Hey BizioEE the PM said it was too long so here it is.........my xbox impressions.......Enjoy.
What\'s up BizioEE? Its good to hear from you again. My thoughts about xbox is that the systems is a power house with graphics and the games has the gameplay to match it. First off DOA3 just has to be been seen to be believe. I mean this game is beautiful(all running at 60fps with not a drop of slowdown), I think its a notch above VF4 graphics(I just played it in the arcade a couple of days ago. Basicallyl if you liked doa2 you will love doa3 it has more of everything stages, characters, moves, ending(Some of the best CG ever), and most important the gameplay has been tweaked to almost perfection(you can also do wall combos similar to tekken 4). You have to see the ice cavern stage, chinatown stage, and the snow stage. Unbelieveable!!!! This game has to some of the cleanest most beautiful textures I\'ve ever seen. Even the character models look a good bit better than doa2, I mean the clothes look like clothes. For example bass outfit looks like a real leather or a brick looks like a brick. DOA3 has the best soundtrack of all the doa games. Mostly rock style music, and guess what? Best of all doa3 has ZERO loading time. None. Overall, this is a must have launch title to show you the power of the xbox.
Halo-So far I\'m about 3 hours into the game and let me tell you this game has some of the most unbelieveable graphics I"ve ever seen. The framerate is very good and stable. Once again the textures are high res and very clear. Halo also has a strong soundtrack it sounds like a moving soundtrack. Its very dramatic and intense. Very good music. Halo strong point is also its gameplay I mean its a FPS but with a unique twist to it you have a army of guys helping through out the game. For example one of your marine friends maybe ambush by an alien and he will ask you to come and help him fight them out. There\'s also alot of speech in this game. Amazing. The control is that it uses both analog sticks one moves you forward the other one rotates you. Its easy to get use to after awhile the trigger button fire and are your generades. Another cool feature is that any bad guy that you kill you can pick up and use his weapon. I"m at the point that I"m riding a jeep and have to a way across a bridge. Well overall has is the top of the line in FPS. Another must have title for xbox.
Project gothem-I had to get a racing game you know and PG is the game to get. Its basically a sequel to MSR for dc, but it really enchanced. The graphics are a silky smooth 60fps and with some of the best car relection since gt3. The cars looks amazing they have a gt3-look to them. This game has some massive looking stages for example the new york stage has tons of building around along with street signs and everything. Which really makes it look like the location in real life. Also the music is pretty cool mostly deejay tracks and radio stations with a mix of rap, rock, pop, classical, and other unique types of music. Guess what? If you don\'t like the music you can burn your own music on the hardrive and race to it in project gothem. The controls is very arcadey-feeling and you earn kudos points depending on the way you perform in the race and what techinque you use(Like powersliding). I only been playing this game for about 2 hours and its awesome. So overall I"m loving my xbox and I forward to see what this system can do in the future. I"m glad M$ enter the console market and look forward to seeing the games of the future and what xbox can bring to the table. I would recommand all of these games their all must haves. Hope that helps. Enjoy.....