Nice way to turn around all my points. Reading comprehension is a wonderful thing.
Why is it that when a person does not appreciate what someone else appreciates, they are a fanboy? I\'m not saying that the X-Box is not visually impressive with a FEW of its titles, but to degrade everyone\'s opinion to a fanboy opinion simply because they don\'t see what you see is pretty idiotic. I know people who think Corvette\'s are ugly or that cupcakes do not taste very good, but does that mean they are fanboy\'s of Ford and Little Debbie? Come on man. Wise up.
I never said all of xbox\'s software was visually unmatched. Learn to read. My responce was directed at those who said they had not been impressed at all by the graphics of the xbox. This is fanboyism or that person is not impressed by any graphics, anywhere. These are the only explanations I will accept. And it is unanimous. I have never read a credible source state that there isn\'t one single xbox game that is visualy impressive. IGN and nextgen have both stated that halo and DOA3 are tops in terms of graphics and gameplay in their respective genres--that alone should be enough for most of us because we haven\'t played the games. Even the official PS2 mag mentioned that the xbox is visually impressive but is shallow with gameplay (or something like that). This somehow always gets ignored. Come on man. Wise up.
I NEVER said IGN wasn\'t credible. I had reservations with them leading up to the launch of the PS2 because every single day they posted some lame top ten list for reasons to buy the PS2. It was obvious that their objectivity was wavering. They are more fair now it seems. You should read carefully, it would save me a lot of time.
Generalizing us all into fanboys is pretty pathetic considering the forum you\'re on.
Never said EVERYONE here were fanboys.
Last time I checked, this was, not,
Hm, last time I checked this was console debating. Reading isn\'t a strong suit for you is it?
Just imagine if reviews were done this way. Suppose for a second the reviewers picked up at one part of the game, the worst part of it as a matter of fact where you lost all your weapons or all your abilities or the ability to move as a part of the story and then suddenly you turned the machine off and decided to review it labeling it as the "worst game ever." If anybody saw you as a reviewer doing that, they\'d throw your credibility out the window. What if the ending of the game made you love it, or perhaps some deep plot element of the story, but you think that those things are moot based on 10 minutes of play time? Who cares about the story and elements of a 60 hour RPG if I can write a review from 15 MINUTES of play! You\'re a genius. No really, you are.
Just imagine if you made up all kinds of stuff to support you pathetic arguments...oh wait you already do that. How you know how I played the game is astonishing. I played it from the start for about half an hour and watched it for a while longer (there was an impressive line up--the longest I\'ve seen at a kiosk). From that time I was able to grasp the basic physics, mechanics and gameplay and realized that they really didn\'t do too much new. I got a pretty good idea of how the game would play. From this and from IGN\'s review I could piece together a pretty good idea of what that game could offer me. Wouldn\'t you think? I play games to actually play games. I watch DVDs to watch movies and read books for stories. Video games\' movies and stories, while nice and necessary, do not cut it when compared to these two mainstays (FF may come the closest). It is a good game, but not exceptional. What gets me is that you write two paragraphs on a broken statement I made in parenthesies that was not even close to the spirit of my post. I never said it was a complete and thorough review. It was a quick hands on that I\'ve seen countless times in many magazines. You\'re an idiot. No really you are.
Gee, that\'s real interesting and you wonder why IGN is applauded around here. Mainly because they play the entire game, complete it, and then give their honest opinion. Unlike Gamespot who has a tendency to write their reviews by the seat of their pants and pray what they are saying is accurate for the ENTIRE game, but I suppose that\'s why you question IGN\'s integrity right?
It\'s confusing to me how someone can pass judgement of the ENTIRE game based on one incredibly short rushed sitting. I can just imagine your Einhander review and how you\'d repeat the same thing about the game over and over again completely ignoring the entire ending sequence. Or perhaps your comments on just about any RPG or your comments on Virtua Fighter after only playing the "deepest fighter of all time" after 15 minutes of gameplay. Please, spare us this boring rhetoric, you obviously have zero credibility with reviews if you think a game is going to be the same throughout after 15 minutes of play time.
And even more crap about my broken sentence contained between parenthesies. Get a life. See above, calm down, and pop a ridilin. What made me laugh, and I have to thank you for this is this little gem: "Please, spare us this boring rhetoric, you obviously have zero credibility with reviews" HaHaHaHa. You call my little sentence fragment boring rhetoric and a review. Too funny. My god.
Moving on...
Goldeneye revolutionized nothing. There were hundreds of mods released for Quake long before GE was released that covered everything from covert operations to team-play to mindless killing. Halflife was 3 years in the making by the time GE was released,. These are the games that refined and defined the FPS not GE. Please stop this ridiculous argument. GE is a classic, but it revolutionized nothing and it definately didn\'t do ANYTHING for the PC FPS save for a couple cool map ports. GE set the bar for console shooters, I\'ll give you that.
Yes I\'ve played Bouncer with my brothers--we did only borrow it for a few days, but it really didn\'t entertain us for that long.