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Author Topic: Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions  (Read 3741 times)

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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2001, 05:18:24 AM »
Originally posted by DirectXbox
Everyone knows Ryu is an Xbox hater.......Four credible sources have said that Halo is the best FPS ever and one (obviously biased) nobody on an internet forum says that he doesn\'t like it.  Gee, who am I to believe?

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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2001, 05:25:55 AM »
Great XBox/GC impressions Ryu,
i did not have a chance yet to actually see any of the new consoles in action live...

hmmmm, IMO, the PS2 had a better lineup of launch games by far, TTT, DOA, SSX, ....

Of course the PS2 had some sh!ty games too, like that street figther BS - :rolleyes:

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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2001, 06:08:40 AM »
amazing isnt it?
seems ryu felt the same way about the gamecube that both datamage and i felt when we saw it last week....

that part about the gamecube resembling a dreamcast,  lugis mansion having n64-ish textures,  the lighting not coming close to silent hill2,  etc etc....i said the same things but i got ripped just cause i dislike nintendo...

well there you have it nintendo fanboys..coming straight from ryu,  the one who\'s reviews are respected the most here...
now will you kunts believe me?

i really dont care......much respect to you though,  RYU...im glad youre not blind like the rest of the guys here....

i cant wait to see the xbox this weekend so that i can base my own judgement on it too....
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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2001, 06:09:28 AM »
I hated ICO, mainly b/c you had to drag that ho around.

Sony just has the intellectual advantage.  Microsoft and Nintendo have the hardware, but their developers just have their brains stuck in 1985.  We don\'t want Pac-man anymore.  That\'s why you see the best games on PS2.
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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2001, 06:15:59 AM »
Originally posted by DirectXbox
Everyone knows Ryu is an Xbox hater, so his impressions are just that, HIS impressions.  Four credible sources have said that Halo is the best FPS ever and one (obviously biased) nobody on an internet forum says that he doesn\'t like it.  Gee, who am I to believe?

At least he isn\'t bias like your pathetic ass, and frankly, his impressions are damn good, but not good enough for me to skip Xbox and GC. Oh well, November 15th will be here soon, and we shall see how Xbox stacks up, I can\'t wait to get mine.

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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2001, 08:08:25 AM »
Everyone knows Ryu is an Xbox hater, so his impressions are just that, HIS impressions. Four credible sources have said that Halo is the best FPS ever and one (obviously biased) nobody on an internet forum says that he doesn\'t like it. Gee, who am I to believe?

Believe what you want.  I actually recommend people play the game themselves.  When you are done and you agree or disagree with me, that\'s fine.  I promote and love people who have the decency and intelligence to go with their own opinion on just about everything.  I only make recommendations based off of experience.  I LOVE PC FPS games.  I think they are great, but I can\'t love them on consoles.  I hated Red Faction for the same reasons why I hate Halo and that\'s primarily controls and the way the game is played despite both games having a decent storyline and structure.

I also stated that the lack of online capabilities is a big nono in my book especially for a game as large as this.  I blame MS for that, not Bungie.  I think the game will be much better and much more fun as soon as it reaches the PC and goes online for all to play because I love and want 20 person+ games rather then a 4-player romp in my tiny little bedroom.  You can believe your "credible" sources, but know this:

I am very enthusiastic about the X-Box.  I think some of its games are going to be genre busters and I love the support it is getting from Sega.  You can doubt my opinions all you want, but I would not buy the damn machine unless I found that somewhere down the line, it would be a great buy.  Nintendo has already shown me why the Cube is worth 200 bucks and all it took was Rogue Leader, Pikmin, and Super Smash Bros.  X-Box has shown me reasons to like it, but those reasons are not at launch and they certainly aren\'t within the next 3 months.  In my opinion, save money and wait till the X-Box drops in price before laying down a 500 dollar minimum at launch, you\'d be better off sticking with the PS2 and choosing from the best lineup on any console this holiday season.
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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2001, 09:40:22 AM »
Originally posted by Ace

Or anybody else, what was your initial impressions of the PS2 when it first came out?



First initial impressions? boy, I it was a blast! no honestly, I never had that much of fun playing a console, thanks to SSX, Timesplitters and Tekken. Now that I look back SSX and Tekken are still so much of fun, Timesplitters while not that good as a single player game is still a blast when my friends come over. I consider SSX and Tekken more fun than any Cube game I have played to date (I still play them a lot, ttt and SSX).

BTW: PS2 faced a completely different situation back then in oct/nov 2000. The only competitor was the Dreamcast and I was never disappointed with the graphics of the PS2 launch games. Tekken and SSX looked awesome and just as good as any other DC IMHO - and I knew it would get better. Thinking back at the DC\'s launch games always made me feel better (BlueStinger, LOL).

Maybe everyone is being a bit disappointed of the X-Box, since X-Box fanboys and Microsoft gaves that bull of killing the PS2 at launch and being X-times more powerful.

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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2001, 10:03:50 AM »
Yeah, just curious. I pre-ordered my PS2 and picked it up on the first day. SSX is still one of my favorite games.

I\'ve bought a lot of systems and they never seem to live up to the hype.

I just can\'t help myself when it comes to a new system. Except for maybe the Gamecube.


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« Reply #23 on: October 17, 2001, 12:09:56 PM »
"Thanks for the impressions Ryu. Now I\'m not sad that I won\'t be getting a NGC or Xbox this year"

Just because Ryu says that the Xbox disapoints him, you are not going to get an Xbox or Gamecube, what the hell is that about?

why dont you just be your own person, and judge the consoles yourself, i for one know that i will love the Xbox, the games excite me alot more then my PS2, and no matter what Ryu says i will buy it.

I am sure that there is a game out there that you love and Ryu hates, so if i would you go and check the consoles out yourself.
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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2001, 12:27:44 PM »
Well, I\'m not sure about the PS2 launch actually.  People have named TTT, DOA, Timesplitters and SSX as memorable titles.

You can\'t see the bias here?

I\'m not going to get into the TTT gameplay debate (I feel the series has been going downhill since the first 2), but Timesplitters  over Halo?  I say an emphatic NO.

DOA over DOA3--stop kidding yourself.

SSX was a great title, and from early impressions MS\'s offering isn\'t going to cut it.

The fact remains that the xbox has, at the very least, as good a lineup as Sony did when it launched.  I would say better though.  Better graphics and sound at the very least.  Gameplay...Ryu has his impressions that are in stark contrast to almost every credible source on the web or newstands I\'ll caution.  Opinions tend to vary though so I can accept this.

I will reserve judgement though until I actually play the games, but for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief because of Ryu\'s reviews seems like behaviour I thought previously only reserved for lemmings.
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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2001, 12:30:10 PM »
Originally posted by DirectXbox
Everyone knows Ryu is an Xbox hater, so his impressions are just that, HIS impressions.

Just because he isn\'t an Xbox fanboy doesn\'t mean he\'s an Xbox hater.  Yes, his impressions are just that, HIS impressions.  And most people on these forums respect his opinions and find him credible source of information.  
Four credible sources have said that Halo is the best FPS ever and one (obviously biased) nobody on an internet forum says that he doesn\'t like it.

He he he, this I have to see.  Ok DirectXbox.  Give me the links to those FOUR credible sources that say Halo is the best FPS ever. (I\'m trying not to laugh)
Gee, who am I to believe?

If you can give me the links to those four sources, then go ahead an believe them.  But if you can\'t, then we\'ll know you are making things up to try and make Halo and the Xbox look superior.

Ethan_Hunt, you misread my post.  I said, "Now I\'m not sad that I won\'t be getting a NGC or Xbox this year."  Not "Now I\'m not getting and Xbox or NGC this year."  I was never planning on getting either this year because of all the PS2 has to offer.  I really don\'t see a need to get a NGC or Xbox this year.

Watchdog, yes, the Xbox launch lineup is just as good, if not better than the PS2 launch lineup was last year (keywords: last year).  But is that enough for people who already own a PS2 to go buy an Xbox?  I don\'t think so.  Why bother getting another console when the PS2 has so many great games coming out at the same time?  But that\'s just my opinion.
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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2001, 01:14:43 PM »
hmm............sounds like neither system is that much of a jump over ps2.  I played xbox as well, but I really waiting to play halo, doa3, and project gothem.  I think xbox is going to be a great system in the long run.:thepimp: :thepimp:
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Re: : )
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2001, 01:52:34 PM »
Originally posted by Ethan_Hunt
"Thanks for the impressions Ryu. Now I\'m not sad that I won\'t be getting a NGC or Xbox this year"

Just because Ryu says that the Xbox disapoints him, you are not going to get an Xbox or Gamecube, what the hell is that about?

why dont you just be your own person, and judge the consoles yourself, i for one know that i will love the Xbox, the games excite me alot more then my PS2, and no matter what Ryu says i will buy it.

I am sure that there is a game out there that you love and Ryu hates, so if i would you go and check the consoles out yourself.

[color=0033CC] I think if you where thinking of getting an xbox you still should. I mean Ryu reviewed only two games and the only one he really said was a downer was munch. I mean from halo he really does not see the game as a console fps but as a pc fps. Most fps feel the same as ryu. But halo has been getting good impression everywhere on the net for being a great console fps. So It should be great.

And you still have games like New Legends,Gunvalrykie,DOA3,Amped,PG,shrek,and Fever. Azurkik is still up in the air for me I have not heard anything about it lately. I hope it has improved.[/color]

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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2001, 02:02:53 PM »

I pre-ordered an XBox a while ago. The Gamecube will take a while to give me a reason to buy. I bought the N64 when it first came out and didn\'t use it much. I will reserve judgment and see what comes out for the Gamecube.

I think there is a lot of people on this board who would like to see every other game system that comes out fail. I don\'t know why. I swear some of you have stock in Sony. ;)

If there is no one putting the pressure on Sony, what do you think the PS3 will be like?

OK, I\'m rambling . Off to have a few beers.


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Ryu\'s GCN\\X-Box impressions
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2001, 02:12:35 PM »
Originally posted by Ace

I pre-ordered an XBox a while ago. The Gamecube will take a while to give me a reason to buy. I bought the N64 when it first came out and didn\'t use it much. I will reserve judgment and see what comes out for the Gamecube.

I think there is a lot of people on this board who would like to see every other game system that comes out fail. I don\'t know why. I swear some of you have stock in Sony. ;)

If there is no one putting the pressure on Sony, what do you think the PS3 will be like?

OK, I\'m rambling . Off to have a few beers.


[color=0033CC]I know a lot ppl seem to forget the ps2 launch. They think those crappy games never came out. I love my ps2, but I also like xbox. And the fact that it is an american console and it graphically leaves ps2 behind makes me hug the american flag:p[/COLOR]
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\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM


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