Well taking a quote from a different thread, out of context isn\'t fair--you know that. The enquirer makes a killing out of doing garbage like this.
All these buzz words that Sony fed us are BS if you ask me. All these "hiden" features and abilities is Sony\'s way of covering up their shoddy system archetecture. The PS2 is a good system, but it is outclassed by the GC and Xbox. I\'m confident that I\'ll get another year out of it (2 max) before the GC and xbox start out pacing it in terms of graphics and games.
What it trollish about this? Emotion engine anyone? If that isn\'t a piece of market driven crap I dont\' know what is. The PS2 was sold on buzz words and reputation--it certainly didn\'t sell on games. Stating the truth, doesn\'t mean I\'m a troll. The PS2 will be outclassed in a year or two. That is another truth. The GC and xbox are newer technologies and thereby will last longer. This is true, even the staunchest PS2 supporter should be able to see this.
Originally posted by Watchdog
Especially since the PS2 will not be able to go toe to toe with these newer consoles in a year or so I just think the casual gamer--motivated by graphics alone--will go with a newer system.
And this?? Joe Public doesn\'t know anything about specs or upcoming releases or anything that informed gamers do (the vast minority). He sees pretty graphics and makes a decision. I really dont\' see your point. Again, let me say that this is out of context here.
Originally posted by Watchdog
Just because the GC and Xbox are easy to develop for, DOES NOT mean that the games will not get any better. That is wishful thinking on the part of us PS2 owners.
Trollish behaviour? What exactly is the definition because I\'m confused. Many posters were making the conclusion that xbox and GC games will not get better with successive generations (because of the ease of the dev cycle) but that the PS2 because of the steep learning curve will eventually catch up in terms of visuals once designers figure it out. I was pointing out that this isn\'t true, that all games will improve regardless of the console with every generation.
Put in the proper perspective it doesn\'t seem trollish to me. In one of my more recent posts I made a similar correction. Someone said PS2 has a 2 million userbase. I corrected him stating that it is in the neighbourhood of 15 million. Both were corrections, the first goes against your frail ideology and the second would disprove your theory. It\'s interesting that you chose not to post the latter.
Originally posted by Watchdog
Saying that the graphics in DOA3 aren\'t good is lunacy.
I stand by this and always will. The question of graphics quality is indisputable--finally you post something within the proper context.
Originally posted by Watchdog
The PS2 is not nearly as powerful as xbox or GC--CPU included.
Again, this is no secret. Do you believe otherwise? Go to any VG publishing source and ask the question. Perhaps I overstated the case a bit when I said "not nearly as powerful", but the fact remains that it is not as powerful and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.
You obviously have a lot of time on your hands to sift through all my posts. If that is how you chose to spend your time I guess that\'s your perogative, but I dont\' know what you accomplished by taking these posts out of context and presenting them as proof of my true designs. Which are? To create doubt in the minds of PS2 owners so that they purchase the xbox or GC? Yes I am currently under the employ of MS to seek out and polute the minds of those that would not otherwise purchase their system. Whatever.
I speak what is on my mind despite that I have two Sony consoles beneathe my television. Anyone who argues against the PS2 is labelled as a troll or fanboy. Do you not see the problem with this stance? It may seem like I have more to "say" about the ps2 and that is because that is all anyone talks about around here. If someone started a cancerous thread extolling the virtues of the GC or xbox, I would post there in the same manner I post to any thread--with honesty.
As anyone can see, posting against the PS2 on a PS2 board will not convince anyone to abandon their PS2. The people who populate these boards are diehard fans and cannot be swayed by arguments no matter how persuasive. I post here because it is a lively board, I own two Sony consoles and because I enjoy debating. So you can continue to dismiss my arguments as troll inspired tripe, I don\'t care, I only ask that you don\'t misrepresent what I have said in the past by fragmenting my argument and taking it out of its context--the only place that it has any relevance.