Reading the entire Newsweek article instead of just the negative snippets along with the added commentary really leans the bias more towards center. One aspect that kinda gets brushed aside in the mini version is this major point:
MS marketing a piece of hardware the same way they do software is a major snag the article makes clear. With their delay in getting the final product to developers they put the devs in a bind to crank out games that could really show off the list of specs MS has been pushing since last year (pushing and fiddling with, I should add). Instead of launching with the big splash we all expected the xbox entry will hardly make a ripple outside the pool of hardcore gamers and MS believers who\'ve been looking forward to it. That\'s not just IMO, the evidence is all over the place.
As bizarre as it may sound there is good reason to think xbox not being a big hit on day one is of little concern to Bill and the gang. The idea of intentionally starting off looking weaker than promised is not outside the realm of possibility. I\'ll not explain my reasoning here, just remember the longevity of the Xbox will be determined by MS, not how many units are sold in the first month/year or two. MS entered the console game for the long haul with a very practical reason that so far has escaped the attention of the general public. Having the funds to stick it out, MS will do so well past the point where, at a casual glance, giving up would seem the smart thing to do. A while back I used to think differently but MS pulling the plug on xbox within the next two or three years is just not an option.
The short of it is, if you like what you see showing on Xbox buy it and play content with the knowledge it\'ll be around long enough to be a worthwhile investment, without the needless effort of some of you Xfans rallying here for support. Quit wasting time trying to sell the idea to PS2 or GC fans here the graphics of yours is the sh!t while ours be suckin\' on hind tit. We can see what you\'re getting and there is no point, those days are over until the ‘3X more powerful\' is visible for all to take notice.
For now, save the propaganda for yo mama.
[edit:] When I say "some of you Xfans" I mean the likes of DocWiz and QuDDus but not Ethan. I should not have been so vague, sorry
Jedi, GC was metioned but along the lines of \'the millions of Nintendo fans will be getting GC no matter what and are sure to be pleased\' type of deal. Brushing it off in a positive way as not much of a factor in the whole xbox/PS2 scence. True, no?