Originally posted by kimathi
Come on guys, this could actually be this guy\'s real opinion no matter how stupid some of you think his opinion is. It\'s right to debate what he wrote, but why is it that every time someone writes an article about Xbox being better than the PS2 some of you immediately swear that MS must have bought the guy off or paid for the write-up.
Whether or not MS paid PopSci to write this article does not change my opinion of the utter garbage coming out of this writer\'s mouth. I have always respected PopSci for their up-to-date coverage on the latest technology, but this article is just awful. Either he actually believes the things he wrote (and he should get fired for writing such an obviously biased article), or PopSci was paid to praise the Xbox.
I have no proof that Microsoft is giving out money hats, but I do know that Microsoft is trying to force itself into this market by any means necessary. With previous buyouts of companies like Bungie and Oddworld (or whatever their company is called), and with the buyout reputation that Microsoft has (as of January 21st, my Qwest internet account will become my MSN internet account :rolleyes: ), can you blame me for thinking that biased articles like this were paid for?
Sony has never been this bad. They got into this industry by luck (as well as some smart decisions), not by throwing their financial muscle around.
What\'s even more hilarious is how some of you diss MS for the Xbox not living up to the hype, but totally excuse the grand claims that Sony made about the PS2 in it\'s beginning and everyone now knows how that turned out.
The PS2 launch was a whole year ago. Of course we know that the PS2 didn\'t live up to all the hype, and we discussed that months and months ago. We can only dwell on that for so long before we move on. Now it\'s Microsoft\'s turn. Also, the anti-PS2 people bashed and mocked the PS2 launch a year ago, so why shouldn’t the PS2 fans get their sweet revenge now?