Originally posted by AlteredBeast
tsk, tsk, tsk bobby.
Jak and Daxter (sp?) jaw-dropified you, but Rogue Squadron, Jet Set Radio:F, or Resident Evil for GC didn\'t? Were you smoking peyote while looking at the other games (read: increasing the experience)??
The games you listed hardly impress anymore when going against the games that are coming out around the same time.
Eric Jacob
jaw dropping is a bodily function out of my control
Eric *giggles*...while RS is in my top 5 best looking games, i havent downloaded very many videos etc. and the ones i did download were rather spanking, but....oh well, thems the break hey, guess i just havent downloaded the jaw dropping ones...like i did with J&D...the
first video i downloaded there was the main character running around...nothing special, all of a sudden he moves around silky smooth animation, silky smooth framerate, and an entire villiage type aread comes into view, waterfalls, birds buildings from miles away in view...me = jawdropped
seeing the rain bouncing of snakes shoulders and th bottles etc. smashing from gun fire, seeing the bullets hitting the bullet proof sheilds in MGS2, me = jaw dropped...FFX needs no explaination, it just looks unreal, once again, me = jaw dropped
Res. Evil on GC, well, i have doubts as to whether or not the backgrounds are pre rendered...if they are, the graphics are good, if they arent, then the graphics are outstanding, some of the best ive seen (want to see bump mapping being put to good use). Jet Grind Radio Future? sorry, but im not into the whole Cell Shaded look...
Originally posted by ProfessorX
How we soon forget! Wait til Bouncer that game is going to rule....I also am waiting. Dark Cloud? Still waiting.... Huge relaunch back in March....still waiting...you think people just forget about Sony\'s promises and remember all others? Please this is a weak excuse at best since every console, at one time or another, has had this kind of pattern.
I personally love my PS2 mainly because I\'m a sports guy and think the best titles out there are the sports titles from EA...although ICO looks amazing and the best game to come to the PS2 in my opinion.
difference is, at least PS2 has
something to show for itself
personally i liked Bouncer, its 3 - 4 player multplayer fun is unrivaled by anygame, and dark cloud is one of those titles you either like or dont
. Seams likea pretty stupifd arguement seeing as XBox isnt even out yet, but hey, im a pretty stupid guy
and when it comes to buying a console, all those games, disappointing or not are going to go against the purchasers decision in getting an XBox
:fro: toot on