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Author Topic: My Devil May Cry review.  (Read 4034 times)

Offline rastalant
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Re: Jeez...
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2001, 10:31:56 AM »
Originally posted by mejilan
Well, I honestly was looking for a DMC review, and to get a rambling rant of the fallacies of the gaming media instead?  Well.  I happen to agree that DMC is probably one of the most over-rated and underwhelming games I have ever played extensively, but not for the reasons you claim, exactly.

DMC will rule.  I like said everyone is entitled to there opinion.  Btw, welcome to the forum mejilan I look foward with talking with you in the future.:thepimp: :thepimp: :thepimp:
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Re: Re: Jeez...
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2001, 10:38:43 AM »
Originally posted by rastalant

DMC will rule.  I like said everyone is entitled to there opinion.  Btw, welcome to the forum mejilan I look foward with talking with you in the future.:thepimp: :thepimp: :thepimp:

Thank you.  To get a little off topic, I am a friend of Ryu\'s from another forum.  Over the past few weeks, at his behest, I have been reading some threads here, and decided to join up.  Warning - mejilan is a Nintendo fan, just not rabid, and probably more open minded than most!  Nintendo and Sega have always been my bread and butter, N more than S, especially with the systems after the truly awesome Genesis.  I am indifferent to the PS2 (so far), and hate Microsoft, from before the XBox even.
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Offline rastalant
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Re: Re: Re: Jeez...
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2001, 10:42:45 AM »
Originally posted by mejilan

Thank you.  To get a little off topic, I am a friend of Ryu\'s from another forum.  Over the past few weeks, at his behest, I have been reading some threads here, and decided to join up.  Warning - mejilan is a Nintendo fan, just not rabid, and probably more open minded than most!  Nintendo and Sega have always been my bread and butter, N more than S, especially with the systems after the truly awesome Genesis.  I am indifferent to the PS2 (so far), and hate Microsoft, from before the XBox even.

Like I said cool its good to have you on the forum.  Well thats good that you like nintendo and sega.  If thats your opinion thats cool with me.  I will be getting an xbox this fall I already have a dc, ps2, and getting an xbox.  So cool......:thepimp: :thepimp: :thepimp:
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2001, 10:46:06 AM »
I\'m bored enough to shred this, pity me.

The main problem I have with the game is the exploration aspect. Here we are in our 3rd generation of 3D gaming and *yet* Capcom has not advance to the acceptable next generation standard set by Mario 64.

Mario 64 set the standard for hack and slash action\\adventure games?  Hehe, you\'re funny. :)

The environments are comprise of a straight forward corridor. It *feels* 2D. Back then, the reason why programmers were restricted to such a diminutive environment was due to pre-rendered background. It was understandable because of the limitations of the PSX hardware. Now we are in the next generation. Why are we *still* restricted to *fake* exploration? You walk into a room, press the button as quickly as possible at every corner until you find something, walk to a door, press a button, run straight until you get to the next room, and repeat. See how repetitious it can get?

Straight forward corridor?  There are plenty of huge areas with lots of different things to do.  However, hallways are common in building architecture in order to link many rooms together into one.  When four large rooms link off of one corridor, the building is realisitc.  I\'m sure you have a hallway in your house, do you consider it too to be diminuitive?

Secondly, it\'s not a game of exploration.  You are just trying to complete your objectives and slay the demon spawn of hell.  How can anyone expect this major feat of exploration when the chief objective is to get certain rankings based on the style of your kills?  The game is based on advancing through the castle and whiping out anything that moves, then powering up your weapons\\stats so you can kill even more crap.  It\'s a simple formula that is pulled off nicely and for you to expect something different then what its main purpose is, is like me bashing Onimusha because it\'s not a sports game.  :rolleyes:

I won\'t even get into the hack-n-slash style of gameplay that feels way too similar to the mindless, button mashing scheme of games like Final Fight and Onimusha. It involves no strategy or precision. It is mindless repetition.

No strategy?  Have you even fought or beaten the first boss?  You will quickly realize that just blindly slashing at him is completely futile.  I mean, you compared it to Final Fight and Onimusha, two games that are completely unline Devil May Cry in so many ways.  Final Fight is a beat-em-up like the Bouncer and Onimusha is a straight up adventure game like Resident Evil.  To say either of those even compare gameplay wise to Devil May Cry is an insult to all three respective games.

Despite the obvious truth, this game still got unwarranted accolades and strong appraisal from the Sony crowd and various websites.

I have no doubt in my mind it is a propagandish-trend......

Consider for a moment that people just enjoy good wholesum fun gaming.  If that thought still never entered your pea-brain psyche, then please for a moment consider that it\'s not a conspiracy to make people buy more games, but rather a conspiracy for all reviewers to influence people to buy certain games, read: fun, and miss stupid games, read: terrible.

These so call professional critics are influence by money. It is obvious they have other determining factors other than their own sake of gaming.

So you are saying that all the opinions here, agreeing with the website big-wigs, are just on Sony\'s pay-role?  I suppose then that all good games are just really crappy ones and we\'re just kidding ourselves then.  Real opinions have nothing to do with it, only money.  Sounds like you\'ve been taking a boat load of focu-syn on an hourily basis.

Game consumers consists of a bunch of asinine kids who refuse to intake anything negative....

They are too arrogant to have an optimistic outlook......and everyone of them is fixated in their own lil world.

And the pot calls the kettle black.  Maybe you are not being optimistic, but the rest of us are very optimistic about these games and are very happy we have purchased them.

Why do you think the most popular mags are the ones that strictly caters(PSM) to one console?

Or perhaps because it is the most popular magazine discussing the most popular platform.  I think you need to calm down man, you obviously have a lot of pent up frustration.

Almost propagandish to the way Hitler controlled his regimen.....

And now I suppose for reading these articles and believing their insights, which happens to be true on more then many occasions, we are Nazis?  Uh huh.  *cumples up Tshirts credibility, toss is out the window*

These magazines, in order to appease the fans, says a "crap" game is great. The fanboys program it in their head through their conscious brain that relays it into their subconscious brain, and as "crappy" as the game is, it is still "good" just because they have psychologically program their thinking that way....

Actually, I felt their score of ICO was quite low for a game that good.  To each their own.

They *think* Tekken is "the greatest 3D fighter ever made".....

Actually, in the latest PSM mag with Dante on the cover, they proclaimed Virtua Fighter 4 to be the best 3D fighter coming out this generation.

I can\'t believe I responded to all of this.  10% of yoru post actually discuses DMC, and only through comparative analysis, flawed analysis rather, do you actually discuss what the game brings to the proverbial table of the industry.  What about the rest of your "review"?  It talks about media propaganda and how we are all mindless zombies for buying into it.  NEWSFLASH:  We play what we like.  The people who read reviews are in the vast minority of all those out there who buy games and of those people, they go by what is pretty on the back of the box.  That\'s why DOA3 will sell so well and why the Dreamcast was so ignored.  Enough said.  Go back to where you were hiding before you posted this trash, the forum was living fine without you and it will do much better when you leave again.
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There you are Ryu!
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2001, 10:54:16 AM »
Say, you haven\'t gotten all righteous like this over at NE in a while.  Haha, I missed it.  I too was not very keen on the Hitler comment.
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2001, 11:19:18 AM »
Originally posted by rastalant

Yes I\'m going to try to get dmc tonight.  As for my pic..........oops..........you liked it?  Well my new one is testament from Guilty Gear X.  He\'s one of the coolest characters ever. Btw, what\'s up lestat.

Oh here\'s a pic of him........
that\'s a "he"?.... Wow.....:D
.... take the skin and peel and back...

now doesn\'t it make you feel better?

Offline rastalant
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2001, 11:35:44 AM »
Originally posted by ajoh432
that\'s a "he"?.... Wow.....:D

LOL!!!!!!!yeah kinda hard to believe ain\'t it?  But testament straight though.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
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Offline Halberto
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2001, 12:30:35 PM »
Tshirts, why is it everyone thinks its great and you don\'t? I bet you didn\'t even beat the game. :rolleyes:

You are too dumb for words.


[size=10] Someone please give him a pic! [/size]

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2001, 02:27:43 PM »
T-Shirts tried out his friends \'demo\' version, and obviously thought it was the full version...

Offline kangu-G^Ltt^s
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2001, 04:14:39 PM »
It seems to me that your reviews only show up when the PS2 gets a game so undeniably good, and with such remarkable graphics that it\'s sure to move systems.

I recall you doing the exact same thing with Twisted Metal: Black. And you also gave lame arguments to diminish the game. You know you\'re posting a load of bull**** just to incite a flamming war, why else would it be in the Console Debate Forum?

After all this is a PS2 forum, and DMC is a PS2 game.
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Offline Toxical
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2001, 05:19:57 PM »
hmmm, could it be that every time there is an awesome game for the PS2 you have to convince yourself that it is not so?... LOL

Hey T are you an XBox fanatic?
Envy got the better of you? :D

Well how much do you pay to go see a 2hour movie? well just multiply that price by 5, and give it some replay-a-bility to a tune of 2-4, and you got what you paid for... IMO.

This game is money well spent, unless you don\'t like this genre, then you should rent this game.

To each his own...

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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2001, 05:48:35 PM »
That was the worst review I\'ve ever read.

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2001, 11:58:55 AM »
T-Shirts I understand where your comming from, and I may of been the only one to fully and throughly read your thread, but it was a little decieving, I was expecting a full review. None the less I see now it was never intended to be long, you simply got stright to the point of the game, I too had the chance to play DMC over at my friends for about 8 hours, and agree on 90% of what you say about the game.

DMC is not a crappy game by any means, but it\'s not worth buying in my opinion, a good rental for a day or 2.

i\'d give the game a 70/100

Offline Terry Bogard
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2001, 12:26:54 PM »
Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
T-Shirts I understand where your comming from, and I may of been the only one to fully and throughly read your thread, but it was a little decieving, I was expecting a full review. None the less I see now it was never intended to be long, you simply got stright to the point of the game, I too had the chance to play DMC over at my friends for about 8 hours, and agree on 90% of what you say about the game.

DMC is not a crappy game by any means, but it\'s not worth buying in my opinion, a good rental for a day or 2.

i\'d give the game a 70/100

Once again, Ogodly, comes in here with is words of wisdom:rolleyes:  You haven\'t changed much, although, ah nevermind, the game is awesome, and it is worth more then  a damn 70/100 score.  The replay value is quite high if you actually invest some time into it. and T****s isn\'t reviewing the game, hes being a fanboy, and bashing it. Ryu pretty much layed it out for us.

Offline ddaryl
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My Devil May Cry review.
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2001, 01:04:36 PM »
Ogodly and T-Shirts wouldn\'t know a good game if it was rabid and knawing on their ankles

The games is fun. Nothing really innovative but who the **** cares. The controls and the battles are top notch fun

but the only games that live up to some peoples expectations are the ones that are not on a Sony system, and that is the ONLY deciding factor for these biased gamers. If its on a SOny system its not allowed to be better then average

In the meantime, I\'ll just pisss my pants in laughter at the nonsense that gets spewed from the SOny haters, and again THAT IS THE ONLY REASON FOR THEIR THOUGHTS. Its painfully obvious

Especially sice you can not find a sub par review for DMC anywhere, and lots of places rank it close to perfect for the game its is


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