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Author Topic: Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox  (Read 2888 times)

Offline Lord Nicon
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2002, 06:35:03 PM »
Ha Ha Ha Ha! He said that he see\'s no reason to buy a ps2 except some quick games.:laughing: He also said that the grafix in tony hawks pro skater 2x was enough to play the game! First of all, "grafix whore", and second, the models in thps2x were just small advancements over thps2 on dreamcast. I doesnt look as good as the beatiful one on ps2, (wich is also better than the gamecubes, not really grafix but in pretty much everything else).
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Offline Dajona
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2002, 07:36:34 PM »
They\'re certainly right on some things but wrong on alot of others.  We\'ve yet to see a really good comparison of the consoles.

Offline IronFist
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2002, 08:18:03 PM »
Originally posted by Lord Nicon
I just had a thought. Maybe he thought that that contrlloer was the reall thing!  :laughing:  what a moron! You guys said most of the things i had to say. Thanx:D. [/COLOR]

lol.  I didn\'t even notice that ugly controller they had in the pic.  Where are the analog sticks?
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Offline Watchdog
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2002, 08:25:24 PM »
You know it doesn\'t really matter.  People who know enough about consoles aren\'t looking in PS for opinions.  THis article will have an effect on casual people and the xbox has been getting a lot of these "misinformed" articles lately.  For people who don\'t visit forums or keep up, this stuff is gospel.
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Offline SwifDi
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2002, 08:57:25 PM »
What the hell does science have anything to do with gaming?


Stick to chemistry you labrats!

Offline GoldenChocobo
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2002, 09:45:01 PM »
WTf.. He didn\'t even use the first party Ps2 controller and he\'s claming that the Xbox has abetter controller.. AAAAAAH what a bunch of SH!t..  And Ps2 graphics 3 little football things only?? Has this guy even seen MGS2 yet??
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2002, 09:51:07 PM »
come on people....you cant honestly be taking this garbage seriously....he\'s been paid by microsoft or someone to write htat piece of garbage...

no jounalistic integrity...

Offline IronFist
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2002, 10:00:57 PM »
PS is an America-only magazine right?  Hopefully MS doesn\'t give money hats to too many other magazines across the world, or this may actually have an impact on their future.
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2002, 11:09:38 PM »
I\'ve never even seen that third party PS2 controller.  What the hell is it?  Who the hell makes it?  Who the hell would buy that?  No analog sticks, not even six face buttons, it\'s obviously not a third partry fighter pad like ascii makes for its 2D fighters.  What the hell is going on here?  *Shrugs*  The guy prolly knocked MGS2 because Snake could not do most of his actions without the pressure sensitive buttons.
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Offline kimathi
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2002, 11:20:47 PM »
Come on guys, this could actually be this guy\'s real opinion no matter how stupid some of you think his opinion is. It\'s right to debate what he wrote, but why is it that everytime someone writes an article about Xbox being better than the PS2 some of you immediately swear that MS must have bought the guy off or paid for the write-up. Do you have any real proof that this is what actually happened? If some of you do, please post this proof so that we can all see it. I\'m not saying that it\'s not possible, but some of you guys act as if Sony Corp. are angels and never have any shady business practices.

What\'s even more hilarious is how some of you diss MS for the Xbox not living up to the hype, but totally excuse the grand claims that Sony made about the PS2 in it\'s beginning and everyone now knows how that turned out. I realize that this is a PS2 forum, but in order to have a FAIR discussion in console debate, couldn\'t we at least hold both companies to the same standards?

Offline Bran Muffin
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2002, 11:37:34 PM »
Originally posted by kimathi
Come on guys, this could actually be this guy\'s real opinion no matter how stupid some of you think his opinion is. It\'s right to debate what he wrote, but why is it that everytime someone writes an article about Xbox being better than the PS2 some of you immediately swear that MS must have bought the guy off or paid for the write-up. Do you have any real proof that this is what actually happened? If some of you do, please post this proof so that we can all see it. I\'m not saying that it\'s not possible, but some of you guys act as if Sony Corp. are angels and never have any shady business practices.

first of all...its how he states his opinion...its an article discussing the three consoles and which to buy...he spends the whole time talking about how \'great\' XBox is with these lame excuses... he obviously hasnt researched anything, he obviously has some ****ty PS2 controllers, he has obviously neglected lots of facts, he even said we shouldnt buy a PS2 unless you want games!  AND LOTS OF THEM!, he is obviously a hack

Originally posted by kimathi
What\'s even more hilarious is how some of you diss MS for the Xbox not living up to the hype, but totally excuse the grand claims that Sony made about the PS2 in it\'s beginning and everyone now knows how that turned out. I realize that this is a PS2 forum, but in order to have a FAIR discussion in console debate, couldn\'t we at least hold both companies to the same standards?

i dont see how thats hilarious..but...i cant tell you that if you were here for the PS2 launch, you would have noticed quite a bit of flack going its way for not living up to the hype, and the DreamCast was in the same position that PS2 was in for that article...dont make ignorant assumptions...
How do you come from floppy??

Offline IronFist
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2002, 12:05:06 AM »
Originally posted by kimathi
Come on guys, this could actually be this guy\'s real opinion no matter how stupid some of you think his opinion is. It\'s right to debate what he wrote, but why is it that every time someone writes an article about Xbox being better than the PS2 some of you immediately swear that MS must have bought the guy off or paid for the write-up.

Whether or not MS paid PopSci to write this article does not change my opinion of the utter garbage coming out of this writer\'s mouth.  I have always respected PopSci for their up-to-date coverage on the latest technology, but this article is just awful.  Either he actually believes the things he wrote (and he should get fired for writing such an obviously biased article), or PopSci was paid to praise the Xbox.

I have no proof that Microsoft is giving out money hats, but I do know that Microsoft is trying to force itself into this market by any means necessary.  With previous buyouts of companies like Bungie and Oddworld (or whatever their company is called), and with the buyout reputation that Microsoft has (as of January 21st, my Qwest internet account will become my MSN internet account :rolleyes: ), can you blame me for thinking that biased articles like this were paid for?

Sony has never been this bad.  They got into this industry by luck (as well as some smart decisions), not by throwing their financial muscle around.

What\'s even more hilarious is how some of you diss MS for the Xbox not living up to the hype, but totally excuse the grand claims that Sony made about the PS2 in it\'s beginning and everyone now knows how that turned out.

The PS2 launch was a whole year ago.  Of course we know that the PS2 didn\'t live up to all the hype, and we discussed that months and months ago.  We can only dwell on that for so long before we move on.  Now it\'s Microsoft\'s turn. Also, the anti-PS2 people bashed and mocked the PS2 launch a year ago, so why shouldn’t the PS2 fans get their sweet revenge now? ;)
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Offline Bran Muffin
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2002, 01:14:38 AM »
IronFist...i just said that.....  :D

only mine was shorter....jeez, your nothing but a hack  ;)
How do you come from floppy??

Offline IronFist
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2002, 01:35:26 AM »
Because it took me so long to type my reply up (I was taking breaks to read different threads ;)), you got your response posted before me.  I\'m not about to delete what I typed just because someone beat me to it though. ;)  Just think of it as me backing you up.
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Offline Bran Muffin
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Popular Science Compares the consoles: GameCube, PS2 and Xbox
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2002, 02:05:10 AM »
but yours is longer than mine and gives off the impression that your smarter than me! (yeah, right ;))

no toot :fro:
How do you come from floppy??


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