I\'ll cut right to the chase....
Pass on it.
I\'ll state the general reasons without going into too much detail:
1. It\'s short.
2. Repetitious.
3. A rehash.
The main problem I have with the game is the exploration aspect. Here we are in our 3rd generation of 3D gaming and *yet* Capcom has not advance to the acceptable next generation standard set by Mario 64. The environments are comprise of a straight forward corridor. It *feels* 2D. Back then, the reason why programmers were restricted to such a diminutive environment was due to pre-rendered background. It was understandable because of the limitations of the PSX hardware. Now we are in the next generation. Why are we *still* restricted to *fake* exploration? You walk into a room, press the button as quickly as possible at every corner until you find something, walk to a door, press a button, run straight until you get to the next room, and repeat. See how repetitious it can get?
I won\'t even get into the hack-n-slash style of gameplay that feels way too similar to the mindless, button mashing scheme of games like Final Fight and Onimusha. It involves no strategy or precision. It is mindless repetition.
What is surprising to me though, is.....
Despite the obvious truth, this game still got unwarranted accolades and strong appraisal from the Sony crowd and various websites.
I have no doubt in my mind it is a propagandish-trend.......
The various websites and magazines are commercialized to the point where they "cater" to the Sony crowd. Meaning, in order to draw these mindless fanboys to their sites and monthly subscription, they would cite outlandish praise for a popular game that doesn\'t warrant such. Those that "speak the truth"(Gamefan) won\'t last long. Notice how commercialize magazines always have the most coverage for the most "in demand" system. It is all a money issue. The review you are reading are not "true" critiques because Sony games will get the benefit of a "double standard". With more subscribers and money, comes more hit. It is a business cognition: "cater to the consumers and reap the rewards".
These so call professional critics are influence by money. It is obvious they have other determining factors other than their own sake of gaming.
Noone dares to criticize a *big* Sony game...
If they do, the fanbase will dwindle dramatically and those fanboys will shift to another magazine that caters to them...
In order for these magazines to "stay in the biz"....they have to hire "Sony fanboys" or conciliate with what the consumers want. The creative process gets taken out and what we are getting is a bunch of sites and magazines that appeases the consumers rather than the other way around. The magazines that covers a broad range of systems will have to render more coverage for the most popular system in order to create the most money....
With green comes commercialism.....with commercialism out goes creative thought process.....
Meaning....in order to write your own opinion and articulate your own thoughts you need creative freedom. This whole commercialism takes this thought process out of a game review. So in the end, the writer will not be able to state his real intended opinion on paper. Consumers rely on game reviewers for the most "professional" source, but the paradox is ......the "professionals" are relying on them to write their review.
You can\'t blame it all on the reviewers....
Game consumers consists of a bunch of asinine kids who refuse to intake anything negative....
They are too arrogant to have an optimistic outlook......and everyone of them is fixated in their own lil world.
Why do you think the most popular mags are the ones that strictly caters(PSM) to one console?
It turns into a cycle.....
Almost propagandish to the way Hitler controlled his regimen.....
These magazines, in order to appease the fans, says a "crap" game is great. The fanboys program it in their head through their conscious brain that relays it into their subconscious brain, and as "crappy" as the game is, it is still "good" just because they have psychologically program their thinking that way....
They *think* FF9 is "the greatest RPG ever made".....
They *think* Tekken is "the greatest 3D fighter ever made".....
It is a *mass* persuasion.....
It is *good* just because everyone says it is good....
Out goes creative personal endeavor, and in goes mindless, recited propaganda....
These kids will develope an incompetence to think for themselves and will have a reliance on others to depict how they should think and live their lives.
Noone ever relies on their own personal reasonings for preference anymore....everyone seems like a bunch of mindless zombies.