Many of guys are missing the whole point I am trying to articulate.....
What has really change in the past 5 years? Think REAL hard: Nothing!
This year you will play GT3, MGS2, and FFX.......
Next year you will play GT4, MGS3, FFXI.......
The year after that you will play GT5, MGS3, FFXII.....
You guys ridicule Shenmue.....
Little do you realize or respect its ingenuity. Games like these are the ones who revolutionize and foster the new generation. Yet you shun it. You are the same guys who ostacized VF and Wolfenstein 3D on their inception...
Without realizing if there were no VF there would be no Tekken. If there were no Wolfenstein 3D, there would be no Red Faction. If there were no Shenmue......
I am plain pissed off.....
Think about it. We see progression and flowering growth in every prospect of our society, but our videogame industry is at a grinding halt. It is static and advancement is slow and delayed.
In contrast to others....
Like the car industry for instance.....
If the PS2 is a prime example....we would still be driving a 85\', 2 cyclinder engine with low gas mileage, no air bags and such, but the car would have a nice outside sugar coating with a new model...
What I am trying to say is....
As good as these graphics look, gameplay has not progress much. The PS2\'s self reliance on rehashes is hurting the industry....
By rehashes, I mean, a recycle idea that lacks progression.
Note: A sequel does not neccessarily mean it is a rehash. For example, look at the Zelda series. Each game transcends the series to new innovative heights. Now take a look at the Tomb Raider series....that is a rehash.
Sony, in contrast to other companies, rely heavily on these rehashes. What has really change in the last 6 years? Think real hard: NOTHING!
There is no progress....zilch....nada!
This year you will play the exact same game you played 4 years ago.....and the year after that, the cycle repeats......the only difference might be 20,000 polygons....woo f*ckin wee!
It might be sugar coated with a different story, 1 or 2 more levels, new music...but it is the exact same game....
Those are rehashes and Sony breeds and exerts them.
Devil May Cry repeats the cycle. It is just another sorry rehash....
Think Sword of Berzerk in a Resident Evil environment....WOW THAT IS SO INNOVATIVE!!!!!!