Originally posted by lestat
i still dont see whats so good about the gamecube, cause most games on that list suck or look like crap or will exist on the ps2..
If you really aren\'t into the games, that\'s your opinion and you\'re entitled to it. I, however, am trying to figure out how I\'m going to afford Luigi, Wave Race, Super Smash Bros, Rogue Leader, Monkey Ball, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness (all exclusive), Madden, Tony Hawk 3, Sonic Adventure 2 (and it\'s interactive GBA title) by Christmas.
And if you really don\'t have an opinion on these games other than that they "look like" they\'re bad, you might want to surf around for some hands-on impressions. You won\'t be disappointed.
Of all the exclusive titles I\'ve listed, they\'ve all been raved about from those who\'ve experienced them. The only one that has faltered slightly is Luigi with its short game span. On the other hand, after playing it no one has said Luigi isn\'t worth your $50, either, they just said it was short.
Anyway, that\'s what\'s good. To be honest, I think your question should be "What\'s
bad about Gamecube?" *fears pending flood of Nintendo bashing*