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Author Topic: New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.  (Read 2770 times)

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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« on: October 19, 2001, 09:03:25 PM »
It sounds like what Ryu was saying was the truth.  DOA3 really is just DOA2 with prettier graphics and some small gameplay adjustments from DOA2 (i.e. faster sidestep, weaker counters).


Here are some quotes that I found interesting:
Gameplay-wise, hardcore students of DOA2 will be relieved that they won\'t have to relearn the basic system they\'ve mastered...

Meaning, not much has changed gameplay wise.

Continued from last quote:
...but for novices to the game DOA3 will allow them to easily pick up the game and deliver a decent challenge their first time around.

He he he.  Yep.  That\'s exactly why it, and the previous DOAs, suck.  It is the biggest button masher of all time (yes, even bigger than MvsC2 IMO).  And the counters... :eek:  I really shouldn\'t get started with my DOA rant, because I don\'t know if I\'ll be able to stop.

There are instances where some visual effects seem to be missing; for example, there are splash effects when you enter the water but the water doesn\'t ripple every time you move. Also, in the Ice Caves level there\'s no reflection of the characters on the reflective ice floor.

Don\'t get me wrong.  I know from what I\'ve seen in movies, and what I\'ve heard from other people that DOA3 is the most graphically impressive fighter ever.  But I remember seeing pictures of reflections in the Ice Cave level.  Why was this taken out?  This is only an 80% version of the game, but that still doesn\'t explain why it was in before but gone now.  Hmmm...

Oh, and I thought this was funny.  Xbox.ign said that "EVERYTHING is done with perfection." (No, I didn\'t add that bold for effect.  They did.)  But then at the end of the paragraph, they tell us the things that are not done with perfection.  lol.

Although it\'s not difficult at all to play DOA3 with the large Xbox controller, sometimes it can be aggravating pushing the proper buttons since all the main face button are pretty close to the Right Analog stick.

Who is this guy trying to fool?  He first says it\'s not difficult playing DOA3 with the controller, then he says it is.  Umm, ok.

Oh, and there are 17 new movies of the game.  And yes, the game is beautiful (but I didn\'t notice any reflections...)

BTW, download movie number 4.  It shows the aquarium stage.  Hmm, where did they steal that idea from?

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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2001, 09:38:04 PM »
Well now, I\'d like to see Watchdog refute this opinion now taken  from a "reliable" source.  Thank you Ironfist, you just made my day. :)
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2001, 11:21:08 PM »
I honestly don\'t think much of the IGN editors outside of those for the PS2 site. It just seems like their level of writting is not up to par (as is evidenced by the inconsitencies in this article), and they also fall for the hype prime time.

The fact that the Nintendo editors gave Zelda a 10 just made me loose a certain amount of respect for them that they have never regained in my eyes, and the way the IGN X-box editors praise DOA 3 I wouldn\'t be suprised if it too recieves a "perfect" score.
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2001, 11:22:41 PM »
Sigh...Just as I expected all this damn time. Same ol\' weak gameplay. I know from Tekken 3 to Tekken 4 had some new gameplay features, not that much. But, DOA2 (Well, I guess I can finally say DOA3) SUCKS compared to Tekken.

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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2001, 11:52:47 PM »
[color=0033CC]Who said they would change the gameplay? And who doubted RYU? Look at tekken the game play in that game has not changed since the first one. Only thing I expected from doa3 was better graphics, more moves and a real storyline.

side note: Ironfist what are trying to do? I mean I know you want to play doa3, but you don\'t want to get xbox so you try and find anything that will say doa3 is just doa2 so you won\'t feel guilty for not getting it.. Oooh how sneaky shame on you:D ;)

The gameplay may make it simular to doa2 hc, but the moves, the graphics,the fast pace, and mulitiple arena\'s serperate it from doa2 hc. But it is still cheesy.
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2001, 12:18:08 AM »
That finally proves my point about the DOA series and the button mashing Vs skillful players !

i remember one night at my firends house we where all playing DOA2 on the PS2 and the person that won the most was David !

now Daviad can be best described as the EDDY the Eagle EDWARDS of the Video gaming world.

So this news that DOA3 is more of the same with smoover graphics ,has only made my hart sink :crying:.

I likes my fighting games to be technical and where winning requires somthing you don\'t need in Dead or Alive

which is Skill !
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2001, 01:27:14 AM »
So I guess VF4 reigns supreme. (in the gameplay department)

I\'m not sure why some people expected an overhaul in DOA3\'s gameplay to begin with. Oh well.

/ dm /

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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2001, 01:33:14 AM »
"DOA2 (Well, I guess I can finally say DOA3) SUCKS compared to Tekken"

What the hell are you going on about? You haven\'t even played DOA3, if you have it was not the full version, why dont you play a game before you make a stupid comment like that.
GT3 was just the same as GT2 but with better graphics, i didn\'t see that suffer as much as DOA3 does, and to tell you the truth this is the only fighting game i will be buying out of all the fighting games!:D
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2001, 02:10:42 AM »
Originally posted by Ethan_Hunt
"DOA2 (Well, I guess I can finally say DOA3) SUCKS compared to Tekken"

What the hell are you going on about? You haven\'t even played DOA3, if you have it was not the full version, why dont you play a game before you make a stupid comment like that.

I dont need to play it, you seen what Ironfist quoted:

"Gameplay-wise, hardcore students of DOA2 will be relieved that they won\'t have to relearn the basic system they\'ve mastered..."

Meaning not that much has changed, meaning it still SUCKS. I played DOA2, DOA2:LE, and DOA2:HC. All 3 of those games are the same, and they get boring quick, and I can expect the exact same for DOA3 (Unless each character has about 3x moves they usually have.)

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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2001, 03:46:18 AM »
Originally posted by Ethan_Hunt
"DOA2 (Well, I guess I can finally say DOA3) SUCKS compared to Tekken"

What the hell are you going on about? You haven\'t even played DOA3, if you have it was not the full version, why dont you play a game before you make a stupid comment like that.
GT3 was just the same as GT2 but with better graphics, i didn\'t see that suffer as much as DOA3 does, and to tell you the truth this is the only fighting game i will be buying out of all the fighting games!:D

GT3 had a great leap and improvement in the handling department. I\'ve played Gt1 and Gt2 for hours, but GT3 really offers more than just great graphics. Sure, a few more new tracks would have been nice, but I still see the improvement within Gt3 over Gt2 to be greater than what we are seing with DoA3 over DoA2.

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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2001, 05:34:04 AM »
Check out  movie number 4!!!!!!!!!  That whale is sweet!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:   Just a little longer til xbox is out. :eek: :eek: :eek:   Awesome Xbox!!!!!!!:eek: :eek:
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Offline QuDDus
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2001, 05:50:14 AM »
Originally posted by SuupaBuu

I dont need to play it, you seen what Ironfist quoted:

"Gameplay-wise, hardcore students of DOA2 will be relieved that they won\'t have to relearn the basic system they\'ve mastered..."

Meaning not that much has changed, meaning it still SUCKS. I played DOA2, DOA2:LE, and DOA2:HC. All 3 of those games are the same, and they get boring quick, and I can expect the exact same for DOA3 (Unless each character has about 3x moves they usually have.)

All that means is the move combinations and what not are the same. look at street fighter all there moves never change played one street fighter then you can play them all the gameplay never changes. Same with tekken. So don\'t piss on doa3. Because every other fighting series does the same damn thing.
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2001, 06:28:39 AM »
Refute I will, and refute easily.

EVERY fighting game remains the same so that players of previous versions can easily play again.

 You are telling me that hardcore SF2 players would have to learn the basics again if they want to play SFA?  Absolutely not.  SFA added some elements like air block, power meter, etc, but the basics are intact.  You guys are so quick to jump on anything that can possibly be negative that you IGNORE what else is said in the article.  Truly pathetic.  In case you missed it, here\'s a quote that was curiously omitted from your post:

"[Tomonobu Itagaki] talks trash about Tekken and boasts his game as the best 3D fighting game. And after spending a few sleepless nights with our version of Dead Or Alive 3, I\'m inclined to agree with Mr. Itagaki that DOA3 is by far the most entertaining fighting game I\'ve played and one that comes with a good number of play options.

As I stated before in previous write-ups, the control in DOA3 is so responsive, it\'s almost as if the game is reading your thoughts

DOA3 is one of the most responsive 3D fighting games I\'ve played.

We\'ll be back with more preview updates on what\'s looking to be the best 3D fighting game ever. "

You forgot about these I\'ll assume.  And it\'s entirely likely that the pics of the reflections in the ice level was from a version further along than the IGN preview version--same goes for the water effects.  You guys aren\'t able to make that intellectual leap of faith.  You guys believe just what you want to believe.  So go ahead and dissmiss this too.
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2001, 07:11:26 AM »
It looks cool but haven\'t we seen most of the those stages in other fighting games like Tekken 4 and Virtua Fighter 4? I mean look at the UFC type stage all three have a stage just like it, The aquarium stage is like the one in VF4(IMO the VF4 one looks better ). The beach stage is just like the Tekken 4 beach stage. Am I the only one that noticed it ?
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Offline rastalant
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New DOA2, er, sorry, DOA3 impressions from Xbox.IGN.
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2001, 07:18:19 AM »
Originally posted by GAMES
It looks cool but haven\'t we seen most of the those stages in other fighting games like Tekken 4 and Virtua Fighter 4? I mean look at the UFC type stage all three have a stage just like it, The aquarium stage is like the one in VF4(IMO the VF4 one looks better ). The beach stage is just like the Tekken 4 beach stage. Am I the only one that noticed it ?

You know what GAMES?  You have a good point there, its like team ninja is running out of ideas maybe.  But without a doubt this game looks awesome!!!!:thepimp: :thepimp: :thepimp:
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