I\'m more in Halo like the 3rd level and in the alien ship, talk about Bump Mapping!! It\'s all over the place. It\'s on the walls to the floor! What an affect. Nice touches. I can\'t wait to get in the Tank.
Heres the Jeep its real cool to drive hard to steer. It has 4 wheel steering. The cam goes where you steer. You can pick up men and they will shoot in all angles!! Real cool!!
This is the level I\'m on. You have to get to the mother ship and get out your captian. I\'ve not got out alive yet!
This snow level is sweet, I\'m not there yet.
I can\'t wait to get into this tank.
Some of those aliens have some type of shield that they hold. I found out if you use alien guns, the shields gets lost and blast\'em up!!
If you shoot off the alien in there tank, you\'ll able to use it on them. You can see the bump mapping on the ground next to him. When you get in the ailen mother ship you see it all over the ground and the walls.
Heres where I\'m at, you have to make it to the port to get in the mother ship to get the captian out of there alive. Talk about gameplay!!