance,the collisions among characters and objects...and even physics and AI(..yes..these things don\'t make a game "looking better" but make a game technically superior...) and they take away a lot of power...generally I\'m impressed when I see a character who moves in a believable way with smooth animations in a huge environment rather than a more detailed character with very poor movements and animations in a miniaturized environment with better texturing and lighting....

...I\'m not saying GC can\'t do Devil May Cry or MGS2 with better texturing and lighting...but only that Luigi is nothing special technically....but...on the other hand...I should say that RL2 is amazing...and I can\'t believe it\'s one of the first GC games...
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Offline Ginko
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2001, 05:43:02 AM »
Most of you are forgetting that Luigi\'s Mansion, Wave Race, etc are just launch titles.  The PS2 has been out for a year and a half.  I can say with all honesty that the PS2 launch wasn\'t all that impressive either, and I remember them being considered 1st generation DC games!

As for Xbox, it has the most impressive launch lineup since Dreamcast!  The games look next generation, being superior to PS2, DC, and even outclassing the GC (for right now).

Halo, Munch, Dead or Alive 3...all excellent looking titles that will probably set the standards from now on.  And with every third party on board except Square (this could change soon), Xbox has a very good chance of catching up.  I\'m guessing one million units sold by christmas, with 3 million by late spring/early summer.

Does Sony have it all wrapped up?  With 10-12 million units sold, a price drop around the corner, and an amazing line up through Feb 2002... it would seem they have it locked in.  The answer is no!  I know that J&D, ICO, TMB, GT3, DMC, MGS2, and FFX will sell well, but what\'s after that?  We\'ve known about the above games since or shortly after they announced the system almost 2 years ago.  My guess is they have a few secret titles but how many can they hide?  Enough to keep PS2 going.  And will PS2 see the same show the PSX did, sequel after sequel?  

And what about the developers, they lost some.  I know it\'s not very many, but they did loose developers this time.  And some games; Galleon, Munch, Resident Evil, Crash isn\'t exclusive, neither is Spyro, Silent Hill 2, SSX, Metal Gear Solid 2 (not sure about this one), Tomb Raider...  IMO, the PS2 just doesn\'t feel like a must have.

Offline Black Samurai
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2001, 05:51:02 AM »
Most casual gamers seem to HATE the Xbox. I was really surprised about that. I\'d be chatting with guys that aren\'t really into games and they would tell me that they have a PS2 and that they are going to get Nintendo\'s Gamecube. I ask them about the Xbox and they usually say something along the lines of Phuck Microsoft. I don\'t get it. I tell them about how good the Xbox is and the possibilities it has for innovation and they just don\'t care. This could just be a regional thing; but its the same in online forums not dedicated to gaming.
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Offline Ginko
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2001, 06:02:55 AM »
The casual gamer really can\'t know enough to pass judgement on the Xbox.  The mass marketing campaign hasn\'t even begun.  

TV commercials, demo\'s in every videogame store, magazine ads everywhere, subliminal messages in movies and on the radio...  By the end of October, I think alot of attitudes will change...

Offline lestat
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2001, 06:40:23 AM »
i agree with Ginko...and like i always say...its not fair to compare a launch title on a new console to new games on an older console...its not fair....
ps2\'s launch games looked like ass  in my opinion which is why i hated the ps2 to hell....i made fun of my friends who bought it at launch cause it was full of jaggies and nothing was impressive...the dreamcast was way superior,  specially in the texture department....soulcaliber looked better than any launch title for the ps2...lol,  and that was a launch title too....

but after a year,  i finally bought my ps2 cause the games improved radiacally and will continue to improve....

same goes with every new console...i think luigi looks cool but nothing out of this world....rogue leader,  on the other hand,  looks outstanding...but wave race,  the one title i thought would be the best,  has dissapointed me,  starting with the framerate and the fact that nintendo mainly remade old levels.......monkey ball looks like a cool sega game that will bring ours of fun though....

im not buying it at launch cause november belongs to metal gear and other ps2 titles that will coming out within wednesday (ico and silent hill) and january (ffx)...so ill be busy with about 5 or 6 new ps2 games thatll last me through the holiday season...plus some dc games that i still want....(shen mue 2)

the xbox\'s games  look sharp but the games dont intrigue me yet...so i ll buy it in february when jet set radio future comes out....

and the gamecube will prolly enter my home sometime after that...

good luck to all consoles and i wish they all would join forces and one day make a super console with every developer...let the competition be between consoles and pc\'s not consoles within themselves.

have a nice day.
-- i\'m just having too much fun arguing with you losers. --

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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2001, 08:55:57 AM »
well, here in europe sony will dominate this christmas Why? GC and Xbox are coming in 2k2 and DC is already dead and forgotten (its a shame :() + sony has their price drop. N64 is also pretty much dead, games are still expensive and no one seems to be buying them. This christmas will be great for all the budget gamers picking up cheap psx titles, I noticed that prices are falling through the floor already.

Sony owns europe for sure this christmas and for the majority of next year
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Offline Toxical
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2001, 10:03:49 AM »
Christmas is PS2\'s, after that, it depends if we get a nice steady flow of good titles, if not, ....... bah, who knows.

Offline JC-21
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2001, 10:56:39 AM »
But what\'s GC\'s excuse for having launch games that don\'t look as good as you would think? PS2 is harder to develope for but GC is supposed to be super easy. So what\'s it\'s excuse? Anyway ginko you should actually see those X-Box games in motion before you say that with the exception of DOA3 all those games could be mistakin for PS2 or GC. Munch especially doesn\'t look that good.

Offline JC-21
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2001, 10:58:26 AM »
But what\'s GC\'s excuse for having launch games that don\'t look as good as you would think? PS2 is harder to develope for but GC is supposed to be super easy. So what\'s it\'s excuse? Anyway ginko you should actually see those X-Box games in motion before you say that with the exception of DOA3 all those games could be mistakin for PS2 or GC. Munch especially doesn\'t look that good. MGS2 technicaly poops on Luigi by the way. Although luigi has some awesome lighting and transparency effects.

Offline Ginko
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So does Sony have it all wrapped up?
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2001, 06:32:08 PM »

Why didn\'t the PS2 launch games look like the rubber ducky in a sink demo?  WHere are the Toy Story graphics, why weren\'t they at launch? Why aren\'t they even close to that yet?

It just doesn\'t happen... will it get better.  Definitely.

As for your Xbox comment, whatever.  I haven\'t seen anything on PS2 that could hold a candle to Halo.  Munch, same thing.  

Project Ego technically poops on MGS2...just for arguement\'s sake.:rolleyes:


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