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Author Topic: Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!  (Read 2945 times)

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2001, 04:51:02 AM »
This all I want to focuse on because you say the games. Ok when ps2 launched the games where crap besides maybe TTT and SSX. bUT based on sega\'s library if you didn\'t have a dreamcast there was no reason to buy a ps2. But that didn\'t stop most of you in here. But soon as xbox launch comes arounds you want to use double standards Jeesh

A lot of PSX owners were looking forward to buy the PS2, so there was no big need to buy a DC. Games like Wipeout, Gran Turismo, MGS2 and others were and still are exclusive PS2 games and therefore a lot of people (like myself) didn\'t even consider buying a Dreamcast.

Offline Bozco
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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2001, 07:25:25 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

This all I want to focuse on because you say the games. Ok when ps2 launched the games where crap besides maybe TTT and SSX. bUT based on sega\'s library if you didn\'t have a dreamcast there was no reason to buy a ps2. But that didn\'t stop most of you in here. But soon as xbox launch comes arounds you want to use double standards Jeesh:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: , for one, TTT and SSX weren\'t the only two games that people liked at launch, I liked Madden 2001 and Summoner also, and you forgot one little thing, Sony had a reputation, they just had a big console so a lot of people knew PS2 was gonna be good and they went out and bought it as soon as they could, while Microsoft has no previous reputation before the xbox, now was it that hard to figure out

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« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2001, 07:48:37 AM »
"there is no game that we have in development for Xbox that we can’t also make on PS2 "

I dont beleive this, there to me is no way the ps2 could do Dead or Alive 3 with the same detail, and AA which it has in it, and i don\'t thing it could do HALO either.
What do you all think?
I am not putting the ps2 down, but that is just what i think, when i see these games.
And apart from a handful of games, there isn\'t that many PS2 games i want, probably about the same amount as i want to play for Xbox and Gamecube.

Posted by ooseven

Look dude stop talking about me will ya!!!
No just wondered you say this about the Xbox controller, but have you played with one?
Because alot of people that have, have changed there mind about it, saying that it is a good controller.
On the 15 of March 2002, i was going to leave these forums for good.
But on the 16 of March i realised i couldn\'t ever say bye to you guys, so i am staying here for good!

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2001, 11:03:04 AM »
Originally posted by QuDDus

This all I want to focuse on because you say the games. Ok when ps2 launched the games where crap besides maybe TTT and SSX. bUT based on sega\'s library if you didn\'t have a dreamcast there was no reason to buy a ps2. But that didn\'t stop most of you in here. But soon as xbox launch comes arounds you want to use double standards Jeesh:rolleyes:

Sorry my X-BOxenophobic young wipper snapper but your totally 100% wrong

here where my reasons for getting a PS2 (I wanted to get it on the big day but i had to save cos i am poor ! :( )

  • I LOVED Playing TTT Timesplitters and SSX on my Friends PS2, i have played the X box and it fails to intest me other than EGO.
  • I AM A FINAL FANTASY NUT and being able to use the same console toplay 7 to 9 and Final Fantasy 10 and online only made me want it more.
  • I trust SONY more than Microsoft or Nintendo ! (Personal Reasons !) and to be honiest i have never had any problems with any of my Paystations .
  • MGS2 , Gran Turismo 3 , Wipe out Fusion and others (which where shown round launch) made me want it even more
  • i Didn\'t Buy a Dreamcast ! and had my fingers burned with the N64 :mad: :evil:
  • STILL Don\'t give a TOSS about anything non PS2 and will be looking to Pree order a PS3 when the time comes.
  • [/list=1]

    So there there Are double standards, its just that mine are higher than yours :p ;)

    i now have one highly used PS2 with 2 memory cards and a total (so Far of 14 games) if i had a Full time job it would be close to 30 games so i am buying them a bit at a time, now that TOTAL dose not incluse new and up comming ones so there :p ;)


    on a lighter note

    i sayed = "FAR TO BIG AND UGLY "

    Ethan sayed = Look dude stop talking about me will ya!!!

    Hmmm that reminds me ......

    Dose anyone want to buy Picture Of ETHAN NAKED ?

    :p ;)

    oh yeah i have used on of those foul oversized controllers, and my poor handshave never been the same since.
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Offline JediMaster
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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2001, 11:59:57 AM »
Did Newsweek even mention the GameCube?
.....G.....GG........A...A........M..M M..M......EEEE......C...............U......U...BBBB......EEEE.......

Offline seven
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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2001, 12:32:08 PM »
I dont beleive this, there to me is no way the ps2 could do Dead or Alive 3 with the same detail, and AA which it has in it, and i don\'t thing it could do HALO either.

Why not? Or better, what\'s in this game that could not be done on PS2? IMHO, DoA3 and Halo look impressive, but I\'d hardly call it something that is 3x more powerful than current consoles can do and far from something that could not be done on PS2. DoA3 looks (taking out effects, and draw distance) and it doesn\'t look much different than DoA2 (and this is just from a graphics perspective). Anyone who thinks DoA3 can\'t be done on PS2, take a look at Virtua Fighter 4.

Offline Heretic
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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2001, 12:48:40 PM »
Reading the entire Newsweek article instead of just the negative snippets along with the added commentary really leans the bias more towards center. One aspect that kinda gets brushed aside in the mini version is this major point:

MS marketing a piece of hardware the same way they do software is a major snag the article makes clear. With their delay in getting the final product to developers they put the devs in a bind to crank out games that could really show off the list of specs MS has been pushing since last year (pushing and fiddling with, I should add). Instead of launching with the big splash we all expected the xbox entry will hardly make a ripple outside the pool of hardcore gamers and MS believers who\'ve been looking forward to it. That\'s not just IMO, the evidence is all over the place.

As bizarre as it may sound there is good reason to think xbox not being a big hit on day one is of little concern to Bill and the gang. The idea of intentionally starting off looking weaker than promised is not outside the realm of possibility. I\'ll not explain my reasoning here, just remember the longevity of the Xbox will be determined by MS, not how many units are sold in the first month/year or two. MS entered the console game for the long haul with a very practical reason that so far has escaped the attention of the general public. Having the funds to stick it out, MS will do so well past the point where, at a casual glance, giving up would seem the smart thing to do. A while back I used to think differently but MS pulling the plug on xbox within the next two or three years is just not an option.

The short of it is, if you like what you see showing on Xbox buy it and play content with the knowledge it\'ll be around long enough to be a worthwhile investment, without the needless effort of some of you Xfans rallying here for support. Quit wasting time trying to sell the idea to PS2 or GC fans here the graphics of yours is the sh!t while ours be suckin\' on hind tit. We can see what you\'re getting and there is no point, those days are over until the ‘3X more powerful\' is visible for all to take notice.

For now, save the propaganda for yo mama.

[edit:] When I say "some of you Xfans" I mean the likes of DocWiz and QuDDus but not Ethan. I should not have been so vague, sorry

Jedi, GC was metioned but along the lines of \'the millions of Nintendo fans will be getting GC no matter what and are sure to be pleased\' type of deal.  Brushing it off in a positive way as not much of a factor in the whole xbox/PS2 scence. True, no?

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2001, 01:34:16 PM »
yes, look at VF4. It has a noticible drop in backround detail on the PS2 conversion.

There is no way, in my mind, that PS2 could do DOA3 right now. People who think that it looks like  DOA2 need to get their eyes checked. Memory likes to play tricks on you. Take a comparitive look.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2001, 02:22:54 PM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
yes, look at VF4. It has a noticible drop in backround detail on the PS2 conversion.

There is no way, in my mind, that PS2 could do DOA3 right now. People who think that it looks like  DOA2 need to get their eyes checked. Memory likes to play tricks on you. Take a comparitive look.

Eric Jacob

Well, I do need to get my eyes checked but they do seem to work fine for seeing a TV. From what I saw running the wow factor we were seeing in those xbox screen shots just isn\'t there. Backgrounds are impressive yes, character models not so much. The comparison of the two falls apart considering we know damn well there is no way Tecmo even came close to using the PS2 fully the way it was designed to be used. Maybe it\'s true as well for the xbox at this stage but I really doubt it.

We\'ll see better how the backgrounds look in VF4 when the game is for sale. Screen to screen I would have to rate the character models in VF4 as better looking than DoA3. That\'s not very fair either so my only point left would be to say they both look great.

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2001, 02:50:14 PM »
Newsweek can lick my sack as far as opinions go...try out the system before you pass it up

*is the worlds biggest hypocrit as he isnt willing to try out an X-Box*

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2001, 06:11:21 PM »
uggh, seeing it in motion is half the point, or more. It runs more smooth, and lifelike. Kind of like VF3tb to VF4, you can see the ripples in clothing and hair flowing realistically. DOA2 just doesnt show it.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2001, 07:19:35 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
How many gamers do you think look to news week to tell them what console to buy??? I mean if Bossie had not posted nobody would anybody have cared?

Adults usually don\'t read gaming magazines.  They read news magazines.  With Christmas coming up soon, Santa Claus needs help deciding which system to buy for his kids.  An article like this could really hurt Microsoft.  The "gamers" out their already know which system they want to buy, but the average person does not.

I mean you saying news magazines in the first place that don\'t know what gaming is.

Maybe you\'ve already heard this saying before, but I\'ll say it again.  "News magazines don\'t write articles, people write articles."  What?  You haven\'t heard that before?  Well now you have.  Why would the people who write articles for news magazines be any different than the average shmoh(sp?).

And I think it is all bias because everyone seems to forget that ps2 launched sucked **** but because it was surrouned bye much hype nobody cared.

Hmm, speaking of bias...*cough* *cough*

I, for one, loved the PS2 launch.  And I know many others who feel the same way.

This all I want to focuse on because you say the games. Ok when ps2 launched the games where crap besides maybe TTT and SSX. bUT based on sega\'s library if you didn\'t have a dreamcast there was no reason to buy a ps2. But that didn\'t stop most of you in here. But soon as xbox launch comes arounds you want to use double standards Jeesh

There is a difference between then and now.  Then, most of us did not have a Dreamcast.  We were waiting for a more "for sure" system instead of risking wasting our money on a Sega system.(if you think that sentence was hard to read, just imagine how hard it was to write. :) lol.)  But now, we have a PS2 and tons of great games.  And more great games are coming out the same time the Xbox and NGC are launching.  It is an entirely different situation.
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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2001, 08:23:13 PM »
[color=0033CC][JumpMan ON][/color]

Originally posted by Bozco

:rolleyes: , for one, TTT and SSX weren\'t the only two games that people liked at launch, I liked Madden 2001 and Summoner also, and you forgot one little thing, Sony had a reputation, they just had a big console so a lot of people knew PS2 was gonna be good and they went out and bought it as soon as they could, while Microsoft has no previous reputation before the xbox, now was it that hard to figure out

Just because you like a game that makes it a good game?geesh want a ego.  I guess all those ppl out there buying gameday sure now what  a real football game is jeesh:rolleyes: And I never said a ps2 was not a good buy it just was not a launch. DO YOU GET IT AT THE PS2 LAUNCH. Compared to sega\'s library there was no reason to buy a ps2 at launch. If your going to say the same thing about xbox now but it was the same situation at ps2 launch GET IT.

Originally posted by IronFistAdults usually don\'t read gaming magazines. They read news magazines. With Christmas coming up soon, Santa Claus needs help deciding which system to buy for his kids. An article like this could really hurt Microsoft. The "gamers" out their already know which system they want to buy, but the average person does not.

This is not the 20\'s,30\'s,40\'s,50\'s or 60 or so on we are two months away from the year 2002. You think a parent that is about to spend 299.99 on a video game system does not ask there kid what system they want. And how many ppl let there mom or dad choose there console?

Originally posted bye seven A lot of PSX owners were looking forward to buy the PS2, so there was no big need to buy a DC. Games like Wipeout, Gran Turismo, MGS2 and others were and still are exclusive PS2 games and therefore a lot of people (like myself) didn\'t even consider buying a Dreamcast.

Umm Like I said before I said ps2 launch. This whole topic was about not to get a xbox at launch because ps2 has a library of games. Well you may have been looking forward to those games next year. But at the time dc had the best library of games. And if your a true gamer an not some bias one console fool(OOSEVEN) then want to play good games on any console no matter what Name is on front or back on the hardware. And at that time sega had great games on it  at the time ps2 launched.  But ppl can\'t say don\'t buy xbox now because ps2 library is better now when it was the exact same thing last year with ps2 and dc and you guys chose ps2. Don\'t be hipocrites. PPl are going to buy xbox just like all those sony fans bought ps2 when dc had the best library.

Originally posted byeOOSEVENSorry my X-BOxenophobic young wipper snapper but your totally 100% wrong

here where my reasons for getting a PS2 (I wanted to get it on the big day but i had to save cos i am poor !  )

I LOVED Playing TTT Timesplitters and SSX on my Friends PS2, i have played the X box and it fails to intest me other than EGO.

I AM A FINAL FANTASY NUT and being able to use the same console toplay 7 to 9 and Final Fantasy 10 and online only made me want it more.

I trust SONY more than Microsoft or Nintendo ! (Personal Reasons !) and to be honiest i have never had any problems with any of my Paystations .

MGS2 , Gran Turismo 3 , Wipe out Fusion and others (which where shown round launch) made me want it even more

i Didn\'t Buy a Dreamcast ! and had my fingers burned with the N64  

STILL Don\'t give a TOSS about anything non PS2 and will be looking to Pree order a PS3 when the time comes.

So there there Are double standards, its just that mine are higher than yours  

i now have one highly used PS2 with 2 memory cards and a total (so Far of 14 games) if i had a Full time job it would be close to 30 games so i am buying them a bit at a time, now that TOTAL dose not incluse new and up comming ones so there  

Once again you fail to make any points.  Gee you like doing that huh? And your naming games that did not come out at launch I said at launch. Means besides TTT and ssx there where no other games on ps2 that you could say where worth a purchase when you look a the AAA library of games sega had at the time. You may have fun bitting your toe nails, but that does not mean that it\'s better than just clipping them.[COLOR=0033CC][/JumpMan OFF][/COLOR]
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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2001, 11:30:08 AM »
QuDDus, yeah, let\'s compare...

PS2 weak launch vs DC vast AAA library-  the majority didn\'t trust or care what sega had to offer. You may not like it or think it was fair but the fact remains, that\'s how it was. Learn to deal

now you want to compare;

PS2 weak launch vs xbox launch. Hmm... ok, I see how it goes. Whatever, let\'s just do that, as it turns out...

Same thing again all over again.

PS2 weak launch vs xbox super terrific happy launch :rolleyes: - made by a company many people don\'t trust and looking hard at the kiosks shows little difference between the two consoles.

Get the picture?


Seeing DOA3 in motion. Ckecked it out again. Uggh, I did notice the wads of hair moving but not the clothes.  Have to go check again. I also noticed how the camera bounces up and down every time a player is hit. Whats up with that? Does the game play like that? I sure hope not, it seemed very distracting  to me.

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Newsweek says, keep your PS2 don´t go for the x-box!!
« Reply #44 on: November 05, 2001, 05:12:35 AM »
Originally posted by AlteredBeast
yes, look at VF4. It has a noticible drop in backround detail on the PS2 conversion.

There is no way, in my mind, that PS2 could do DOA3 right now. People who think that it looks like  DOA2 need to get their eyes checked. Memory likes to play tricks on you. Take a comparitive look.

Eric Jacob

Where do you get your sources from? Because accoarding to mine, the PS2 version is more or less identical to the arcade one. Or in other words "arcade-perfect". I won\'t compare screens, but I have seen videos of the PS2 version being played and it looks damn good. I can\'t see that drop in background detail there (all videos have bad quality).. ?!

But for now, I think VF4 already looks heaps more impressive than DoA3 ever did.

Originally posted by QuDDus
Just because you like a game that makes it a good game?geesh want a ego. I guess all those ppl out there buying gameday sure now what a real football game is jeesh And I never said a ps2 was not a good buy it just was not a launch. DO YOU GET IT AT THE PS2 LAUNCH. Compared to sega\'s library there was no reason to buy a ps2 at launch. If your going to say the same thing about xbox now but it was the same situation at ps2 launch GET IT.

Once again you fail to make any points. Gee you like doing that huh? And your naming games that did not come out at launch I said at launch. Means besides TTT and ssx there where no other games on ps2 that you could say where worth a purchase when you look a the AAA library of games sega had at the time. You may have fun bitting your toe nails, but that does not mean that it\'s better than just clipping them.

Let me get this straight: it\'s not okay for IronFist to say that they were other good games at launch (boy, what a ego, huh?), but it\'s okay for you to say that besides TTT and SSX there were no other games worth purchasing? Go read some reviews. I for one was very pleased with the PS2\'s launch (and I bought 4 games at launch) and so were many others.

As IronFist already pointed out: Sony had a reputation. What kind of a reputation does Microsoft have? None as console manufacturer, not to mention the other image they have. But why do you compare the PS2\'s launch with the one Microsoft is yet to face this month? They were completely different, and if you like it or not, Sony didn\'t need a "perfect" launch. Microsoft sure does nid something better than just good if they want to stay in this market, because these negative articles are sure making things worse for them. BTW: Sony had the reputation, the performance, the games (and exclusives) to stack up against the DC. And time showed, it was more than enough to be where they are now with PS2: right on target to become the most succesful console in history.


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