Hm, IGN\'s impressions are in stark contrast to yours. Yes they gushed about graphics..and about everything else in the games too. Not that this invalidates your opinions, but just like I said your opinion seems to be in the vast minority.
IGN on DOA3:
he talks trash about Tekken and boasts his game as the best 3D fighting game. And after spending a few sleepless nights with our version of Dead Or Alive 3, I\'m inclined to agree with Mr. Itagaki that DOA3 is by far the most entertaining fighting game I\'ve played and one that comes with a good number of play options.
As I stated before in previous write-ups, the control in DOA3 is so responsive, it\'s almost as if the game is reading your thoughts
DOA3 is one of the most responsive 3D fighting games I\'ve played.
We\'ll be back with more preview updates on what\'s looking to be the best 3D fighting game ever.
Halo will instantly make a legitimate claim as one of the best console first person shooters ever when it launches the Xbox on November 15. There\'s plenty of shooting from a first person perspective, but Halo\'s advantage is in how well it does everything else. The folks at Bungie have done an extraordinary job adding enough adventure, exploration and storytelling to the game that it truly represents how first person combat has evolved.
When all is said and done, the control scheme for the Marine Jeep, aka The Warthog, and really all of the vehicles in Halo, will go down as one of the most clever innovations in videogames.
The whole jeep/passenger system is actually just an example of Halo\'s overall brilliance that we\'ll get to in a later round of impressions.
But it\'s the vibrancy, attention to detail and inherent logic in the world of Halo that makes this game so engrossing. You can take over the different jeep positions, tell guys to get out of their seats and drive them around in this videogame because in real life you would be able to do the same thing. Bungie, the Xbox and Halo have broken down so many of the limitations that videogames have traditionally had up until now.